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August 21, 1998 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1998-08-21

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andsli e
At Hillel

Teachers and board of the day school reach a
tentative contract agreement.

the pOssibility of striking because, "We
hope it's not going to be an issue and
that our proposals will be taken seri-
ne week before the first day
of school and two weeks
"We'd like to start the year in the
before their contracts
right way without any drama,"
expired, Hillel Day
Littman added. "We'd like to
School of Metropolitan
get on with our jobs."
Hillel Day
Detroit teachers reached a ten-
Apparently, parents were
tative agreement with the
anticipating a strike
Classes start
next week.
The new contract must be
"We've gotten letters say-
approved by both sides and
ing school starts August 27,
ratified before it can take effect, said
and that's it, so I'm assuming every-
Sheila Charlip, a member of the nego-
thing is okay," said parent Judy Tigay.
tiating team of the Hillel Day School
"I haven't been thinking about it,"
Teachers' Association, a labor union
said parent Rhonda Duer. We bought
affiliated with the Michigan
school supplies today and just
Federation of Teachers. However,
assumed school would start next
Charlip, -who has been teaching at
Hillel more than 30 years, was opti-
Relations between Hillel and the
mistic that there won't be obstacles to
teachers' association have not always
been smooth. In January, the board,
"Usually, whenever there's a tenta-
alleging a history of misconduct, voted
tive agreement, it's passed," she said.
to dismiss long-time teacher Shula
Charlip said she could not divulge
Fleischer, who was then president of
details of the agreement until it is
the teachers' association. Fleischer
final, but noted it would likely be a
contested the dismissal through an
three-year contract.
arbitration process, which concluded
Hillel President Steven Margolin
hearings on June 10 but for which no
declined to comment on the situation,
decision has been announced yet.
but confirmed a tentative agreement
In 1992, teachers struck for a week.
had been reached with teachers
Two years ago, a contract was not
Tuesday night.
reached until after a five-hour bargain-
ing session enchna at midnight on the
In an interview the day before the
tentative agreement was reached,
first day of school.
b That session led to
union President Malka Littman said
the last two-year contract, which gave
that issues under negotiation were
teachers a 3.5 percent raise each year
"economic and non-economic" and
and added a week to the academic cal-
endar. D
that teachers were not even discussing




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