A Gram( Now Wored teuvkage Lossom English is a considerable barrier to one family's acculturation. --mtPktwkw E nglish is forever on Svetlana Sirota's mind. "I don't want to forget Russian, but I want to im- prove my English," said Svet- lana, who began learning the language,--/ during her childhood in Ukraine. "I al- ------\ ways knew that someday I would go to Israel or America." Svetlana's family settled in Southfield a year and a half ago, and while she has learned a lot since then, she desperately wants to be adept well before she attends college — one year from this fall. Her parents, Frida and Yuriy, both well-educated, often rely on their 17-year- old daughter to translate for them. They take English-as-a-second-language class- es but have a long way to go before they will be proficient. Movies are out of the question, and television often has to be deciphered by Svetlana. 'When they ask me to translate, it sometimes reminds me of a little kid ask- ing his parents to read him a book," Svet- ' lana said. "It's hard for my parents, and sometimes that makes me feel mad at this country. They were something there (in Ukraine). They had good jobs and were respected at work." Mr. and Mrs. Sirota already had lived half their lives in Ukraine before coming to the United States. Svetlana, still in Left: Yuriy Sirota lights Shabbat candles on Friday nights. He and his family want to learn more about Judaism. FigNifty Fire Wita The T C/D LLJ LLJ CC F- LU LLJ 54 heir bedrooms had water dam- age, and the furniture in the apartment had to be thrown out. But everyone was all right, and that's all that mattered to one Russian family. Two and a half years ago, Borris Tsentsiper came home from school to find firefighters extinguishing a blaze at the Northgate Apartments complex in Oak Park. There were no injuries, but the fire forced many families, mostly emigres from the for- mer Soviet Union, to relocate. Borris, who, with his mother and sister came here five years ago from St. Petersburg, moved with his family into an- other apartment at North- gate. "I don't want to concentrate on what happened," said Bor- ris, 22. "No one wants to re- member what's not good. I'm just happy everyone is OK." Borris has a computer that eluded damage, and the Left: Zalman and Mariya Epshteyn with their grandson Boris Tsentsiper. The Tsentsipers lost most of their belongings in the Northgate fire. Tsentsipers were able to save old photographs. Somehow, the family cat ran away, but a new cat, Golda, now makes itself comfortable in the family's new apartment. On the day of the fire, Borris' grandfather, Zalman Epsteyn, who lives with his wife in an- other Northgate apartment, wrapped himself in his Below left: Mr. Epshteyn, left, watches firefighters extinguish the blaze at Northgate. warmest jacket and hat and went to see what was going on. All he could do was allow his daughter and grandchildren to spend the night in his unharmed apart- ment. A somber Mr. Epsteyn was pho- tographed and appeared on the cover of The Jewish News. The Tsentsipers' new apartment, void of decoration, is filled with 9-year-old Anna's toys and games. Hooked up to the family's television set is a VCR and a Nintendo game system. Now, just in case, the family has in- surance. The Tsentsipers didn't have it before the fire because they didn't know they needed it. ❑