erlIS Summer Pleasure Bug Out! The small, darkctO t iia around Mom's head doesn't. mean a storm, but it does indicate a buzzing battalion of kamikaze bugs on the attack. How can Mom and others like her fight back? The best way to dodge sting- ing insects like bees and hornets is to smell and look drab, said Dr. Alan Kwaselow, president of the Michigan Allergy and Asthma Society. "The big issue is to avoid look- ing or smelling like a flower," said Dr. Kwaselow, who prac- tices with Detroit Medical Cen- ter (DMC) Health Care Centers. "Also, you want to make sure to wear some type of footwear to avoid stepping on a stinging in- sect." Mosquitoes are harder to avoid since they are drawn to the carbon dioxide that is emitted from the skin. With the moist spring this year leaving stagnant pools of rainwater as good breed- ing grounds, Detroiters may see more of the buzzing pests than in years past. Drinking tonic wa- ter and taking vitamin B-1 have been said to help by making sweat less desirable to the mos- quitoes. But Dr. Kwaselow sug- gested going with the more proven bug repellants contain- ing the chemical DEET to keep the bloodsuckers at bay. While avoiding the sting can be difficult, treating the site doesn't have to be. For mosquito bites, a quick dab of calamine lo- tion can do the trick. For a bee sting, it is important to carefully remove the stinger that is left in the skin by flicking it out; squeezing the stinger may cause more of the poison to in- vade the skin. Once the stinger is out, the site can be treated with ice. Redness and itching can be relieved with antihistamines, Dr. Kwaselow said. As for the home remedies of baking soda and water or putting meat tenderizer on the site, "there really is no scientif- ic evidence to support the effec- tiveness of those remedies," he said. Bug bites, burns and heat exhaustion frequently accompany favorite summertime activities but needn't douse the fun. D.J. BRADLEY SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS If a reaction not related to the site surfaces, such as hives or dif- ficulty breathing, the stinging victim should be taken to the closest hospital for treatment, Dr. Kwaselow said. "Time is of the essence for those people who have se- vere reactions," he said. which will flush out any dirt that could lead to infection. Applying an antibiotic ointment will help prevent the wound from oozing because the body will automat- ically produce fluid to heal the burn. Burns around the fa- cial area or irritation of the eyes that may be caused Burn Out! from a spark Whether Dad's should immedi- grilling himself ately be flushed %<„acqtk--- 41„A by his four-alarm with cool water. fire or being awak- The victim should ened by the sound of 't then be transported rat-a-tat-bing-bam-boom- V to an emergency room bat from the firecrackers the to ensure than no fur- family placed underneath his ther damage results. chair, there are some things peo- ple should keep in mind about Wipe Out! burns. "Any burn is always worse Brother is antsy. He's feeling than a person thinks because a wee bit wobbly and can't re- people oftentimes don't see the member the last time he was on full extent of the injury. Some skates or riding a bike. But that burns initially don't hurt at all isn't going to stop him from because they are so deep they speeding down a slope that have burned the nerve," said Dr. Chavi Pearlstein, 6, straps on her Sander Kushner, chairman of helmet before riding her bike recently the Family Practice Department in Oak Park. at Sinai Hospital. In Michigan alone, more than 12,500 emergency-room visits re- sult from fireworks injuries, with two-thirds of those occurring within four weeks of Indepen- dence Day. According to infor- mation provided by Hen r y Ford Health System in Detroit, most injuries occur because fireworks are misused, and people don't use common sense. Physicians recommend wear- ing safety glasses, goggles or even sunglasses when lighting fireworks. People are also en- couraged to use fireworks in un- populated, open areas that are in close proximity to water or, better yet, to avoid using the ex- plosives and go to a profession- ally staged event rather than tinkering with the fireworks themselves. Dr. Kushner suggests treat- ing burns by applying cool water seems like Mt. Everest. "The best treatment is pre- vention and proper safety equip- ment," says Dr. Kushner. He suggests keeping three things in mind before cycling or skating. One, know the terrain. Chee to see if the trail is bumpy or smooth, flat or with hills. Two, take lessons or go out a few times to become reacquainted with the basics of balance, support, mo- tion and braking. Three, always wear protective gear. Helmets apply to skating and cycling. Wrist guards and elbow and knee pads are especially impor- tant for in-line skating enthusi- asts. Another important element Dr. Kushner asks people to re- member is to fall off to the side from a bike in as much of a ball- shape as possible. This technique will lessen the chance of break- ing legs, arms or neck. Dr. Michael Jaffee, a physical medicine resident at Detroit Re- habilitation Center, echoes Dr. Kushner's sentiments about the importance of remembering the PERILS page 67 PHOTO BY DANI EL L IPPITT T he perfect picnic? Mom is humming a song with an orchestra of mosquitoes buzzing in the background. Dad's at the barbecue, stoking the flames to inferno proportions. Brother is a little wobbly on those wheels of his. Sister is broiling in the sun like meat on a rotisserie. By the end of the afternoon, Mom, with all her bug bites, looks as though she has the measles; Dad is more burned than the hot dogs; Brother is one giant scrape; and Sister is suf- fering from heat exhaustion. Aah, a day communing with Mother Nature. More aptly put, a day which demonstrates the perils of summer.