Classic. Unusual, Intricate. Historical. Valuable. Distinctive. End u Timeless. Buyable. The Sabbatical Year: Hope For Redemption Shabbat Behar-Bechukotai: Leviticus 25:1 - 27:3; Jeremiah 16:19 - 17:14. MARJORIE SHUMAN SAULSON SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS T The 12th Annual Village Antiques Show & Sale Lovett Hall Henry Ford Museum May 10•llam - 9pm May 11 • llam - 7pm May 12 11 am - 5pm This year, 40 top exhibitors from across the United States offer a stunning variety of treasures, from early American glass to European and American Paintings, even less formal period antiques. Lectures will be given Friday and Saturday. Tickets are just $7 per person, $6 for seniors. For more HENRY F 0 R I) information, call M U.' UM (313) 271-1620, ext. 301. GREEN IELD VILLAGE w C.1) H- his week's Torah portion brings us another double header, Behar (And the Lord spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai) and Bechukotai (If you walk in my statutes). Behar deals with two issues that resonate in our own day: Ecology and poverty. The concept of the sabbatical year, in which the land is allowed to rest, fits very neatly into modern concerns about the depletion of soil con- tinuously farmed and minimally replenished with commercial fer- tilizers of limited nutritional val- ue. Recent studies have indicated that the mineral content of our food has been severely jeopar- dized by this practice. Since min- erals are the primary source of flavor in our foods, it is not our imagination that everything seemed to taste better when we were younger. (My friend, Taya Akkerman, once lamented to me that the raspberries she buys in America have hardly any flavor compared to the ones she used to buy in the Ukraine. I didn't dare ask her to compare the taste of tomatoes!) Thus the injunction to allow the land to rest one year in sev- en is not merely some biblical ide- al appropriate only in ancient times, but one that calls us to ac- count in our own day for the way in which we abuse God's land. In order to increase the quantitative yield of the earth, we are strip- ping away the quality from that which we produce. We pay for our foolishness and greed with di- minished physical energy, de- creased mental clarity, and a variety of nutritionally related diseases. This pattern of sabbatical years reaches its culmination every 50 years with the celebra- tion of the Jubilee year. "And you shall hallow the 50 year. You shall proclaim release through- out the land for all its inhabi- tants." Leviticus 25:10. (The more commonly known translation is found on the Liberty Bell: "Pro- claim liberty throughout the land and to all the inhabitants there- of.") CC D 30 Marjorie S. Saulson is on the Board of Overseers of the Rabbinical School of the Jewish Theological Seminary and is a national vice president of Women's League for Conservative Judaism. While many modern scholars believe that the Jubilee year was not celebrated in practice, since it would entail allowing the land to lie fallow two years in a row, creating great hardship, the most intriguing provision of the Jubilee year is the reversion of property to its original owners and the freeing of Hebrews held in bondage. There are four levels of im- poverishment recounted in this Torah portion; and in each level, there is a mechanism for revers- ing the slide into poverty. If a per- son needs to sell his land, only the crops for the number of years un- til the Jubilee year may be sold. During the Jubilee year, the land reverts to the original owner. "And the land shall not be sold in perpetuity; for the land is Mine; for you are strangers and settlers with me." Leviticus 25:23. Should a person lose all his land and become indebted to an- other Israelite, he is to be treat- ed as a kinsman and not charged interest for the food or money he borrows. Further, if the person must indenture himself, he is not to be treated as a slave, but rather as a hired person; and he is to be freed during the Jubilee year. Lastly, if an Israelite be- comes the slave of a non-Israelite, his redemption from slavery be- c_\ _/ comes a matter of the highest pri- ority. The concept of God's owner- ship of the land and our serving as the stewards thereof has found its expression in our recent his- tory in the idea proposed to the Zionist Congress in 1897 by Pro- fessor Herman Schapira, that a Jewish National Fund be creat- ed to purchase land in Palestine. This land was to be made avail-