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March 01, 2002 - Image 41

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2002-03-01

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suite 100, Southfield, MI 48034, by
March 4. (248) 355-3300.
Jewish Professional Singles 35-55
Plus — Saturday, March 9, 8 p.m.
Dance with music by Living Energy.
$13 at the door. Birmingham
Temple. Cindy Leven (248) 542-

Stars of David — Wednesday,
March 6, 7:30 p.m. For adoptive
parents, prospective parents or those
exploring adoption, "Adoption and
the Schools," an informal discussion
featuring Amy Cutler, principal,
Hillel Upper School. Coffee and
refreshments at 7 p.m. Congregation
Shaarey Zedek B'nai Israel Center,
West Bloomfield. Rosa Schindler
(248) 661-3978.
Institute for Retired Professionals
Spring 2002 Mini Series. No charge.
West Bloomfield JCC, Handleman
Hall. (248) 967-4030, ext. 2018.
• Friday, March 8, 10:30 a.m.-
noon. "Three Great Thinkers Who
Changed the World" with Rabbi
Sherwin T. Wine, Birmingham
• Friday, March 8, 1-2:30 p.m. —
"Art and Craft of Orchestral
Conducting: What Conducting
Gestures Really Mean" Professor
Joseph Labuta, Department of
Music, Wayne State University.
• Friday, March 15, 22, 10:30 a.m.-
noon — Professor Frederic Pearson,
director, Center for Peace and
Conflict Studies, Wayne State
University, will discuss "Conflict of
Civilizations, Myth or Reality?"
• Friday, March 15, 22, 1 - 2:30
p.m. — Professor James Nissen,
professor of humanities, Schoolcraft
College will offer "A Brief History
of Jazz.
Jewish Coalition for Public
Education - Tuesday, March 5,
7:30 p.m. Superintendent Thomas
D. Watkins will provide an update
on Michigan's Public Schools' plans
for improved accountability and a
discussion on special education. No
charge. Max M. Fisher Federation
Bldg., Bloomfield Twp. (248) 642-
Hillel Day School of Metropolitan
Detroit — Sunday, March 10,
12:30-2:30 p.m. Family open house
for prospective kindergarten and
first grade families. (248) 851-3220,
ext. 1033.
Jewish Genealogical Society of
Michigan — Thursday, March 14,
7:30 p.m. Henry Wellisch, JGS, will


discuss the events, lectures and
Canadian research resources of the
22nd IAJGS International
Conference on Jewish Genealogy to
be held in Toronto Aug. 4-9. No
charge members, $5 guests. Temple
Beth El, Bloomfield Twp. RSVP:
(248) 738-6655.

For information or to RSVP: Jewish
Community Center, Jimmy Prentis
Morris Building, 15110 W 10 Mile
Road, Oak Park, (248) 967-4030.
No charge for events unless noted.
• Yiddish/Jewish Video Series —
Monday, March 4, 1 p.m. Zehava
Ben: The Solitary Star.
• Sander Kostallari — Wednesday,
March 6, 1 p.m. Concertmaster vio-
linist gives his first soloist perform-
• Movie Mavens — Thursday,
March 7, 12:45 p.m. A Walk in the
Sun, starring Dana Andrews,
Richard Conte and Lloyd Bridges.

Temple Shir Shalom — 3999
Walnut Lake Road, West Bloomfield,
(248) 737-8700.
• Introduction to Judaism —
Wednesday, March 6-June 5, 7-8
p.m. A beginners guide to Judaism
for those seeking conversion or gen-
eral knowledge taught by Rabbis
Schwartz and Moskowitz. $100, $55
book fee.
• Hands on Judaism — How-to of
being Jewish. Days and sites will
vary. Please call. $45 per person,
$75 per couple.
Frankel Center for Judaic Studies
— University of Michigan, Salinger
Resource Center, 3040 Frieze Bldg.,
105 S. State Street, Ann Arbor. (734)
• "Religion and Politics in the
Middle East" — Friday, March 8,
noon. Laurie Zittrain Eisenberg, vis-
iting associate professor, department
of history, Carnegie Mellon
University. 3050 Frieze Bldg., 105
S. State Street.
• "The Lebanonization of the
Palestinian-Israeli Conflict" —
Friday, March 8, 2:30 p.m. Laurie
Zittrain Eisenberg. 1636 School of
Social Work Bldg., 1080 S.
University St.
• "Islamic Attitudes Towards Jews
and Judaism — Old and New"
Wednesday, March 13, 4 p.m.
Norman A. Stillman,
Schusterman/Josey Professor of
Judaic History, University of
Oklahoma, visiting professor and

researcher, L'Instiut National des
Langues et Civilisations Orientales,
Paris, France.

