410111111111 111011111111PIIMIMOIMIW As For Cease-Fire: Let The Campaign Begin s soon as the guns and the rocket-launchers fell silent over Southern Lebanon and Northern Israel, Op- eration Grapes of Wrath became a football in the Is- raeli election campaign. Prime Minister Shimon Peres hailed the cease-fire agreement, brokered by Secretary of State Warren Christopher, as "a completely new chapter" in the Mid- dle East, the first time Israel had Syria and Lebanon as partners. "This is an agreement of the first magnitude," he bragged. 'To a great extent, it exceeds our expectations." Which was not, of course, how the op- position saw it. Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu accused the government of los- ing its nerve. "Despite the enormous sacrifice and suf- fering by the residents of the north and despite the loyal backing of the opposi- tion," he complained, "the government failed to achieve any of its goals ... The sad fact is that Hezbollah is still capable of launching rockets into Israel. They are spread out where they were, and with yet another agreement that allows them to attack our soldiers, which they will do." The gloves are off. The hiatus is over. The campaign, delayed by suicide bombers, an international summit and a mini-war, is up and running. Mr. Peres and Mr. Netanyahu are left with four weeks — short by Israeli standards, but long enough in most countries — to con- vince the electorate that they, and only they, can deliver "peace with security." As he showed during his bonus Wash- ington visit this week, Mr. Peres will ex- ploit the advantages of incumbency to the hilt. And both President Bill Clinton and the PLO's Yassir Arafat are doing their best for the Labor leader. The administration, as Israeli reporters noted, not only announced new defense cooperation goodies, but timed the joint news conferences to play live on the main Israeli television news shows. Mr. Arafat, for his part, bullied the Palestine Nation- al Council to annul the anti-Israel claus- es in its national charter — on Israel's Independence Day, no less. Yet the impact of Grapes of Wrath re- mains uncertain. The 80-85 percent of the voters who had long ago made up their minds were reinforced in their respective commitments. For the floating 15-20 per cent (mostly first-time voters and new immigrants), the 72-year-old Peres demonstrated rare au- There is no shelter from the political fallout after Operation Grapes of Wrath. ERIC SILVER SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS thority and resilience. He controlled both the war and the diplomacy. In contrast to the 1982 invasion of Lebanon, the politi- cal echelon called the shots. This made possible a calculated threat to escalate the conflict by sending in ground troops, re- layed to Hafez Assad by Warren Christo- pher, that finally persuaded the Syrian President to blink. Mr. Netanyahu projected the same statesman-like responsibility he had shown at the time of the Hamas bombings villages of northern Israel and sheltering behind Lebanese civilians. Whether that was indeed achieved will be judged by events. During his American trip, Mr. Peres told Israeli reporters he expected the cease-fire to hold "at least through the elec- tions." After that, everything would hinge on the peace negotiations with Syria. Inevitably, however, many Israelis hoped for more. One resident of Metulla, a supporter of the wider Middle East pelce AP/JAMMAL SAIIDI The Lebanese prime minister welcomes Warren Christopher to talks ending the bombardment : and the Sharm al-Sheik summit. He drove to Kiryat Shmona to flaunt his solidarity with the people under fire, but so long as the Katyushas were winging in, he did not second-guess the government or the army. Much will depend on what people ex- pected of Grapes of Wrath. Ministers and generals said repeated- ly that they were not trying to eradicate the Hezbollah militia. Mr. Peres confessed at one point that waging war on guerrilla fighters with a base in their local com- munity was like eating soup with a fork." The declared objective was to stop Hezbollah from rocketing the towns and process, confided that she was "under- whelmed" by the agreement. Hezbollah was still on her doorstep. Mr. Netanyahu will try to fan this unease. Mr. Christopher announced the truce at the end of a seven-day shuttle between Jerusalem and Damascus. Israel and Hezbollah agreed not to attack each oth- er's civilians. The Shi'ite militia also un- dertook to refrain from using towns and villages as an umbrella for its military op- erations. This effectively reinstated a 1993 in- formal understanding, but this time put it in writing so that neither side could dis- pute its terms. From Israel's point of view, the agreement was strengthened by the embargo on using civilians as a shield for attacks. Israel tacitly acknowledged, however, that Hezbollah would continue its guer- rilla campaign against Israeli troops and their South Lebanese Army surrogates operating in the South Lebanese security zone. But the guerrillas will be more vul- nerable now to counter-attack and pre- emptive strikes. The Chief-of-Staff, Lieutenant-Gener- al Amnon Shahak, told the Cabinet that the army would feel free to open fire at Lebanese villages if Hezbollah operated from within them. This applied not just to shooting from the villages, but establish- ing headquarters in them or preparing at- tacks in them. Although this interpretation was not written into the agreement, Israel spelled it out in a side letter to the Americans, which Mr. Christopher reported to Mr. As- sad. The Syrian president did not demur. Under the cease-fire, breaches of the agreement will be referred to an interna- tional monitoring team, comprising the United States, France, Israel, Syria and Lebanon. This may inhibit Israel and Hezbollah from instant retaliation, but it does mean that local or unintentional breaches will not lead automatically to an escalation of the kind that occurred last month. Ze'ev Schiff, the dean of Israeli defense commentators, criticized the government (and the Americans) for failing to pressure the Lebanese government to expel Iran- ian revolutionary guards, who supply and train Hizbollah fighters in eastern Lebanon. Mr. Schiff, writing in Ha'aretz, also protested that no serious effort was made to convince Syria to stop the trans- fer of Iranian arms and ammunition to Hezbollah via Damascus airport. Nonetheless, Mr. Assad did agree to an early resumption of the stalled Syrian-Is- raeli peace negotiations. They will be a critical test of his own intentions. Israelis, on the left as well as the right, had begun to doubt whether he had made the strate- gic choice to co-exist in peace with the Jew- ish state. Israelis will also be watching to see whether Damascus uses its leverage, as the dominant power in Lebanon, to ensure that Hezbollah honors the cease-fire agree- ment. If, as some fear, it continues to ex- ploit the militia as an instrument to extract concessions in the peace talks. Is- rael may be forced to reconsider its com- mitment to restraint. ❑