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June 29, 2001 - Image 88

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2001-06-29

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s of Yasir Arafat
H is Palestinian Authority,
is the Face of the Enemy...


" gage 10 months, murdered by Palestinian

Yehuda Shoham, age 5 months, murdered by Palestinian
Arab terrorists near the Israeli town of Shilo in June 2001.

2001, Yasir Arafat supposedly ordered his forces to cease their constant terrorist attacks against
the three weeks since Arafat's "cease-fire" began, there were more than 200 terrorist attacks
s, in which eight people were killed and 35 wounded. One of the victims was 5 month old
m, who was smashed in the head with rocks and suffered irreversible brain damage; a few days
f his wounds. Another of the victims was 10 month old Shalhevet Pass, who was targeted by a
rab sharpshooter with a scope rifle, while she was sitting in her stroller at a playground.


stinian Authority forces shoot, bomb, and stone innocent Israeli Jews. Arafat shelters the killers,
with positions in his police force, and publicly praises them as "heroes." Terrorists who are
ing to murder Jews have streets and parks named after them in PA-controlled areas.

fat's actions prove that he is a terrorist.
time for the U.S to treat him that way:

the $100-million in annual U.S. aid to the Palestinian Arabs

:Palestinian Authority on the official U.S. list of regimes that

t Arafat hand over Palestinian Arab killers of Americans to
''4's right to use all necessary force to defeat the terrorists,
untry would.


to help promote the truth about Yasir Arafat's regime. I enclose:
❑ Other
❑ $50
❑ $36
❑ $250
❑ $100
..the ZOA's powerful new report, Arafat's Culture of Hatred and Violence.


rore. --536 (or seniors-- will automatically !vow ZOA members)

• fax: 212-481-1515 • ww-w.zoa.org/e-mail: email@zoa.org



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