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August 07, 1998 - Image 61

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1998-08-07

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Jewish Communit-/ Center Of Metro_politan Detroit

welcomes your family to the



5642 W. Maple Road, West Bloomfield,
48322, (248) 855-5007. Rabbi: Milton
Arm. Cantor: Barry Ulrych. Services:
Saturday 8:45 a.m. Haftorah, Rabbi

Temple Kol Ami
Shabbat School

Temple Kol Ami is accepting enroll-
ment in its Family Shabbat School
program. A year-round program,
Shabbat School generally meets 9-11
a.m. every other Saturday morning
and is designed for families with chil-
dren in kindergarten through third
/—jgrade. Family Shabbat School replaces
the traditional Sunday religious school
Each Saturday morning begins
with an age-appropriate worship ser-
vice. Some weeks children and their
parents will learn together as one
large group; other weeks, children
and parents will have lessons in two
separate groups. Each week children
will learn Hebrew letters as well.
This year's curriculum is "Torah and
Values." Families are encouraged to
celebrate holidays with each other
and the Temple family.
This program is open to Kol Ami
members as well as families who are not
affiliated with Temple Kol Ami. There
is a charge. For information, contact the
--, Temple Kol Ami Religious School
office, (248) 661-6099.

Campaign Club
Shabbat Dinner

Campaign Quarter Century Club
members and their grandchildren will
celebrate Shabbat at a Rekindling
/-- Shabbat dinner 5:30 p.m. Friday, Aug.
28, at Congregation Beth Abraham
Hillel Moses. Great-nieces and great-
nephews also are invited.
The evening will include storytelling
by Corinne Stavish, singing and more.
Kosher dinner will be served. Cost of
the evening is $15 per adult and $6.50
per child, payable in advance. Paid
reservations are due by Friday, Aug. 21.
The evening is sponsored by the
Campaign Quarter Century Club and
the Jewish Federation Community
Outreach and Education Department.
For details about the event, call Jodi
E. Berger at Federation, (248) 203-

Beth Shalom
Teaches Beliefs

The Rabbi Max Weine Institute for
Judaism will begin its fall semester 7:30-
9:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 8, at
Congregation Beth Shalom. A study
course in basic Jewish beliefs is spon-
sored by the Conservative Rabbis of
Metropolitan Detroit. The course is
taught by Rabbi David Nelson and
Alicia Nelson.
Though many of the students who
attend such a course are considering
conversion to Judaism, the purpose of
the class is to provide a basic under-
standing of Jewish ideas, history, holi-
days and customs. Learning to read
Hebrew and recitation of many of the
blessing and prayers will also be
Registration may be arranged by
speaking to any Conservative rabbi in
the community or contacting Rabbi
Nelson, (248) 547-7970.

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Celebrating our 50th Year of
Sunday School at the JCC!




' Nineties



Shir Tikvah
Plans Service


Congregation Shir Tikvah will host a
special Shabbat service for new and
prospective members 7 p.m. Friday,
Aug. 21. The evening will begin with a
mini-open house, followed at 7:45 p.m.
by a Shabbat service led by Rabbi Arnie
Sleutelberg. Following the service there
will be a special oneg for all members
and guests.
For information call the temple
office, (248) 649-4418.

Sunday, September 13
10 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Class begins

• Hands-on classes for children
in nursery school through 8th grade

BAHM Hosts
Maccabi Youth

The Family Programming Committee
of Congregation Beth Abraham Hillel
Moses will sponsor a Friday night din-
ner, 6 p.m. Aug. 21, in honor of the
Maccabi games participants. The partic-
ipants, their host families and new
members will be guests.
Kabbalat Shabbat services will
begin at 6 p.m. with dinner following.
The community is invited. Adults,
$11.50; teens, $7.50; children (up to
age 12) $4.50; under age 3 children
are free.
Reservations stating the number of
participants and children's ages should
be at the BAHM office no later than
Aug. 18. Non-members are required to
include payment with their reservation.
Credit cards are accepted.


Family holiday services and celebrations

• Bar and Bat Mitzvah programs

• Social activities for parents

Please register through the JPI Office.
For more information,
please call (248) 661-7637.

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Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit
D. Dan & Betty Kahn Building
6600 West Maple Road • West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Jimmy Prentis Morris Building
15110 West Ten Mile Roa • Oak Park, MI 48237

Detroit Jewish News



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