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August 06, 1999 - Image 35

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1999-08-06

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Gad-Hai f 'Earns
Professional Honors

David Gad-Harf, executive director of
the Jewish Community Council of
Metropolitan Detroit, will receive the
12th annual Berman Award for
Outstanding Professional Service.
Created by
Mandell and
Madeleine Berman,
the award goes to a
Jewish. communal
employed by the
Jewish Federation of
Metropolitan Detroit
or one of its con-
David Gad-flaif stituent agencies.
The award is intend-
ed to promote and reward extraordinary
professional service. The Bermans estab-
lished the award through the Jewish
Community Endowment Fund.
'Gad-Harf, in his current position
since 1988, came to the Detroit area
from St. Louis, where he served as exec-
utive director of the Jewish Community
Relations Council.
Gad-Harf serves as a board member
of New Detroit, Diversified Youth
Services and the Optimist Club of West
Bloomfield. He was recently elected to
the West Bloomfield school board.
Gad-Harf will be honored at the
Aug. 24 meeting of the Jewish
Federation Board of Governors.


Society Meets
At Tamarack

The Maimonides Society will host a day
for Jewish physicians and health-care
professionals and their families at Camp
Tamarack, Ortonville, 10:30 a.m.-4
p.m. Sunday, Aug. 22.
A program of the Jewish
Federation's Community Outreach
and Education Department, the
Maimonides Society seeks to strength-
en bonds with the Jewish community
and Israel through educational, social
and charitable activities.
The day will include a kosher picnic
lunch, arts ands crafts, sports, swimming
and a hayride. Spouses, children and
friends are invited. There is a fee for
lunch: adults $10, children 55, under 2
years old free. A bus will leave from the
Max M. Fisher Federation Building at
10:30 a.m. Those who wish to drive
should be at the camp by noon to join
the group for lunch.
For reservations by Aug. 17, call Jodi
E. Berger at Federation, (248) 203-1486.

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Detroit Jewish News


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