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April 09, 1999 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1999-04-09

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Staff Writer


West Bloomfield couple
known for philanthropy to
Jewish educational institu-
tions has contributed $5
million to make Jewish day schools
more financially accessible.
The gift, from Lois and Dr. Milton
Shiffman, is the largest single contri-
bution the Jewish Federation of
Metropolitan Detroit has ever
received. Their donation will be
matched by Federation and should
generate approximately $800,000 a
year for day schools, said Federation
Executive Vice President Robert
Aronson. He described the contribu-
tion as an "unprecedented and mag-
nificent gift for our community"
Noting that they "prefer to make
quiet contributions," the Shiffmans,
who have grand-
Right: Students, like
children at both
these studying Torah
Hillel Day
together at Yeshiva
School of
Yehudah, will
from the,new
Detroit and
scholarship find.
Akiva Hebrew
Day School,
declined to be interviewed. However,
in a brief faxed statement, they said,
"Many children are in a position
where their families might not be able
to afford day school tuition. We feel
privileged that we are able to help."
A board composed of the
Shiffmans, their children and several
Federation members will convene each
year to determine the Shiffman Day
School Tuition Assistance Fund priori-
ties. Shiffman Fund allocations will go
to area day schools that are Federation
constituent agencies.
"They may decide one year to pro-
vide scholarships for new Americans,
or to help the high school at Akiva, or
to provide money for people of a spe-
cific income level at Hillel," said
Federation's Aronson.
Day schools, rather than individual
families, will apply to the Shiffman
Fund for assistance, said Aronson,
adding that "the funds will go directly
to the schools, but for a designated
The Shiffman Fund will not replace
the approximately $1.5 million that
Federation already allocates each year
to day schools, but will be an extra
form of support. The hope is that the
additional scholarship resources will

Julie Wiener can be reached at (248)

354-6060 ext 247, or by e-mail at:


Aft Of Learning

$5 million grant from the Shiffman family will
underwrite day school scholarships.

Hillel President Steven Margolin.
(on scholarship) or wealthy, and that
improve the overall quality of Jewish
He said he hoped the Shiffman
middle-class families frequently shy
education and enable more Jewish
Fund resources "will help us increase
away even from applying because
families to consider a day school edu-
our enrollment and will attract people
scholarship funds tend to be ear-
cation, something that many currently
who might not otherwise come to
marked for low-income families only.
find prohibitively expensive.
Hillel. This community is indebted to
"Sometimes, people are afraid to
While most Orthodox Jews enroll
the Shiffmans."
apply here because of the cost," said
their children in day schools,
Annual tuition at area
Conservative and
schools, which together
Reform Jews are
= a KG a
enroll approximately 2,500
more likely to opt
a kV
:a M. :a a
students in grades K-12,
for the less-expen-
ranges from $4,575 for
sive, but also less
Akiva's elementary school
intensive, Jewish
to $7,500 for Hillel's
education offered
The gift should open
uppermost tier. A sizable
through congrega-
day school doors to
number of students at all
tional schools.
schools — more than half
In recent years,
more middle-income
of those enrolled at Yeshiva
leadership at Hillel
families. It substantially
Beth Yehudah, Yeshiva
and other
Gedolah and Yeshivas
Conservative day
advances a key
Darchei Torah — receive
schools around the
Detroit initiative
some form of financial aid.
country have
The Shiffmans' gift is
noticed that most of
that other cities
part of Federation's
their students are
may adopt.
Millennium Campaign for
either low-income
Dr. Milton and Lois Shiffinan


Detroit Jewish News


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