Close Ur Path 1'0 1[11 e J U L I E eart H A grandd hter traveled deep into the Polish countryside in search of her grandfather. She found much more. oman Godek's eyes nar- rowed in suspicion. Standing before him were three strangers, one of them a young red- headed woman from America. They had the weary but ex- hilarated faces of pilgrims who had finally reached their destination. They wanted to talk to him. Assured they meant no harm, he eventually invited them to his home, a cottage like most of the others in the tiny Polish hamlet of Frysztak. A drinking well and tidy garden plot in the yard com- pleted the simple tableau. Inside the kitchen, one of two rooms in the house, a story unfolded that has linked past to present, child to parent, and grandchild to grandparent. While it closed a circle for one family, it opened the future for a young woman who has made it her life's work to teach the Holocaust long after its living survivors are gone. On her first trip in 1990 as a faculty member with March of the Living, a program that takes thou- sands of teen-agers through the concentration and death camps of Poland and to Israel, Debbie Fin- dling wasn't prepared to search for her grandfather, who was last heard from in 1941. She called her father to ask the name of his fa- ther's village, but abandoned the idea after people warned her that rural Poles hadn't seen Jews for United States with the help of the 50 years and would regard her American Friends Service Corn- with deep suspicion. And certain- mittee in 1941. Like many young Polish Jews ly, if she decided to go, she would need to remove the Star of David of his day, the boys' father, David Findling, an itinerant laborer, left on the chain around her neck. In a remote region of her heart, for Germany in the early 1920s, Ms. Findling, a Southfield native seeking an environment more hos- who serves as religious school pitable to Jews. In 1925, he mar- principal at Congregation Netiv- ried Etla, and the couple bore five ot Shalom in Berkeley, Calif., had children — Joe, Fred, Martin, always wondered about the fate Fanny and Regina. Joe Findling, 67, remembers his of her paternal grandfather, David father in "images Findling. frozen in time" — Her father, Royal the clothes he wore, Oak attorney Fred his workboots, his Findling, and uncle, sardonic Yiddish state administrative jokes and his affini- law judge Joseph ty for communism, Findling, had told which afforded an their story to the ordinary working family time and man a sense of high- again. It always er purpose. David dead-ended with Findling, Mr. Find- their failed attempts ling recalls, had to find their father problems holding through the Red onto a job because of Cross, the last time a tendency to speak in 1989. Debbie Findling in front of a his mind: He was Their search, of formerly Jewish home in Tikocyn, course, had an im- Poland, on the most recent March fired from a butcher shop after he gave mediacy hers did of the Living journey. away the secret in- not; they remem- bered their father as flesh and gredients in the sausage. His last real job was in a lum- blood, while Debbie approached it beryard, across the Rhine in Duis- with a more distanced eye. berg. In 1937, the Germans kicked oe and Fred Findling were out the owner, a Jew, and all his nearly teen-agers when they Jewish employees, including boarded a ship from south- David Findling. Joe remembers ern France, spirited to the accompanying his father when he lill A EDGAR R R delivered Pesach supplies by pushcart to Jews in Cologne, the only line of work left for a man with little education and few prospects. When in 1938 Hitler ordered all Jewish heads of household back to their countries of origin, David Findling packed up what he could — a loaf of bread and about $5 — and boarded a train to return to his Galician village, Fryzstak. With the matter-of-fact tone of a man leaving for a weekend jaunt, he told Joe at the train station to look after the family. Within-the next few months, the remaining family members saw their synagogue desecrated and found themselves cowering when- ever somebody knocked on their door. In her bones, Etla knew they were doomed, and she sent all but her youngest child to a relative in Belgium. She later moved to Brus- sels, but never again lived with her sons, who were placed in sep- arate-private homes and orphan- ages. The three eventually lived together again in a home for Jew- ish refugees. In 1941, David Findling's letters stopped. In 1943, after her children had scattered to America, Etla was picked up off the street in Brussels and shipped to Auschwitz, where she perished upon her arrival. Fred Findling knows that because he found a book during a trip to Belgium a few years ago that