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November 23, 2001 - Image 128

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2001-11-23

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Saturday Night

Pascal Celery

Michigan Region B'nai B'rith Youth
Organization (BBYO) will hold its
annual alumni homecoming 9 p.m. to
midnight Saturday, Nov. 24, at
Langan's in Farmington Hills. This
event is open to all BBYO alumni
who graduated from high school
between 1996 and 2001.
Bowling and refreshments will be
provided at no charge.
Langan's is on Northwestern
Highway, south of 14 Mile Road.
For information, call BBYO,
(248) 788-0700.



For college age through


Tuesdays noon. Lunch `n Learn with
Hillel of Metro Detroit, 667 Student
Center Building, Wayne State
University. For speakers and informa-
tion, contact hifiel-detroit.org or call
Hillel, (313) 577-3459.


at least


Breakstone's Sour Cream

16 oz. container. All varieties.

Manischewitz Chanukah Candles

King Kold Potato & Veggie
Pancakes 10.1 oz.

44 count box.

Nov. 25 Sunday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Community-wide blood drive spon-
sored by Jewish Federation Young
Adult Division at Hillel Day School
of Metropolitan Detroit, Farmington

Nov. 25 Sunday, 5 p.m. Hillel of
Metro Detroit and Eastern Michigan
University Hillel attend Red Wings
.game. Meet at Hockeytown Cafe at 5
p.m. for pre-game sodas. Tickets are
$20. Reservations only by sending a
check to Hillel of Metro Detroit. For
information, contact Ben Doppelt,
ben0377@ameritech.net , or Jason
Cooperman, jcoop76@hotmail.com ,
or Hillel, (313) 577-3459.


Mogen David Concord

750 ml

Yukon Gold or Red Potatoes

We reserve the right to limit quantities
to normal retail purchases.

■ Royal Oak - Coolidge between 14 Mile &




Tropicana Pure Premium
Orange Juice 64 oz. carton. All varieties.


Prices good 6 a.m. Thursday, 11/22 thru
Thursday, 11/29/01 at locations listed.



5 lb. bag

Maple Rd. (15 Mile)

■ Northville - Just W. of 1-275 on Haggerty Rd. at 8 Mile
■ Commerce Twp. - Haggerty Rd. N. of Maple
■ Wixom - Grand River Ave. at Wixom Rd.



ri *


You can get unlimited double
coupon savings this week at
Meijer. Bring in your manufactur-
ers '50c off' or less coupons and
get double the savings. (Not to
include retailer, cigarette/tobacco
products, Meijer Custom coupon,
free or coupons exceeding the
item value.) You must purchase
the products in sizes and quanti-
ties specified. Limit one coupon
for any particular item.

Nov. 28 Wednesday, 8:30 p.m. YAD
roaming Bar Nite at Mr. B's, 215 S.
Main Street, Royal Oak.

Nov. 29 Thursday, 8 p.m. Hillel of
Metro Detroit will see The Good
Doctor at Oakland Community
College, Orchard Ridge. Cost: $5.
Contact Rachel Klein, (313) 577-
3459 or hilleljcsc@wayne.edu

To have your programs listed,
contact Jonathan Goldstein at the
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan
Detroit, (248) 203-1471,
gaidstein@gmd.org or Alan Hitsky
at the Jewish News, (248) 354-6060,

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