Space for Changing
Families/NCJW — 26400 Lahser
Road, Suite 100, Southfield. For
information and registration: (248)
• Bereavement Support Group —
Tuesdays, eight weeks, 7-9 p.m.,
beginning March 3. For adults
grieving the death of a spouse or
partner. No charge. RSVP by March
• "Moving-On" Support Group —
Mondays, six weeks, 7:30-9:30
p.m., beginning March 4. Help to
those who are ready to put their
divorce behind them and take the
next steps. $30. RSVP by March 1.
• Divorce Support Group —
Tuesdays, five weeks, 7-9 p.m.,
beginning March 12. Help to deal
with the conflicted feelings regard-
ing divorce and separation. $25.
RSVP by March 11.
CHADD (Children and Adults
with ADHD) of Eastern Oakland
County — Monday, March 4, 7:30-
9:30 p.m. Women With Attention
Deficit Disorder author Sari Solden
will offer a presentation on how to
live a fulfilling life while continuing
to struggle with ADHD. Way
Elementary School, W. Long Lake
Road, east of Telegraph. (248) 682-
Temple Israel Family Life Center
— first and third Tuesday of each
month, 7:30 p.m. Support group
for families with gay and lesbian
children facilitated by Harold
Kaller. No charge. Kari K. Provizer
(248) 661-5700.
Jewish Home and Aging Services,
Jewish Community Chaplaincy
Program — Thursday, March 7,
9:30-11:30 p.m. For those interest-
ed in volunteering with older adults
living in care facilities, "How to
Enhance the Jewish Care
Experience: The Parachaplain's
Role." No 'charge. Oak Park JCC.
Shirley Jarcaig (248) 661-2999.

Alzheimer's Association-Detroit
Area Chapter - Saturday, March 2,
16, 10 a.m., 2 p.m. Three games
per bowler, pizza, pop, door prizes
and incentive prizes. Minimum
pledges of $25 required. $10 regis-
tration. March 2, Cloverlanes Bowl,
Livonia; March 16, Thunderbird
Lanes, Troy. (248) 557-8277.

MJAC (Michigan Jewish AIDS
Coalition) — Monday, March 4,
7:30 p.m. "Celebrating Life," the
6th annual musical revue will fea-
ture Michael Nouri and the national
touring cast of South Pacific.
Proceeds will benefit MJAC and
Broadway Cares-Equity Fights
AIDS. $36. Temple Israel, West
Bloomfield. (248) 594-6522.
"Wine & Memories" — Sunday,
March 10, 5:30 p.m. Nostalgic
wine tasting, gourmet food, enter-
tainment by Bob Allison, Alice
Haidostian and Maestro Felix
Resnick and a goldfish bowl silent
auction will benefit the Emerald

Wake Up, Darling — Monday,
March 11, 7:30 p.m. Ridgedale
Players. 205 W. Long Lake Road,
between Livernois and Crooks, Troy.
(586) 573-6762.

Jewish Community Center — D.
Dan and Betty Kahn Bldg., 6600 W
Maple Road, West Bloomfield; Jimmy
Prentis Morris Bldg., 15110 W Ten
Mile Road, Oak Park. Elaine
Schonberger (248) 432-5577, ext.
• Greeters — flexible hours and
days. Greet and assist individuals
entering the JCC needing directions
or assistance. May include clerical
work in the membership depart-
• Office Assistance — flexible hours
and days. Provide general office sup-
port, phone, mailing, filing and
assisting - with various programs.
• Office Assistance — flexible
hours and days. Provide general
office support, phone, mailing, fil-
ing and assisting with various prob-
lems in different departments.
• Janice Charach Epstein Gallery
— Needed for gallery openings,
exhibits, receptions and lecture
series to answer questions, give
directions and help with crowds.
Front desk help also needed.
• Library — Mondays, 10 a.m.-
noon. Assist in book circulation,
check-in and reshelving.
• Matzah Factory — Sunday,
March 17, 1-2-hour shifts, 9 a;m;-5
p.m. Help attendees bake matzah
and make Passover ritual items and



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