with coupon. Expires 8/18/02 is the at Restaurant t ends atmospiieric elegance with cu afe Featuring the bubble 30923 Woociward Ave. • Royal Oak, MI +8073 (248) 288-0002 Open: Mon - Thur. 1 1 am -10pm • Fri. 1 1 am- 1 1 pm Sat. 2pm-1 1 pm • 5un. 1 2-10pm Lunch served '61 3pm Mon-fri moo. 6 • • • t .•• •• • • • • DELI t i F * "); 3 ' . IIP voc • • • • . t „. .14,c.46 , , z sil 1 , o , , t tt do, . , ' ------ --- -"' 1— f mile Se Woodward in The Northwood Slopping Center . 13 , ,4/4 o or 40 .k=-U-T- -- i * /,,, -. . lcI a y Brunch 1/411 Calisher, who is mar- ried to the novelist Curtis Harnack, has lived in her West Side apartment in a landmark building for more than 40 years. The walls in the sitting room are high enough to accommodate paintings (many done by artists who are friends) hung above one another. The room has a warm feeling, filled with antique furniture, colorful rugs and family photo- graphs. In conversation, the author makes fre- quent references to her books and stories. Her family goes back three generations in the United States, albeit long ones. ner grandfather came here in 1827, mar- ried in 1852 in Richmond, Va., where Hortense Calisher: "There's an awful lot of sperm in her father, the seventh Jewish novels by men. I get a little sick of it." son, was born. Her father married at age 50. "Adding my own age, it's encounter anti-Semitism in a woman quite a long stretch, with a lot of who is "old stock." family," she says. It brought Calisher many comments About her own Jewish identity, she from those who questioned her knowl- adds, "I was very lucky. My father was edge of Jews and of the Catskills. very proud of being a Jew. My mother "Thad other things to say and was was a German Jew. You know what that busy saying them," she says. "Nothing entails. She had certain feelings about is about one subject, as far- as I'm con- other Jews. I identified with my father." cerned. The author grew up in the "I had no interest in being identified Washington Heights section of New as a Jewish writer," she adds, praising York City. At Mt. Nebo, the Reform Bernard Malamud, arid, by their first synagogue her family attended, she names, Philip Roth and Saul Bellow. attended Hebrew school with Arthur "They had it all tangled up with other Lelyveld, who went on to become a things." well-known activist rabbi. About Sunday Jews, she says, "I had She recalls that her father, passionate said things that were particularly about both his Southern and his attached to how a woman would see Jewish identities, read Hebrew with a Jewish life. There's an awful lot of Southern drawl. sperm in Jewish novels by men. I get a little sick of it." Calisher avoids writing with a mes- Late Start sage, and doesn't have an agenda. Calisher didn't begin writing until she Rather, when she writes, all kinds of was in her late 30s and living in the ideas and experience flood in. suburbs. The director of a local arts "Writing is like putting your hand center encouraged her to send out her in a deep well and pulling something stories for publication. out. Very often you come up with Although initially turned down, sev- what you didn't know you had." eral pieces were accepted by the New About her many books she says, "I Yorker, and Calisher began publishing never know how they're going to float her work there in the 1940s. up. They make themselves. Her first novel, False Entry, was pub- 'I'd realized that after I had done lished in 1951. One story she wrote quite a few — that no matter what I for the New Yorker, "Old Stock," was was writing about overtly, I was writ- about a 15-year old Jewish girl and her ing about my country from different mother visiting the Catskills who angles." ❑ 15% OFF TOTAL BILL Your chance to win one of 4 Spectacular Events for 40 Fabulous Years of Business! In August enter to win our popular Sunday Brunch at the Stage Served family style at the Stage. Sunday brunch includes: hand sliced nova, sable. whitefish. herring, tuna. cheeses, vegetables, farmer salad, fruits. desserts and beverage...a $750 Value! "tkAtk 60-ie teg-r aicp , 111 1 1 1111 w9ftzterfaffzurs?' Stage Deli • 6873 Orchard Lake Rd. "On the Boardwalk" • 248.855.6622 632720 Live Entertainment 41 Every Sat. & Beginning at 1; 6:00 p.m Buy one entree get the second entree 50% off Monday - Wednesday only . Of equal or lesser value. Expires 8/31/02 Dine in only 245 1) 474-2420 Includes soup or salad. vegetable, potato and homemade rolls 20300 Farnun on Road Between 7 & 8 Mile on East Side 10% OFF SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT 8/ 2 2002 79