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December 04, 1998 - Image 45

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1998-12-04

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Community Calendar

Calendar Listings are updated daily on MT Online:


Friday, Dec. 4
Congregation Beth Abraham Hillel Moses
family programming committee will spon-
sor Shabbat dinner following services.
Theme: "How-To" Shabbat seder. 6 p.m.
Cost: $12 for adults, $8 for teens 13-18,
$4 for children 5-12, free for younger
children. (248) 851-6880.

'Sunday, Dec. 6
Stars of David, an international support,
social and educational group for Jewish
adoptive families hosts Chanukah party.
2-4 p.m., Congregation Beth Abraham
Hillel Moses. Refreshments, games and
"Animal Magic' with live animals.
Donation: $5 adult, $2.50 child, maxi-
mum 515 family. Rosa Schindler, (248)

Tuesday, Dec. 8
N4asada and Evergreen groups of
Hadassah present a pre-Chanukah lun-
cheon. Speaker: Karen Boughev. Noon,
Sarah and Ralph Davidson Hadassah
House, 5030 Orchard Lake Rd.. West
Bloomfield. Bess Haron, (248) 353-1348,
or Dorothy Bodzin, (248) 350-1292.

Tuesday, Dec. 8
Hillel presents Latke Fest '98. 6
p.m., Eastern Michigan University, 965
Washtenaw, Ypsilanti. Bake-off contest
and live band. Co-sponsor: Alpha Epison
Pi Fraternity. Information: (734) 482-

Dec. 9 and 10
Jewish Community Center of
Metropolitan Detroit hosts "Light One
Candle" family Chanukah programs. 6:30
p.m. Dec. 9 at Kahn JCC and Dec. 10 at
JPM JCC. Optional kosher pizza dinner
(53 per person), 6:30 p.m. Free educa-
tional and craft program, 7. Sponsors:
JCC and Jewish Experiences for Families.
RSVP: by Dec. 4. (248) Kahn JCC, 661-
7649, or JPM JCC,(248) 967-4030.

Saturday, Dec. 12
Greater Lansing Jewish Welfare Federation
and Congregation Shaarey Zedek of East
Lansing presents a community Chanukah
parry. 6 p.m. at CSZ, 1924 Coolidge Rd.,
East Lansing. Concert by composer-singer
Doug Cotler. 7:30 p.m. Cost: $5 individ-
ual, 315 family maximum. Winnie Rome,
(517) 351-5267.

Sunday, Dec. 13
Greater Detroit Chapter of the City of
Hope, including Greenspan, Hoffman and
Rosenberg groups, will hold a Chanukah
brunch. 11:30 a.m., Franklin Pointe
Clubhouse, 26361 Franklin Pointe Dr.,
Southfield. Cost: $5. Entertainment by
Michael Krieger. Donations of canned
goods for Yad Ezra requested. RSVP:
Marsha Baker, (248) 851-7308, or Ilene
Monest, (248) 683-5665.

Sunday, Dec. 13
Congregation B'nai David grandparents
and great-grandparents will host a
Chanukah parry. 4:30 p.m. at the syna-
gogue. Includes latkes, arts and crafts,
games and Mel the Magician. All wel-
come. (248) 855-5007.

Sunday, Dec. 13
Hillel of Metro Detroit's Chanukah festi\ -
ities will include latkes and dreidels. 3:30-
5:20 p.m., Farmington Hills Ice Arena,
Founders Sports Park, Farmington Hills.
Cost: S5 or $3 with a toy for donation.
RSVP: (313) 577-3459.


Wednesday, Dec. 9
Sara Tugman Bais Chabad Torah Center
presents a Chassidic Farbrengen celebrat-
ing 200th anniversary prison release of
Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the first
rebbe of Lubavitch. 8 p.m. at the Torah
Center, 5595 W. Maple Rd., West
Bloomfield. Rabbi Yosef Wineberg of New
York will lead the farbrengen. Chinese-
style dinner buffet, 5:30-7:45 p.m. Cost:
$12.50 adults, $6.50 children. RSVP:
(248) 855-6170.
Wednesday, Dec. 16
Machon L'Torah's Chanukah concert will
honor Alex Saltsman. 7 p.m., Southfield
Centre for the Arts, 24350 Southfield Rd.,
Southfield. Entertainment by musician
Mordechai Ben David. (248) 967-0888 or
e-mail machon@speedlink.net .

Sunday, Dec. 6
Temple Israel Speakers Forum presents the
dueling couple of politics, political consul-
tants James Carville, a Democrat, and
Mary Matalin, a Republican, at 4 p.m.
Matalin is a free-spirited political consul-
tant, commentator and GOP campaign
strategist whose work included high-level
service in the Bush administration. Carville
is a cocky political advisor, lecturer and
author and architect of Bill Clinton's 1992
presidential campaign. Cost: $25 general
admission ($15 with student ID), $100
reserved seating, $500 patron. (248) 661-


Every Monday through Dec. 7
Greater Detroit Chapter of Hadassah will
hold its Yiddish conversation group, facilitat-
ed by Rochelle Sable. 1:30-3 p.m., Davidson
Hadassah House, 5030 Orchard Lake Rd.,
West Bloomfield. RSVP: (248) 683-5030.

Saturday, Dec. 5
Sara Tugman Bais Chabad Torah Center
melava malka, hosted by Mickey and
Myrna Shanker, 8:30 p.m. at the
Shankers' home, 3230 Bloomfield Shore
Dr., West Bloomfield. Entertainment:
humorist, parodist and singer Alan
Lieberman. Buffet supper. Charge. RSVP:
(248) 855-6170.

