Hezbollah Desecration, In The Name Of God Walking through the rubble of Lebanon's once glorious national museum is now like entering a funeral vault. L ebanon's National Museum, a vast neoclassical structure built in the monumental, fascistic style of the 1930s, had the misfortune to be situated on a hilltop that straddled a ma- jor highway dividing East, or Christian, Beirut from West, or Muslim, Beirut. Before the war, many neighborhoods had been integrated, but militiamen de- liberately had pushed each sect into its own psychological and geographic ghetto. Those who resisted sectarian segregation were killed or bombed into sub- mission. Because of its strategic location, the museum had closed in 1975, just after the war erupt- ed. But it had not been spared. The repository of Lebanon's cul- tural history had been fought over by most militias. In April of 1994 the museum, like Beirut itself, was a wreck. Maurice Shehab, its dedicat- ed curator, a Maronite descen- dant of the family that had run Mount Lebanon under Ottoman rule for 250 years, had sensed that the conflict would be long known only as a metaphor for and bloody. So he had hidden fear. many of the smaller, precious A Mosaic Massacre objects or sent them out of the Ms. Asmar, who had worked country. And he had encased the statues, stelae (stone mon- at the museum throughout the uments), and sarcophagi (stone war, escorted me through the coffins) that were too heavy to burned and leaking building. Al- move in huge blocks of cement. , most every window was gone; so He had died without seeing the was much of the staircase lead- restoration of his museum or his ing to the second floor. A giant shell hole in the roof provided country. In November 1993 the mu- the only illumination. Mr. She- seum had opened for 10 days for hab's concrete blocks still stood the first time in 18 years to raise like massive tombs in the de- money for its reconstruction. serted halls; the museum itself Lebanon's Prime Minister felt like a funeral vault. I froze as we entered the hall Hariri himself had given $1 mil- lion to the campaign. Camille that had once featured the mu- Asmar, the new director, said seum's breathtaking mosaics. that some Lebanese had wept There was little that the imagi- when they saw the devastated native Maurice Shehab could building and its pathetic exhi- have done to protect them. But bition of photographs of I still was not prepared for what Lebanon before, during and af- I saw. In the lower left-hand cor- ter the war. Some 20,000 ner of a fifth-century mosaic of Lebanese, many of them chil- Christ as a shepherd tending a dren who had never been to a flock of exotic animals was a museum before, were taken on jagged sniper hole the size of a tours of the place they had watermelon. One of the militi- essary spiritual and legal stand- World Trade Center by brand- ing to publish such edicts," he ing the targets "anti-Islamic" or said in a display of Islamic mod- "traitors to Islam" and, hence, esty, placing his ascendancy in legitimate targets of attack. the mouths of unnamed others. But, he added, such rulings A Political Evolution? were "unnecessary" because Sheikh Fadlallah appeared Lebanese-Israeli contacts had to have read my mind. That he been banned in fatwas ever had not issued such rulings, he since the bloody Israeli-Shiite said, did not necessarily mean confrontation in Nabatiye in that he disapproved of the at- tacks. While he had condemned 1983. Had he ever issued a fatwa the hijacking of airliners and authorizing a suicide mission kidnapping of foreigners in against Israel or a Western tar- Lebanon since the mid-1980s, get in Lebanon? I asked. No, he he added, "any means of self-de- had not, he said. Was the sheikh fense is acceptable in war." Any also engaging in taqiyya? Many means? I asked. "Yes," he de- Lebanese thought so. "He lies clared. Self-martyrdom, Sheikh the way we breathe," Prime Fadlallah said, was "certainly Minister Hariri had once said less abhorrent than the atomic of his bitter rival. bombs the United States Western intelligence officials dropped on Japan or what it did agreed with Mr. Hariri. Some to Iraqi soldiers during the Gulf asserted that Sheikh Fadlallah War. You buried them alive in had explicitly sanctioned early their bunkers." kidnappings and the bombing I was fascinated by the con- of