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September 19, 1997 - Image 18

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1997-09-19

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The NtwSports Club...
Building Better Bodies

These guys are
working hard now so...

The Sports Club's Construction Crew

These guys can make you
work harder.

The Sports Club's Aerobics Staff

black market to get any value for it.
"Had I known, I would not have
paid $900 to go to Budapest."
Rachel Yoskowitz, the director of
the Resettlement Service Department
at JFS, feels Herty's concern is justifi-
"The funds are available as coupons
in forints, and can be redeemed for
Hungarian cash," she said. "The
Hungarian g overnment hasn't
announced how much will be avail-
Michael Weiss, who is a member of --
the United Jewish Social Club for
first- and second-generation survivors
of the Holocaust, is happy that JFS
made the effort.
"What JFS did was commendable,"
said Weiss, a survivor of Auschwitz
and Buchenwald. "These people are so
deserving, and many need the money.
"The older I get, the angrier I get,"
he said. "How could they break into
the homes of people, who said noth-
ing bad of anyone, and turn their
countrymen in to the Nazis? It's
laughable that they do this now."


fcd/ ' 97 New, spacious aerobics studio

Expanded cardio facilities
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Special Construction Rates
$50/Month - individual
$85/Month - couple

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of West Bloomfield

6343 Farmington Rd.
(just north of Maple)


Ilona Goldman listens as she prepares to
fill out the form.

Rita Jerome and Maria Hertz were
filling out the paperwork for their
elderly mothers.
"The people there were very con-
fused," Jerome said. "The forms were
in Hungarian, but it was a lot to have
to read through. They are certainly
entitled to get what they can after
what they have been through."
Hertz could feel the anger in the
"The anger came out because of all
the talk of money," Hertz said. "It's
not about the money, though.
Hungary's attempt at goodwill is too
late. You can't pay for lost lives."

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