COI EGE BOUND The Freshman Experience Coping with bad roommates, budgeting time and money, and learning about the importance ofcaffeine. ERIN R. SCHWARTZ SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS I have taken so many 360-degree turns since I began college that I do not even recognize the girl I was my senior year of high school. I am about to become a junior — at Emory University in At- lanta — and in a few months I will no longer be a teen-ager. Those are a couple of really scary thoughts. Two years from now I will be heading out into the real world. I am a completely different person than the one I was exact- ly two years ago when I started college. I have different dreams, goals, hopes, fears and expecta- tions for the future. I realize that I am not finished growing or changing, but for the most part, the majority of my per- sonality was formed in my first year at school. It was the most dramatic year of my life, filled with many highs and lows, and everything in between. The first year of college was a never-ending roller coaster. I ex- perienced practically every emo- tion possible — excitement, nervousness, happiness, sadness, anger, loneliness and fear. There were many dips and curves, but when I finally reached the end of the ride, I found the most impor- tant thing — myself I would not change a single ex- perience I had, including the worst of them. Every day last year I learned something new which helped make me a stronger and more confident in- dividual. I distinguished between the good and bad, the important and the trivial, and I made mistakes. In the end, I be- came a new woman who knows what she wants out of life. Perhaps the best way to describe my freshman year would be to list some of my most meaningful experi- ences, and the lessons de- rived from them. Lesson No. 1 — Living with another person is not. easy. This is especially true when the combination of different social, economic and religious backgrounds are added in to the picture. I had to room blind, but I was under the impression that I would be matched with a Jewish New York- er (my university is around 35 percent Jewish and a large majority is from the East Coast). I could not have been more wrong. Her name was Nan, and she was a die-hard Irish Southern Baptist. Besides the fact that I could hardly understand her (because of her thick Southern drawl), I had problems communi- cating with her, too. We did not get along in the least. First of all, she borrowed everything that was mine without asking. I h ghly recommend marking your initials on every single one of your belongings (clothes, . CDs, etc.) before it is too late. You will be living with hundreds of other strangers in a dorm and you have no clue how they were raised. hi my case, Nan decided, with- out consulting me of course, that she would "borrow" my clothes daily, despite the fact that she is 5-feet-11-inches and I am only 5- feet-2. Slowly, I realized that my other belongings were disap- pearing as well. It turned out that when Nan went home for the weekends, she had a habit of taking my posses- sions with her. She also ate all of my food, monopolized the tele- phone, turned the room into a dis- aster area and brought strange boys home at all hours of the night. Worst of all, however, was the time she almost burned the room down. One night she left her San- ta Claus hat hanging on her bed- side lamp and it caught on fire. The hall smelled of smoke for days. I have to make it clear that this is not the typical freshman room- mate experience. Most people who room blind do get along with each other, and the ones who don't usually switch roommates after a semester. There were two reasons I de- cided to stay the year. I had a great freshman hall and all of my best friends lived on either PHOTO BY CHARLES M. RAFSHOON side of me. I also figured if I was able to stick the situ- ation out, it would help me in the long run. I thought if I could handle living with someone like Nan for a whole year, then I would have no problems with in- terpersonal skills in the working world. Lesson No. 2 — Time and money both have to be budgeted. Upon entering college, I was suddenly faced with chores that I never had to deal with before. If I didn't like the dorm food, I had to buy and cook my own. I had to do my own laundry, bal- ance my accounts, pay my bills and buy toiletries. There was no one telling me when to study, when to go to bed and what to eat. I had to learn the true meaning of independence. With all of these new re- sponsibilities, along with juggling all of my classes, it was hard to balance my dai- ly schedule. There was always some- thing I didn't have time to do, and, as a result, I had to Erin R. Schwartz: Formed by freshman experiences.