Sunday, Dec. 6
Yeshivas Darchei Torah will host a chil-

dren's book fair. 1-5 p.m., Agency for
Jewish Education, 21550 W. 12 Mile Rd.,
Southfield. (248) 967-1010.

Wednesday, Dec. 9
Morgenthau Chapter, Jewish Women
International, presents December lun-
cheon meeting. Hosted by Bowling
League and Current Issues Groups. Noon
at Temple Emanu-El. Entertainment by
Peter Cooper, magician and clown.
Chanukah gifts for needy Jewish children
requested. Charge. RSVP: by Dec. 6.
Mary Blitz, (248) 661-1385, Bertha
Siegel, (248) 443-0274, or Edith Zaffern,
(248) 357-4611.

Thursday, Dec. 10
Temple Kol Ami Sisterhood presents
"Inspirational Jewish Women" program.
6:30 p.m. at temple. Speakers: Nancy
Evanson, Caryn Roman, Barbara Edelman,
Armonite Albalak and Sally Jo Levine.
Light supper served. Cost: $5 members,
$7.50 guests. RSVP: (248) 661-0040.

Thursday, Dec. 10
First 1998-1999 meeting of Sisterhood of
Congregation Shaarey Zedek book club.
7:30 p.m., CSZ B'nai Israel, West
Bloomfield. Karen Katz will facilitate dis-
cussion on Tessie and Pearlie: A
Granddaughter's Story by Joy Horowitz. All
welcome. Cost for four-session series: $18
Sisterhood members. $36 guests; individual
sessions, $5 members, $10 guests. RSVP:
Frieda Langnas, (248) 357-5544, ext. 42.


For information or to RSVP,
call (248) 967-4030.

Dec. 6 and 7
Yiddish/Jewish Film Festival movie, Eli
Eli, 7:30 p.m. on Sunday and 12:45 p.m.
on Monday at the Jimmy Prentis Morris
JCC. Sponsor: Agency for Jewish
Education, Midrasha Center for Adult
Jewish Studies, DMC/Sinai Hospital's
program for Holocaust Survivors and
Workmen's Circle/Arbeter Ring. Free.

Thursday, Dec. 10
Nurse Sharon Tomaszewski of the
Oakland County Public Health
Department will speak on "Sleep" follow-
ing a video. 1 p.m.


Friday, Dec. 4
Sholem Aleichem Institute plans a Yiddish
evening. 8 p.m., Franklin Pointe
Clubhouse, 26361 Franklin Pointe Dr.,
Southfield. Shirley Benyas will tell the
Cinderella story in Yiddish. Sarah
Friedman and Israel Kaplansky will offer
Yiddish readings. Audience invited to
bring Yiddish stories, jokes and adages.
Information: (248) 352-4033.

Saturday, Dec. 5
University of Michigan's Jewish a cappella

group Kol HaKavod fall concert 8 p.m. at
University of Michigan Hillel, 1429 Hill
Street, Ann Arbor. Cost: $5. Information:
Corey Slutsky, (734) 662-7265 or
cslutsky@umich.edu .

Sunday, Dec. 6
Krieger Klassics will present "Music at the
Movies" at the Milford Krieger Memorial
Concert. 7 p.m., Fleischman Residence,
6710 W. Maple, West Bloomfield.
Director: Jocelyn Krieger. Pianists: Jeffrey
Patterson, Adeena Wrotslaysky, Adrienne
Duke, Ieshula Ishakis, Alana Tinman and
Jo-Anne Robbins. Free and open to the
public. Information: (248) 354-2045.

Sunday, Dec. 6
Congregation B'nai David is sponsoring
night at Tony n' Tina's Wedding, an off-
Broadway dinner-theater production. 6:30
p.m., Baci Italian Chophouse, Pontiac.
Kosher Italian dinner. Charge. All wel-
come. RSVP: (248) 855-5007.

Dec. 10 and 11
Opening of Gail Eisner Art Studio. 1-6
p.m., 104 W. Fourth, Suite 303, Royal
Oak. Art priced from $5. (248) 398-3480.


Weekly, Dec. 7-28
Space for Changing Families, a non-sec-
tarian community service project of the
National Council of Jewish Women,
Greater Detroit section, divorce support
group. 7:30-9:30 p.m. at Space office,
26400 Lahser, Suite 100, Southfield.
Suggested donation: $20 for all four ses-
sions. RSVP: by Dec. 4, (248) 355-9936.

Dec. 9 through Feb. 3
Congregation Beth Abraham Hillel Moses
bereavement support group, conducted by
psychotherapist Robert Hack. 7:30-9:30
p.m. Wednesdays. Free. Anita, (248) 851-


Sunday, Dec. 6
Mifgash, the Hebrew Speakers program of
Midrasha, Agency for Jewish Education of
Metropolitan Detroit, will host Dr. Avi
Zechory, a veterinarian specializing in vet-
erinarian oncology. He will speak in
Hebrew "The Bond Between Humans and
Animals." Noon, boardroom of AJE,
21550 W. 12 Mile, Southfield.
Refreshments. Free. Nira Lev, director of
Hebrew programs, (248) 354-1050.

Sunday, Dec. 6
Machon L'Torah's Uniquely Ours women
will host an author's brunch with Dr. Lisa
Aiken. 10 a.m. at Machon L'Torah, 15221
W. 10 Mile, Oak Park. Topic: "Enriching
Our Lives Through Ritual." Cost: $10.
RSVP: (248) 967-0888.

Monday, Dec. 7
Eilu v' Eilu Latte & Learning series with
Rabbi Aaron Bergman, "Six Great Ideas
that Saved the Jewish People," 10 a.m. at


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