t Pass The Psychotherapist Dr. Laura Schlessinger pulls no punches. t LARRY MILLER SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS he's happily married, and in every opening to her daily radio program, she states, "I am my kid's mom." Thus she sets the tone for her show, based on personal ad- vice and ethically based dialogue about people and their problems. The show is broadcast from Los Angeles — a city she says She deplores for its lack of civil- ity and loss of neighborhoods. Locally, it airs 1-4 p.m. Monday converting to Judaism at a Con- servative synagogue. On Schlessinger's recent book-signing tour, The Jewish News caught up with her for a Q & A interview: JN: You can be unabashedly confrontational. Do you think that people need a firm hand leading them and that they're not getting it? Dr. Laura: "It's always feelings and needs and wants, not tempered by eth- ical and principled concerns. I think I rudely and abrupt- ly bring that to people's at- tention. 'You can't do that. It's wrong.' But I love ... I want ... I felt ... I needed ... I But it's wrong.' " JN: You interviewed a 15-year-old girl who want- ed to have two boyfriends and feel good about it. You were tough on her. THE DETROIT J EWISH N EWS Dr. Laura: "I'm tough on everybody who calls. To me, the point of all the calls is to have people get by their own needs and feelings ... and to have nobler bases upon which to make decisions — like 'I don't have the luxury to play two people against each other because it's wrong. I'm hurting them; therefore, I suffer so they don't.' " 82 How could on, thattii Me Abdication of Character &ourage., and Couscietice Above: Dr. Laura Schlessinger, the internationally syndicated radio host, reaches 15 million listeners per week. Left: Ten Stupid Things Women Do to Mess Up Their Lives was Schlessinger's New York Times best seller. This is her newest book. , r. Laura Schlessinaer kutweiTenstupid Digs lifoir ell fie to Mess Up Ma Lives through Friday, 12-2 a.m. Sat- urday and Sunday, and 2-4 p.m. Saturday (occasionally pre- empted for a sporting event) on WJR (760 AM). From Brooklyn, N.Y., Sch- lessinger can be as hard as nails or maternally delicate as callers require; she's honest to a fault. With a variety of academic de- grees, including a doctorate, the licensed psychotherapist exer- cises regularly and looks after her own safety by studying karate (she's earned a black belt). Born of a Jewish father and a Catholic mother, she was bap- tized a Catholic, and is, at 48, JN: So many female callers — it's like a leitmo- tif to your show — exhale a long sigh. It means they're having to do some tough work. Dr. Laura: 'They go, 'Oh, but this is difficult.' And your point is?' I say to them." JN: You say you are Jewish and Italian and baptized Catholic. When you were a kid, how did you sort it through? And which one is now on top? Dr. Laura: "Are you getting naughty on me? I didn't know I was baptized Catholic till I grew up. There was no religion in my family at all. This is one of the reasons I'm really down on mixed-religion families; virtu- ally, it means none — because that's how, in the final analysis, most dual-religion families work it out; they just don't do it at all. That way there's no fight be- tween them. And the children miss out on a heritage and a cul- ture and a philosophical frame- work for how to lead their lives. I think it's terrible, so I've got- ten stronger about that point. [Parents] ought to be of one mind with that and I don't im- pose what mind it oughta be — just one. "I have always felt Jewish — I have no idea what that means other than I always identified myself as a Jew." JN: You're converting to Ju- daism. Why Conservative Ju- daism? Is Lew (Bishop, her husband) Jewish? Dr. Laura: "The whole ethi- cal framework of Judaism rein- forces, supports and enlightens. The beginning of sophisticated religions was with the Hebrews and the concept of an ethical, one God. The fact that ethics and actions were infinitely more important than worshiping idols or saying you believe in a certain thing was to me the most pro- found revelation, probably, that humans have ever had. "The point of our whole exis- tence has been elevating our- selves above termites and being magnificent human beings and doing good and so on. I was on this journey and then I found there was a name for it: Ju- daism. So I said, 'Cool.' "I went to a Reform temple for a little while. It's patriarchal there as well as matriarchal — you didn't have to convert if your father was Jewish and your mother was not. We went to Passover dinner there, for those who were either too lazy or didn't know how to do it. I left halfway through because I ... thought the behavior of the peo- ple in the room — now this is just one synagogue and one seder, OK? — but people came in shorts. I know this is in Southern California, but this is disrespectful, and I realized then that this was not the place for me. "I wanted the formality. I didn't feel constrained by the for-