the U.S. Marine compound in trast between Sheikh Fadlal- Lebanon. Others, however, lah's words and his tone. Had likened Sheikh Fadlallah's role I not been following his words, to that of Sheikh Omar Abdel the sheikh could have passed for Rahman, the Egyptian cleric Santa Claus. A plump man with who had obliquely blessed An- a bushy white beard, twinkling, war Sadat's assassination and bright eyes, and a broad smile, the 1993 attack on New York's Sheikh Fadlallah was usually "just because Arab states are forced to accept the existence of Israel, we do not have to succumb to such pressure." – Sheik Fadlallah amen who had slept, eaten, uri- nated, and fought from here had desecrated the holiest site, I thought, in Beirut. My eyes filled with tears — of rage. Ms. Asmar looked away. "The mosaic came from Jenah, a suburb of Beirut," she said qui- etly. "There was nothing quite like it in all the Middle East." Had the militiaman not un- derstood? Was he so ignorant, so frenzied, so filled with hate and fear, that he had failed to notice what he had destroyed? Couldn't he have knocked his hole a foot or two away from the mosaic? And then I noticed the graf- fiti in Arabic just above the mo- sale: Bismillah al rahman al rahim (In the Name of God the Merciful), the Islamic inscription began. So the young sniper had known what he was doing, after all. Jesus would mean nothing to him. A mosaic from the jahiliyya, the era before the Prophet Muhammad, the pre- seventh-century era of "igno- rance," was probably worse than nothing:The mosaic depicted a man, and this was haram, for- bidden by Islam. That the mo- saic should be revered not for its subject but for its beauty, rarity and age would never have oc- curred to him. I asked Ms. Asmar about the graffiti. `There is scribbling like this all over the building, left by all the sects," she said with a sigh. "There are crosses and cres- cents, Islamic and Phalangist slogans. They even left us their names and addresses. They wanted to be remembered." The fate of Lebanon's Na- tional Museum was like that of Lebanon, a country so divided and atomized by its competing religions and sects, so filled with rage, envy, petty resentments and ancient grievances that suc- cessions of militiamen had thought nothing about using the shrine of their common heritage as a killing field. — Judith Miller referred to as "moderate" by or media. Parliament represents Western students of Islam. He an advanced propaganda podi- • was said to be an impressive urn for the Islamists." Moreover, he noted, being in scholar — a poet, essayist and stirring orator. He was the au- Parliament enabled the Party thor of many books; few of them of God to persuade others "to had been translated from Ara- support some of what you want. bic, but they were hotly debat- In this way, you can pass a law for Islam here and secure a po- ed among Arabs. Many analysts believed that sition for Islam there." Thus, Lebanon would not be Hezbollah's evolution into a po- litical player, albeit an exotic "Islamized"; Hezbollah would one, meant that the group even- be "Lebanized." tually would moderate its rhetoric, actions and goals to ebanon had never been an protect conventional interests: introspective society: it had parliamentary seats, con- always made up in energy stituents, government-assigned what it lacked in depth. Be- jobs and benefits. Hezbollah cause it contained so had tasted power and liked it. In the fall of 1993, a Hezbollah many different sects and ide- parliamentary delegation had ologies, Lebanon had always en- gone to Brazil — the first such couraged superficiality. People overseas visit — and been roy- with so many differences who ally received. Even Sheikh Fad- sought harmony and democra- lallah admitted the advantages cy could not afford to look at of political respectability. "When themselves or their society you are a parliamentary deputy, deeply. This "cultural amnesia" was a the newspapers and media re- port your words," Sheikh Fad- theme that Elias Khoury, a lallah had said. "Just try, if you • Lebanese writer, repeatedly had don't have a seat in the politi- revisited in his essays and plays. cal club, even if you're well- Before leaving Lebanon, I went known, and you won't even get to see him. His new play about a little corner in the newspaper the disappearance of some 20,000