Arts &Entertainment Indelible Immigrants New books examine the Jewish immigrant experience in America, and the lives of immigrant Jews in America's mother country. All demonstrate the old adage: A picture is worth a thousand words. SUZANNE CHESSLER Special to the Jewish News A rt gives form to ideas in new books that chronicle the path to Jewish acceptance and independence in the United States and Great Britain. In Jewish Americans: The Immigrant Experience (Hugh Lauter Levin Associates, Inc.; $60), author Hasia Diner selected the illustrations before writing the text. Drawings went hand- in-hand with text for Jews in America: A Cartoon History (The Jewish Publication Society; $24.95), written . and illustrated by David Gantz, a polit- ical cartoonist, author and sculptor. Caricatures and engravings give a sense of the times covered in The Jews of Britain: 1656 to 2000 (University of California Press; $22.50) by Todd Endelman, a University of Michigan 314 professor and administrator. 7/ 5 2002 60 "Jewish Americans: The Immigrant Experience' aseball great Hank Greenberg stands out as a Michigan connection in Jewish Americans, B Hasia Diner's attractive coffee-table volume that's big, colorful and concise in narrative. Diner, a New York University professor who spe- cializes in American Jewish history, was tapped to build the pages of this narrative of the Jewish expe- rience in America — focusing on immigrants and the children of immigrants — around the pictures and include written information to fill in the his- torical time line. 'As a social historian, I probably underempha- sized the importance and aesthetics of illuStrations, but with this book, I realize pictures are grabbing and really can tell a story that's very different than what words can tell," says Diner, 54, now chair of a Haifa University international board planning a center for the study of American history there. The book, which traces the American Jewish experience from the 17th century to the 21st cen- tury, includes decorative pages from religious texts, sketches of early American settlements, watercolors depicting the westward movement, artistic docu- ments, family and celebrity photographs, paintings by well-known artists and entertainment posters. To humanize the various time periods, individu- als are shown in portrait and profiled. Among those featured are merchant Aaron Lopez, repre- sented in a painting by Gilbert Stuart; philanthro- pist Rebecca Gratz, captured in a rendering by Thomas Sully; and Albert Einstein, probably the greatest scientific thinker of the 20th century, cap- tured in photographs in his classroom and at a din- ner in his honor held by the American Palestine Campaign Committee. "The book covers the process of building com- munities, adjustments between the pre-migration setting and the expectations of American opportu- nities, and the issues of continuity and change," says Diner, who grew up in a Zionist home and maintains that commitment. "For the segments that are not illustrated, I asked myself what I consid- ered most important for readers to know. We made a real effort not to make this a New York story." Diner, who spent summers at Michigan's Midwest Camp Habonim (Camp Tavor) in Three Rivers, empha- sizes the accomplish- ments of Jews in the This coffee-table volume sciences, arts, business tells the story of the impact and philanthropy and of the Jewish migration to celebrates their assimi- America through the lives lation. of the immigrants and "America would their descendents. surely have been a poorer place in body, mind and spirit had Jews not made the journey to this, their golden land," writes the author, who lists Jewish Web sites for more information. "As the new millennium begins, the story of the Jewish Americans is far from over. What has come to a close for many, however, is their search for a place to end their wanderings." Yews in America: A Cartoon History' la enry Ford holds a place in Jews in America, but his impact as an automaker is not the issue. What's important to author David Gantz is Ford's impact on anti-Semitic practices and publications. . "I read about 25 books before working on this history volume, but I knew about Henry Ford's attitudes toward the Jews since I was a young man," says Gantz, who traces Ford's ideas to anti- Semitic Europeans, follows the automaker's volatile communications through the Dearborn Independent newspaper and calls attention to the