ROSH HASHANAH GREETINGS 5763 ec,14-ea ► .c.‘-e, a- tadeic:4.! 5763 WISH FAMILY, FRIENDS AND THE ENTIRE JEWISH COMMUNITY A HAPPY NEW YEAR! atiwt toishos.A. hirfrhy, hetritity lett) (Oaf. These are samples of the personal greetings available to you. # 1 - NAME - ‘`n\ $23.00 *X 1 51ustuCrava 1111111J1111111111111 These are person to person greetings only. If you would like to send a greeting for your business, contact your sales rep or call our classified dept. at (248) 539-3001. 2002 • 5763 1111f11011111111111f1 PPY w Year May the coming year be filled with health and to all out 1riencl.6 and telaiiveb. and friends. — NAME — — NAME — #2 $37.00 happiness for all our family Since 1942, placing Rosh HaShanah greetings in THE JEWISH NEWS has been a cherished community tradition... carried on by children and grandchildren. Aside from saving postage, time and last-minute worry, your greeting lets relatives and friends - here and around the country - know that you care. Please note that our annual Rosh HaShanah issue will appear on September 6. We need to receive your greeting by August 27th! Otherwise, it will appear in the following week's issue. /41e c4,1, teekt.c6 /at. $50.00 eat, We with our fatnilY-'anb frienOs a very healthy, bcippV an prosperous new Vear. #4 ‘44-td ivici-pr at $36.00 To be published: September 6, 2002 l'eacd .s awid - NAME - #6 $83.00 Deadline: August 26, 2002 Greetings arriving after the deadline will run in the following edition. Please clip and send the coupon below with remittance. L~S HANAH TOVAH! SEND TO: The Jewish News Greetings 30301 Northwestern Hwy. #200 Farmington Hills, MI 48334 Attn: Gina Horwitz Please insert my New Year's Greeting # Check enclosed (circle one) NAME (PLEASE PRINT NAME TO APPEAR IN GREETING) ADDRESS CITY $36 $37 VISA OR MASTERCARD # 7/26 $50 $60 $83 EXP. DATE 2002 $100 $115 Other 60 I. STATE PHONE ( $23 SIGNATURE /t.e0A_Itli, AMOUNT ZIP CODE