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September 19, 1997 - Image 4

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1997-09-19

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Michigan's First Congregation

Continues Its Tradition Of Responding To Community Needs

We Welcome All In The Community
To High Holy Day Services
Free Of Charge


believe EVERYJew should have a home for the High Holy Days.

And so, we invite you to our home, Temple Beth El. We invite you to

worship with us as we begin a New Year together.

To all who need a place of safety and sanctuary... Come Home to

Temple Beth El. To all who seek a caring Jewish community... Come

Home to Temple Beth El. To all who desire substantive and exciting

learning experiences... Come Home to Temple Beth El. To all who wish

to share in turning dreams into realities— Come Home to Temple Beth

El. To all who seek God in nature, in people, in Judaism... Come Home

to Temple Beth El.

Join us for Rosh Hashana services, Wednesday evening October 1 and

Thursday morning, October 2. Worship with us at Kol Nidre, Friday

evening, October 10 and Yom Kippur services, Saturday morning,

October 11.

High Holy Day Ticket requests are now being accepted. We have

scheduled additional services, subject to building capacity, to

accomodate everyone . For information, call (248) 865-0615.

Temple Beth El



We Congregate. We Communicate. We Motivate. Come Home To Temple Beth El.

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