PHOTO BY ZADE RO SENTHAL STN Entertainment 'Independence Day' Rated PG-13 hat do you want from us?" Pres- ident Whitman (Bill Pullman) asks the wounded alien prison- er of war. One word ... trans- mitted telepathically: "Die." In a film that pays magnificent homage to the popular genre of disaster films, In- dependence Day is an epic adventure mounted on a colossal scale of monu- mental proportions. Kudos to the art director who imagined the spectacular vistas of 15 miles-in-diameter spaceships blotting out the skies over Washington, D.C., New York and Los Angeles. By sheer scope, this is easily the most im- pressive visual-effects film you are like- ly to see this summer. Further accolades to the sound mixers who rattled and rumbled the theater seats with monster bass tones and high fre- quency hums that perfectly comple- mented the visual effects. Director Roland Emmerich, who cut his M teeth on the surprise hit Stargate, now has a thrilling story to hang his chops on. An all-star ensemble cast exemplifies heroism, selfless courage and patriotism —just the right amount of sentiment for this extraterrestrial extravaganza. When you hear the president step up on his bul- ly pulpit and launch into his freedom speech to the allied troops waiting to go into battle to protect the Earth, you're ready to join the fray. And because the president is a former Top Gun, whose family has been nearly decimated by the invaders, you just know it's going to be payback time. Not in ways you expect though. Inde- pendence Day's canvas is too broad to leave all the heroics to one man. David Levinson (Jeff Goldblum), a ca- ble TV technical engineer and computer genius, is the first to decode the aliens' intent. His fetish to passionately protect the environment, and coincidental link with the White House through his ex-wife Constance (Margaret Cokin), may just provide Earth's answer. David's cur- mudgeon father, Julius (Judd Hirsch), has wisdom and historical knowledge, al- beit somewhat unconventional, that might present the solution to withstand- ing invaders whose sole intent is hu- manity's annihilation. In the film's direst hour, Julius asks all to join hands and begins a Hebrew prayer. Someone blurts out, "I'm not Jewish." Without skipping a beat, Julius replies, "Nobody's perfect." These stirring char- acters use intelligence and imagination to counteract the invaders' superior tech- nology. All the characters, from Captain Steven Hiller (Will Smith), the military's best jet pilot, right on down to Russell (Randy Quaid), a ragtag pilot and crop duster, who was allegedly abducted by aliens 10 years earlier and wants revenge, have life-affirming goals. Mary Mc- Donnell is affecting as the will- OVIES ful first lady. Each supporting role show- cases humankind's indomitable spirit, honor, valor and unquenchable will to re- sist the overwhelming, otherworldly alien threat. Robert Loggia as General Grey, the president's understudy; Harvey Fier- stein as Marty, the cable station manag- er; Vivica Fox as Jasmine, an exotic dancer; Harry Connick Jr. as a hot dog Top Gun — all staunchly defend the Earth in their own inimitable styles. Look for nods to 2001: A Space Odyssey, Alien, Dr. Strangelove, Earth vs. The Fly- ing Saucers, The Right Stuff, The Day the Earth Stood Still, War of the Worlds, E.T., Close Encounters of the Third Kind and many other classic science fiction films. Independence Day should take its place in this panoply of unforgettable films. — Dick Roc well Vivica Fox plays a courageous mother who finds herself and her son (Ross Bagley) in the aftermath of an incredible attack. John Travolta plays a small-town mechanic who tries to win the love of Kyra Sedgwick. 'Phenomenon' Rated PG T ake two dashes of The Celestine Prophesy, sprinkle it with a dollop of UFO sightings, add a pinch of Uri Geller's spoon bending, and you've got Phenomenon, the "supposed-to-make- you-feel-good movie" of the summer. My cynical side wants to lambaste this New Age gobbledygook as soul food for the spiritually malnourished. But, my senti- mental side wants to embrace this tale of ordinary man George Malley (John Tra- volta), a small-town auto mechanic whose life is changed by a bolt from the blue. On the evening of his 37th birthday, George wondrously becomes a savant of sorts, able to learn foreign Languages overnight, develop 90-miles-per-gallon au- tomobile fuel out of pig poop and play chess like Bobby Fisher — although with a lot more humility. George's mental prowess expands at a prodigious rate. Soon, he is reading unabridged encyclo- pedias overnight, growing garden toma- toes the size of bowling balls and designing miniature solar-energy systems that would put the Biod pme to shame. For a simple man, this newfound ge- nius has unexpected consequences. Though George's Sonoma Valley friends possess great fondness for him, his unex- plained powers soon invite suspicion. He correctly predicts an impending earth- quake. He locates a missing child. He moves objects by sheer willpower. Through all this, George still manages to project an aura of unaffected decency. Sadly, George can't get to first base with Lace (Kyra Sedgwick), whose fetching smile conceals a cautious romantic. With puppy-like persistence, George eventual- ly charms Lace, her children — and the whole movie audience, for that matter. Phenomenon projects such a whole- some, caring atmosphere that no one may mind that not much is going on here. Robert Duvall, as the town doctor, is as homespun as a corncob pipe. George's bud- dy Nate (Forrest Whitaker), a farmer and ham radio operator, spends his lonely nights swooning for Diana Ross. One night Nate accidentally intercepts a mysterious coded transmission on his ham system. It intrigues George, whose burgeoning in- tellect cannot resist a new challenge, so he playfully decodes it and tells Nate to signal back. The FBI swoops down on George like an eagle on a field mouse. (Sure, the Feds are still using Morse Code to send covert instructions to their oper- atives.) As in Charly and Powder, all good things, particularly sudden genius, must come to an end. George only wants to share his new knowledge in the most be- nign ways. Given a few minutes, he would plot more efficient routes for his local postal carrier or partition the local tav- ern's parking lot to allow for seven more vehicles — hardly the stuff the govern- ment should be concerned about. But be- cause they can't comprehend his lack of ulterior motives, the government consid- ers George a security risk. Taken into cus- tody, George is interrogated by Dr. Bob ("Star Trek TNG's" Brent Spiner) in one of the most humorous Mensa tests in his- tory. Look for a touching performance from John Travolta, appealing as ever. Kyra Sedgwick (who was so luminous in the un- derrated Heart and Souls) exudes com- passion and sensuousness, particularly in a love scene which lifts palpable images from Ghost — this time with shaving cream instead of potter's clay. The eulo- gistic coda to Phenomenon offers a sooth- ing reverie on George's life and a perspective on human life in general — big or small, smart or simple. But, if this film had taken the path of true genius — rather than a derivative of all of the films I've mentioned above — now, that would be a real phenomenon. Q.11 ) . bagels —Dick Rockwell 0) CD 77