Friend of Israel For twenty-eight gears, Jim Blanchard has stood by Israel. Nowit is time to stand by Jim Blanchard on August 6th. * Since the time he represented us in the United States Congress, through serving as Governor and Ambassador, Jim Blanchard has been a loyal and unwavering friend of the State of Israel. lir As a U.S. Congressman for eight years from Oakland County, Jim Blanchard v- voted and supported every resolution, bill and measure in support of Israel, often leading the effort. - lir Jim Blanchard was the only Michigan member of the President's Commission v- on the Holocaust and the first Michigan member of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council. - * As Governor, Jim Blanchard made Michigan the first state in the nation to v- buy State of Israel bonds. - * As Chair of the National Democratic Platform, Jim Blanchard made sure the v- Platform had a strong pro-Israel plank. - * As U.S. Ambassador to Canada and advisor to President Clinton, Jim Blanchard continued his support for a strong, secure, sovereign and independent Israel. Remember Jim Blanchard in the August 6th Democratic Primary. Jim It Blanchard 4SPF4- for GOVERNOR 2002 7/12 2002 70 Paid for by Citizens for Responsible Leadership, 6823 Post.Oak Drive, W. Bloomfield, MI 48322, Steven Kaplan, Treasurer