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March 20, 1998 - Image 49

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1998-03-20

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social work degree from Eastern
Michigan University. She is employed
by Community Services of Oakland.
Glenn earned a bachelor of science
degree in psychology from Central
Michigan University. He has a
Nationwide Insurance agency located
in Commerce Township.
A July wedding is planned at Tem-
ple Israel.


Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Rubenstein of
Huntington Woods are pleased to
announce the engagement of their
daughter Laura Patrice to Frank
Andrew Borschke, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Borschke of Troy.
Laura earned her bachelor of arts in
psychology from the University of
Michigan and her medical degree
from Wayne State University. She is
completing a residency in pediatrics at
Children's Hospital of Michigan.
Frank earned his bachelor of sci-
ence in biology from the University of
Michigan and his medical degree from
Wayne State University. He is com-
pleting a residency in emergency med-
icine at William Beaumont Hospital.
An August wedding is planned at
the Dearborn Inn.


Barbara and Raymond Horenstein of
Farmington Hills are delighted to
announce the engagement of their
daughter Michelle Helene to Jason
Edward Rosenfeld, son of Marilyn
Rosenfeld and the late Stanley P.
Rosenfeld of Farmington Hills.
Michelle earned her bachelor of arts
degree in social science-prelaw from
Michigan State University and her
juris doctor from the University of
Detroit School of Law. She is
employed as an associate at the law
firm of Peter M. Schneiderman &
Associates P.C. in Farmington Hills.
Jason earned his bachelor of science
degree in building construction man-
agement from Michigan State Univer-
sity. He is employed as the director of
group benefits at Kelter-Thorner Inc.
in Birmingham.
An August wedding is planned at
Temple Israel.

Smith Barney is
pleased to announce
the opening of our
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Linda and Stanley Beltzman of Farm-
ington Hills are delighted to announce
the engagement of their daughter
Robyn Elyse to Glenn Stuart Kaplan,
son of Linda Kaplan of West Bloom-
field and Marvin Kaplan of Canoga
Park, Calif.
Robyn received her bachelor of

Marilyn Rosner of West Bloomfield
and Ruth and Leonard Najer of
Southfield are delighted to announce
the engagement of their children,
Andrea Lee and Nelson Henry.
Andrea, the daughter of the late
Wallace R. Rosner, has a master's
degree in social work administration
from Wayne State University. She is
the administrator of the Jewish Fed-
eration Apartments in West Bloom-


David Rosentnan's



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