Are you a family with one Jewish parent? Then Stepping Stones to a Jewish Me 44 is for you and your children! Stepping Stones is 44 A • a community program for children ages 5 -16 of interfaith families and their parent(s) • an opportunity for your children to connect with their Jewish heritage through weekly sessions • a variety of creative programs which will help your family discover a greater understanding of Judaism OPEN HOUSE for the 1996-1997 School Year Sunday, May 5, 1996 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Adat Shalom Synagogue Do We Go Back To The Bad Old Days? At. JAMES D. BESSER WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT Children's sessions will be meeting. We invite you to see if Stepping Stones is for you.- Questions? Call (810) 354 - 1050. Stepping Stones is a community program for children of unaffiliated interfaith families. It was developed by TO A JEWISH ME the Conservative and Reform Rabbis of Metro Detroit and is administered by Jewish Experiences for Families (J.E.F.E), a division of the Agency for Jewish Education. Stepping Stones Open House is co-sponsored by The Jewish News. BOOKS Bought and Sold LIBRARY BOOKSTORE 545-4300 Open 7 Days Books Bought In Your Home M. Seraph/ter ast week's Israeli actions in Southern Lebanon, which resulted in the ac- cidental deaths of more than 100 civilians huddled in a United Nations compound, forced Jewish leaders in this country to do what some had hoped they'd never have to do again: Justify controversial Is- raeli actions that they didn't ful- ly understand. More than anything else, the sudden breakdown of Operation Grapes of Wrath represented- a punch in the solar plexus to an American Jewish community that had longed for a new reali- ty in the Middle East — but which realized with dismay that older, harsher truths still pre- vailed in that most dangerous of neighborhoods. Strangely, actions that have enhanced the feeling of security for many Israelis, at least in the short term, produced grave dis- comfort for American Jewish of- ficials. From the beginning, Jewish leaders here understood the ne- cessity of mounting some kind of action against Hezbollah. "It was imperative that Israel do something," said the leader of a major Jewish group late last week. "Not the least considera- tion was the need to show [Syr- ian President Hafez al- Assad that Israel is not going to sit idly by while he undermines the peace process by letting Hezbol- lah operate with impunity." Although it was not the de- cisive factor, this source argued, the impending Israeli elections added to the squeeze on Prime Minister Shimon Peres; inaction I 29901 Middlebelt Rd., Farmington Hills _of Stepping Stones Peacekeepers carry the body of a shelling victim in Lebanon. CASH FOR LIKE-NEW WOMEN'S & CHILDREN'S DESIGNER fashions & accessories CONSIGNMENT CLOTHIERS Call today for a FREE housecall appt. or in-store appt. 341-4570 43041 W. 7 Mile • Northville in the face of continuing Hezbol- lah attacks could be political sui- cide for Mr. Peres, and therefore a death blow to the peace process. Initially, Operation Grapes of Wrath won widespread praise in the American Jewish com- munity because of the precision of the attacks. Even the Israeli strategy of creating a mass of refugees to mount pressure on the Syrian government and its puppets in Beirut made sense to many Jewish leaders. There was also a genuine sympathy for the Israelis forced into bomb shelters or out of their communities by terrorist rock- ets. But the support quickly gave way to a queasy ambiva- lence after the shelling at Kafr Kana, the kind of mistake that is likely in any military action, almost inevitable when fighting against a guerrilla army. Most early statements from Jewish groups echoed the offi- cial Israeli line that while the loss of life was regrettable, the disaster at Kafr Kana was en- tirely the fault of Hezbollah ter- rorists and their Syrian and Iranian patrons. But privately, Jewish leaders expressed confusion and distress over the soured operation, feel- ings that only increased as American officials worked fever- ishly to craft a cease-fire agree- ment. Some wondered just what Is- rael had gained by seeking such an aggressive military solution to the vexing problem of Hezbol- lah attacks. Many privately speculated that the only real DAYS page 74