Cousins Oleg Pronin and Detroiter Ruth Vosko meet for the first time in Israel. Connections Made Detroit resources, while Stephanie Weiner of San Diego and others offered The coincidences of this research helpful suggestions and information. adventure were compounded: Marc Manson has access to the Detroit Manson had gone to school with Ruth city directories — listing families and Vosko's son, Mark, and knew the fami- addresses — which enable researchers ly. to track family movements year by Manson made the initial phone call year. He searched for Pinsky, but did- to Vosko, who told him her father's n't find anyone of "stature" in any name was Joseph Yendick and that he automobile-related industry. was Zlate-Lottie Pinsker's brother who However, he did find the Pinsker she had joined in Detroit. She notified family, owners of the United all the relatives, including Lottie's Automobile Wrecking Company — daughters and their families. Vosko an auto parts business. From the late and I burned up the Internet with our 1920s, Sam Pinsker was listed with fast and furious messages, and phone his wife, Lottie. She was listed as a calls. Another of Vosko's relatives, Henry widow from 1939. "Lottie" was a reasonable Ginsburg of Sioux City, Iowa, is Americanization of the Yiddish name researching the Ginsburg family of "Zlate," and we thought we were on Mogilev, which happens to be my Ginsburg family of Newark, N.J. (with the right track. Weiner worked the Ellis Island a Detroit branch!). Database and came up with Zlate's The family never knew there was arrival record: "Indich, Zlate of Causk anyone related to them in Israel or (Chaus) Russia, 23, arrived in New York anywhere else. on Feb. 21, 1924, on the ship Estonia. Vosko and her brother Albert called She was going to her brother Joseph Pronin soon after the connection was Jendick, at 457 Wilkins St., Detroit. Her made. Pronin's Yiddish is rusty, so they occupation is listed as 'milliner,' and the communicated through his daughter record indicates she left her father, Aron Irina (usually called Ira), 13, whose Indich in Causk, Homelakaja gubernia command of English is excellent. Vosko decided to come with her son (village)." The "J" in Jendick can also equal "11" Mark to meet their newly found fami- ly: Oleg, 53; his wife, Svetlana, 41; and for Yendick, so Manson and other researchers began searching for Yendicks Ira. Vosko, who speaks fluent Yiddish, is — and hit pay dirt. Manson supplied Pinsker cemetery an executive secretary with a large records, including for Sam Pinsker, international real-estate company, and while Weiner forwarded Social Security volunteers with the Detroit-area Death Index, California Death Index Russian-immigrant community. She is listings and more. I found Yendick obit- also campaign manager for her attor- ney son Alan Vosko's run for 47th uaries and other records. to his denim jacket, and said that his great-grandfather and grandfather had passed down the story that the family had been in 15th-century Amsterdam, where they were manufacturers and merchants of indigo blue dye, which they sold in Africa, Europe and points more distant. The family name had been Indigo (for the dye), which later became "Indig" or "Induch" in Belarus. However, the arrival of the family in Belarus is shrouded in mystery, as to when they arrived in Chaussy (some- times pronounced "Shavus") near Mogilev. Coincidentally, my ancestor Rabbi Aron Zelig Talalay was Crown Rabbi of Chaussy (a government post) in the 1880s. Languages whirled around us all afternoon and evening. Ira Pronin speaks English, Russian, Hebrew and Arabic. Her father Oleg knows Russian, Hebrew, some Yiddish and English. Mark Vosko: basic Russian, some Hebrew, Punjabi, Spanish, Italian and French; Svetlana Pronin: Hebrew and some English; Ruth Vosko: Yiddish. Along to help translate was another Jewish genealogy networking buddy, my friend Martha Lev-Zion of Omer. She is president of the IGS Negev . Genealogical Society. We all spent hours poring over old photos, drawing and redrawing family charts, under- Filling In Gaps It was as if we had known everyone for standing whom everyone was and what degree of cousin everyone represented. years — there was such an immediate A wonderful dinner out followed and strong connection. The family stories everyone went to visit the Pronin fami- were fascinating. Both sides knew ly's lovely apartment. I returned to Tel pieces of stories and together filled in Aviv, while Ruth and Mark Vosko , the missing blanks. stayed the night. Facts were corrected: Sam Pinsker What a day! Hugs and hands recon- was killed and Lottie injured by a car nected through time and space the that hit them while they waited for a descendants of a family whose two sib- streetcar. The family auto parts busi- lings, Joseph and Lottie, left for ness was run by Lottie ran after her America and left behind a brother husband's death. Said Vosko, "She (Shmuel) and sisters in Mogilev. Some knew more about cars than most letters and pictures were received until mechanics!" 1938 and then nothing at all ... until Pronin knew that Sam had found last January. Joe a job at Ford Motor Company, Networking from Tel Aviv to where he worked. Vosko had never researchers in Detroit, San Diego and heard of a beauty contest, but knew other cities, brought facts, suggestions that she and Lottie's daughter, Ruth, and telephone calls — reuniting a fam- were both named after their great- ily, against all odds, in only two hectic grandmother Rasha Ginsburg. Pronin's weeks. daughter Ira, named after his mother, With this meeting, it feels like all the was born exactly four years to the day children of Mogilev and nearby after Ira's death. Chaussy are holding hands and hearts It was determined that the person around the world. Pronin called "Girsh" or "Hirsh" was Is it any wonder I love what I do? 11] really Ruth's father, Joe, so we stopped looking for another brother. This edited article was published origi- Mark Vosko wanted to know why nally on March 14 in "City the family was named after a turkey Lights/Jerusalem Post." (Induch), as they believed. Pronin laughed, animatedly pointing District Court judge. This was Ruth's ninth trip to Israel. Her visits have included volunteer stints at Israel Defense F orces air and army bases, Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit-sponsored mis- sions and her grandson's bar mitzvah at Masada. (She plans to volunteer with the IDF again in December, said Alan Vosko.) The Voskos and I traveled together to Beersheva on March 3 to meet Pronin and his family. Oleg Pronin's first words to Ruth Vosko were, "I have been looking for you for 40 years." She replied, "Your hair is just like my father Joe's," and burst into tears. More tears, hugs, kisses, laughter and jokes ensued as pictures, names, charts and family stories flew around the room. There were photographs of three generations of Induch relatives, great- grandfather Moshe Davidovich and his wife, Rasha Ginsburg, Pronin's grand- father Shmuel Davidovich (the brother of Ruth's father, Joe, and Aunt Lottie) and one of his five wives, Gruneh, and some of their children. Vosko and Mark talked about Lottie's children and their families, and Oleg about the relatives who stayed behind. 7/26 2002 43