85 Years
are involved with, or finished with,
Melton can benefit from Eilu v'Eilu
classes that fill in the gaps."
In recent years, B'nai Moshe and
Beth Ahm have been joined as Eilu
v'Eilu-sponsoring organizations by
seven other organizations: Adat
Shalom Synagogue, Congregation
Beth Shalom, Congregation Shaarey
Zedek, Hillel Day School of
Metropolitan Detroit, Jewish
Theological Seminary Great Lakes
Region, United Synagogue of
Conservative Judaism Great Lakes and
Rivers Region and the Women's
League for Conservative Judaism-
Michigan Branch.
Eilu v'Eilu receives $1,250 from
each sponsoring organization except
for the JTS, which instead contributes
office space. Private donors have con-
tributed as much as $7,500 annually,
Kaplan said. Because the organization
offers many free courses, last year's stu-
dents .paid less than $2,000 in tuition.
The Fisher grant brought in
$25,000 in 1999 and $23,000 for -
each of the next two years.
"In the scheme of things, it wasn't
much," Rabbi Pachter said, "but to us,
it was everything." ❑
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He leaves for Ramah June 21, and
plans to be back at Eilu v'Eilu's
Bloomfield Township office on Aug. 1.
At first, Dr. Parker's role at Eilu
v'Eilu will center on development and
fund-raising, said Kaplan. The pair
has applied for a $10,000 grant from
the Coalition for the Advancement of
Jewish Education (CAJE). They've
also investigated the possibilities of
sponsoring an intern from the
Drachler Program in Jewish
Communal Service at the University
of Michigan.
Dr. Parker will be among the teach-
ers at an Israel Learning Night spon-
sored by Eilu v'Eilu on Tuesday, June
18. The event runs 7-10 p.m. at
Congregation Shaarey Zedek's Irving
and Beverly Laker Education and
Youth Complex in West Bloomfield.
The new Eilu v'Eilu mazkir will
lead a session called "The Dawn of
Our Redemption," which will analyze
the prayer for the state of Israel.
Other presenters will be Allan Gale,
Dr. Richard Lederman, Aviva
Silverman and Rabbis Scott Bolton,
Hal Greenwald and Charles Popky.
The evening's tuition will be a min-
imum of $18 per person or $36 per
household. Donations in larger
amounts also are sought. ❑
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