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July 19, 1996 - Image 20

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1996-07-19

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Munich's Cold Shadow

A surge of pride swelled through the small crowd
of Jews at the Olympic Village on Sunday morn-
ing as the Israeli flag was raised. Equally, a tide
of anger swept through them and many others
when the International Olympic Committee this
week again refused to host an official memorial
for Israeli athletes slain at the 1972 Munich
Games. Our hearts go out to the children and
wives of those sportsmen, many of whom are
guests of the Atlanta Jewish community during
the Games.
Also this week, the International Olympic
Committee balked at Israel's last-minute com-
plaint about the designation of a delegation from
"Palestine," a term which indicates an indepen-
dent country. IOC Director General Francois
Carrard accused the Israeli government of play-
ing politics by protesting so close to the Games'
start. But a complaint was lodged two years ago
when we called and faxed the Olympic head-
quarters in Lausanne, Switzerland, about this
matter. Mr. Carrard is simply, like the sneaki-
est of Teflon politicians, ducking the issue.

Palestine does not exist. Referring to the Pales-
tinian movement as "Palestine" is a blatant po-
litical act.
The world Jewish community is keenly aware
of the emotions that the Israeli children and wid-
ows of the 1972 competitors feel about this act
and about being denied a memorial ceremony.
This year, the Atlanta Jewish community has
launched the first large effort to commemorate
the tragedy that befell Israel — and by exten-
sion the Jewish people — 24 years ago. Atlanta's
Jewish Federation will dedicate a memorial stat-
ue in memory of the Israeli Olympians who fell
at Munich.
One day, perhaps, the IOC will learn that pol-
itics is not behind remembering Munich's chilled
shadow on the Olympic movement and what it
means to Jews. The IOC made a gross error in
1972 and the following Games by not formally
facing the horrors of 24 years ago. And it mocks
all Jews when it accuses Israel of politics with-
out owning up to its own version of playing that


Teen Trip

When the Miracle Mission for
Teens returns, parents, family
and friends can do a lot to help
the teens process the Jewish
charge they received in Israel.
I have noticed that Jews who
go to Israel often compartmen-
talize their experiences. Israel
can end up as merely one more
country under one's belt; but Is-
rael should be more than that.
The right nurturing will help
our post-Israel travelers con-

has shattered a 22-month cease fire.
Israel needs to look hard at the island now
known as much for shamrocks as internecine
strife. There, violence in the name of religion sim-
mered beneath a cease fire but willingly erupted
like a volcano.
Is this any different from Israel's battles be-
tween the arrogantly secular and defiantly re-
ligious? There is no room for such antagonism
and violence in Israel — from any side.
Israel is known as a land whose people are
in constant and often heated debate. Street politi-
cians far outnumber those elected in the Knes-
set. At a time when the Jewish state is working
through a transition of leadership, its citizens
should look to Northern Ireland to see the path
upon which they are traveling. Death and de-
struction is the only future of such fighting.
Disagreement and dissenting opinion are flow-
ers in a democratic society. But when opinions
lead to cruelty, a society must reassess itself Is-
rael can do this. She is worthy of the task. And
we must encourage her communities to seek
ways to live with their differences.

6355360 @MCIMAIL . COM .


Do You
r Think?"

Is there such a thing as Jewish

"unity" anymore?

To respond: "So, What Do You Think?"
27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, MI 48034

P.J. Cherrin
West Bloomfield


No Rights
For Arabs?

"Arab-Israelis must voice their
opinions through voting."

Heal, Not Hate

Recent scenes from Israel pit enemies in stand-
off and strife. One "side" renounces the other.
Rocks and threats of further violence fly, as do
the tears that come with the pain. It has noth-
ing to do with Islamic terrorists or bombers
sneaking across the border. Instead, it is Jew
against Jew.
In the last week, we read that Chief Sephar-
di Rabbi Eliahu Baskhi Doron's comments were
interpreted by the Reform movement as con-
demning its leaders to death. Rabbi Baskhi Doron
denies this. Then, this past Saturday there is a
riot between Jerusalem's secular and religious
Jews. The "religious" want a main thoroughfare
closed on Shabbat. Their zealousness to keep the
road free of auto traffic ends in the throwing of
stones, verbal abuse and further derision. The
"secularists" taunt them with car convoys. The
police shoot water cannons and raise batons to
the religious Jews.
How tragically similar to the news from an-
other part of the world. A Protestant band
marches triumphantly through a Catholic neigh-
borhood under the protection of Northern Ire-
land authorities. The action comes when violence

turning from the Miracle Mission
for Teens.

"Get beyond 'Was it fun?' "

structively understand any cog-
nitive dissonance created by their
whirlwind tour.
Discuss the trip and get beyond
"Was it fun?" to "What was most
meaningful and why?" If a teen
wants to wear a kippah, encour-
age him to do so. If a teen wants
to experiment with kashrut, en-
able her to use special dishes or
eat non-meat products as a first
step. If a teen wants to light Shab-
bat candles, let her. Join in.
It is important to encourage
teens to have more Israel experi-
ences. The best learning about
any country comes from long-
term visits there.
If any new behavior creates a
problem, then any affected par-
ties should seek rabbinical coun-
seling. A parent must be content
knowing he or she has enabled
the young person to make in-
formed choices and take his own
Let us all seek ways of Jewish
growth, and let's make a special
effort to prevent our teens from
compartmentalizing their Israel
experience. Let us validate the
Jewish identities of those re-

I was appalled after reading a July
5 Letter to the Editor by Arnie
Kantor in which he expressed his
wish for Israel to strip its Arab cit-
izens of the right to vote.
Arab-Israelis must be able to
keep their right to vote in Israel.
They are Israeli citizens and,
therefore, deserve the entitlement
to all rights given to any other Is-
raeli citizen. After all, we Jewish-
Americans would never tolerate
being unable to vote in the Unit-
ed States. Israel could never right-
fully deny Arabs the right to vote
in a country where they are citi-
zens; it would simply be discrim-
As part of Israel's population,
Arab-Israelis must voice their
opinions through voting. This is
essential for Israel's democratic
government to be able to serve all
of its inhabitants, Jewish or not

Scott Gitler
Walled Lake

No Tickets
Is Old Hat

Temple Beth El is to be com-
mended for its offering of free High
Holy Day services to our commu-
However, Temple Beth El is not
the first congregation in the De-
troit area to make this offer.
Beth Isaac Synagogue in Tren-
ton has had this policy is effect
ever since it occupied its own sanc-
tuary about 31 years ago. In fact,
Beth Isaac has advertised its High
Holiday services in The Jewish
News in the past — "No Ticket
NO TICKETS page 22


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