Roses How a single sheet of paper turns into a beautiful flower. ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM ASSOCIATE EDITOR PHOTOS BY GLENN TRIEST Above: A delicate flower from a sheet of paper. Above right: Shoshana and Ruth Allon start folding. Right: Sara Hejda gets directions from her mother, Miriam. 11 it took was a series of folds, and within minutes Seema Selmar had turned a sheet of paper into a cup, or a flower, or a windmill. So, too, did a group of women and girls who met last week for an origami class taught by Mrs. Sel- mar. The program, sponsored by the Agency for Jewish Education, was held at the AJE library. 4 Mrs. Selmar said she began learning origami when she was about 3. Her mother was an artist, and Seema found herself enthralled by the thin, colorful papers used for the art. In origami, Japanese paper folding which in- volves no scissors or glue, "everything is preci- sion, patience, perfection," Mrs. Selmar said. The program was one of a number sponsored by the library, which also hosts book groups for adults, story- telling for children and meetings of Emmet (Emotional Maturi- ty Through Torah), a women's self-help support group, said librarian Julie Solomon. With the aid of Mrs. Selmar and her daughters, participants at the origami program had the chance to create some of the more sophisticated pieces, including a flower. However, even the cc, complete novice can make a simple cup (which is actually us- able). All you need is a square piece of paper. — First, fold paper in half, diagonally, point to point. You will now have a triangle. Next, fold up one of the bottom angles to — the top middle of the other side, like a bird's wing folded over the > .cr - front of its chest. Turn over and do the same on the other side. Next, pull down top flaps, one on either side. Stretch middle open. Now you're ready for a drink! ❑ ..