Your hosts: Rick Rogow & Torn Peristeris invite you and your family to enjoy Mother's Day with us... Peter Loren, corporate chef; and others, is supreme ... amid an ele- gance seldom seen in this or any other region. The Wisnes, former owners of Sheraton-Oaks Hotel, aren't stop- ping at Tribute ... They'll open an- other restaurant in Birmingham, temporarily named Brasserie Four, to join their growing empire that already includes Too Chez and Tribute ... and will also go into a full-scale catering opera- tion with a 1,000-capacity cater- ing hall in Novi. MASTER CHEF Ed Janos has been lured on board to head the Grille at Ritz-Carlton, Dear- born ... He is teamed with Exec- utive Chef Christian Alunno to showcase his culinary talents ... Ed is one of only 68 certified mas- ter chefs in the country. Cuisine reflects an ancient culture. They will be featured in the Ritz-Carlton's International Jour- ,— ney of Food and Wine, a tribute to the cuisine of four different cul- tures, that kicks off May 6-12 with France ... Each country is a week-long recognition ... France will be followed by the Orient (July 8-14), Germany (Sept. 16- 22) and Italy (Nov. 18-24). ARLENE GREER is now manager of Salon Z, the full-fig- ure women's department at Saks Fifth Avenue in Somerset Col- lection. WHEN HE gives a party, Norm LePage puts on a whop- ping shindig ... Many people still remember when, years back, he opened the Banyan Tree in Troy ... The inaugural was with a huge elephant coming through the massive doors to herald a wing- ding of a happening. Norm uncovered Mac & Ray's to well over 1,500 people in what is still considered the classic of them all. His East Side Mario's of Rochester Hills made a lot of new friends at the opening ... Same with the Livonia site...Now re- cently came the opening of Norm's third, very imaginative East Side Mario's, in Southfield Commons on Southfield just north of 12 Mile. People galore ordered from the menu, drank to their heart's con- tent ... and left saying, "Boy, that Norm LePage sure throws a mean party!" We sat on Canal and Mulber- ry, by Columbus Park, in the semblance of New York's Little Italy of the '20s ... amid one of the most colorful scenes anywhere. THE DRAWINGS given to his mother, Marion Kozlow, in Detroit, back in 1947, to hold when he moved to New York, will be the focus of Richard Kozlow's coming exhibition and sale at Kozlow's Studio, 811 N. Main Street, in Royal Oak. They were stored and marked by Marion in a package neatly wrapped in string, reading sim- ply, "Richard's drawings of 1947." He has signed, framed and dat- ed 32 of the crayon life drawings for his studio exhibit and sale ... Opening reception is May 17 ... The showing and sale will con- tinue on May 18 and May 19 from noon to 5 p.m. SOUPY SALES will be back at Genitti's Hole-In-The-Wall on East Main Street in Northville, 8:15 May 10 and May 11, and 3 p.m. May 12 (Mother's Day); May 16, 7:30; and May 17, 8:15 ... Tick- et price of $45 per person also in- cludes Genitti's seven-course family-style Italian dinner, tax and tip. THIS IS NO ordinary restau- rant operation, so it is not sur- prising that the recent opening would be greeted like the arrival of hungry gangbusters. Lelli's of Auburn Hills, across from the Silverdome, the same side of Opdyke Road, opened its doors March 18, and unveiled a restaurant of major proportions. It seats 350 in three rooms, in- cluding a bar/lounge area and is the epitome of elegance with its large tables and very comfortable booths. Even the acoustics have been very well planned ... Regardless of how busy it may be, there is no distraction to take away table conversations. Lelli's of Auburn Hills is sheer beauty in elegance with attrac- tive colors of deep burgundy and dark mahogany ... White linen tablecloths, white linen napkins, recessed lighting, framed prints on the walls, softly lit light fix- tures on walls in back of the booths. As dusk and darkness de- scends upon Lelli's of Auburn Hills, with its large picture win- dows, the subdued lighting makes for a romantic setting of sheer dining pleasure. It is most evident that much painstaking care has been taken to open properly ... Buspersons like "Fast Louie" Petropoulos have been brought over from the Detroit locale to make certain customers don't ever have dirty plates in front of them ... Fast Louie was a Woodward Avenue mainstay for 20 years before corn- ing to Auburn Hills. And waiters like Tim Troxell, formerly of Pike Street, who spent two weeks in training at the De- troit Lelli's ... So gracious, cour- teous and efficient. Reservations are taken any day except Saturday ... About the food, it is Lelli's through and through ... Nothing more need be said. A MEAL FIT FOR A QUEEN with a menu that includes our most popular Greek Specialties ... Tommy's Famous Salad, Greek Salad, Our Great Succulent Lamb Chops and many more favorites to assure a memorable dining experience for mom ON HER DAY! RESERVATIONS 737-8600 (for Parties of Over 10) LIVE JAZZ THURSDAY & FRIDAY 8 p.m. to 12 Midnight Featuring MILLIE SCOTT and KEVIN CROSBY Complete Private Catering For All Occasions • Weddings • Business Meetings • Bar/Bat Mitzvahs • Reunions • Showers • Testimonials • Anniversaries • Banquets • Birthdays • Etc. N o N 6199 Orchard Lake Rd., N. of Maple • 737-8600 r erxt BISHOP, Mother, & Daughter NIKKI, 4; RUTHIE KOZLOWSKI, Rheumatologist; PAUL KOREN, Medical Publishing Representative; LAUREN BLITZ, Mother, & Daughter Jilian, 6 / 1 2 and Son Max, 4; Grandma ROSALIE DEAN, Daughter Michelle Wolfe, Granddaughter Rebecca, 4, and Grandson Zachary, 1; SUSAN GRANT, Spanish Teacher, North Farmington High School, & Daughter Traci, 6 Get Results... Advertise in our new Entertainment Section! Call Shari Cimino (810)354.7123 Ext. 208 THE JEWI S H NEWS SEEN AT MARVIN'S TODD LEVITT, Attorney and Father, Daughter Rachel, 24; LAURIE SALES • RENTAL • SERVICE VIDEOS & PINBALLS WE HAVE BLACK & HOME OF WHITE AND COLOR THE POG! PHOTO BOOTHS THIS AD 1 Coupon Per Person 31005 ORCHARD LAKE RD. BEHIND FBA SOUTH OF 14 • 626-5020 LN MON.-SAT. 10 TO 11, SUN. 12 TO 9 Next time you feed your face, think about your heart. Go easy on your heart and start cutting back on foods that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol. The change'll do you good. V American Heart Association ❑ ■■■■•■ =111INI WE'RE FIGHTING FOR YOUR LIFE 109