Editor's Notebook Community Views The Numbers Games On Election Day There Is No Fear In Just The Numbers ALAN HITSKY ASSOCIATE EDITOR RICHARD LOBENTHAL SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS My daily newspa- pers weeks ago re- lied on exit polls to tell me how De- troit voters decid- ed the Tiger Stadium issue. The electronic media, only min- utes after the polls closed March 19, projected that the new stadium proposed for the Fox Theatre district had won by a convincing 3-1 margin. Neither the daily papers, nor radio and television outlets, bothered to re- visit the issue and give us the fi- nal tally. The Jewish News almost made the same mistake in our cover- age of the West Bloomfield elec- tions. An edited version of the story stated only that the referendum on SMART bus service in the township passed by a margin of 565 votes. Was that 566-1, or 40,000 to 39,635? It turns out that in both cases, in Detroit and West Bloomfield, the actual numbers car- ry additional messages. In Detroit, 140,155 voters turned out. They voted to defeat the Tiger Stadium Fan Club's Proposal A (25,009 to 108,425) and to approve Tiger owner Mike B- itch and Mayor Dennis Archer's Proposal B for a new downtown stadium (111,663 to 28,492). They also voted in the presiden- tial primary and passed Propos- al L, renewing millage for the Detroit Public Library system (105,358 to 21,349). Notice that more people were concerned about the stadium pro- posals than were worried about the libraries. In West Bloomfield, 8,960 vot- ers turned out to vote on the SMART buses and in the presi- dential primary. The bus pro- posal won by that 565-vote margin, 4,511 to 3,946. So? So take a good look at the numbers: Detroit, with a population of 1 million, has 602,400 registered voters. Some 140,155 voted last week. Those who bothered to go to the polls were 23.26 percent of the registered voters and only 14 percent of the total population. West Bloomfield has a popu- lation of 54,516, according to the 1990 U.S. census. It has 38,365 registered voters and a history of high-percentage turnouts for elections. But the 8,960 who vot- ed last week were 23.35 percent of the registered voters and 16.44 percent of the township's popu- lation. Notice the similarities — only 14 percent of Detroit's population and only 16 percent of West Bloomfield's bothered to vote. You may argue that the Republican presi- dential nomina- tion was a foregone conclu- sion by March 19, and you may be right. But the new stadium and the SMART buses were bread-and- butter issues, a chance for the tax- payers to have their say on pro- posals that are vi- tal to the entire community and affect their wal- lets. Tiger Stadium: Or were they The rest vital? don't care? Maybe most voters in Detroit don't use Tiger Stadium now, or plan to use a new Tiger Stadium in the future. Maybe the closest most residents of West Bloom- field get to a SMART bus is watching the smoky exhaust on Orchard Lake or Maple roads. But all citizens should be inter- ested in the future of their com- munity, and take advantage of an opportunity to shape that fu- ture. In November 1992, Michigan voters reversed a downward spi- ral. Some 63.1 percent of the vot- ing-age population, or 4.3 million people, turned out to cast ballots for Bill Clinton, George Bush and a host of other candidates. In No- vember 1988, 55.2 percent turned out for the presidential election. I hope we can continue that trend next summer and in No- vember. Leaving the fate of our community or country to the hands of a small minority makes me shudder. Hopefully you will shudder, too, all the way to your neigh- borhood voting booth, and not leave the fate of your coun- try to bleeding-heart liberals like me. 0 This seems to be the time for the annual "anti- Semitism is dead and only kept alive by defense agencies for fund- raising purposes" orgy. Kicked off by a Jan. 29 article in New York Magazine, it continues even to "interpreting" a reduction in anti-Semitic incidents as re- ported in ADL's annual audit of these things. Ronald Reagan said that civ- il rights was a dead issue, and only black civil-rights agency professionals kept it going so they could get paychecks. This was a man who refused to meet with the NAACP or the Urban League and who was hostile to civil rights efforts so one knew, at least, where he was coming from. But why the Jewish thing? And from Jews? Who benefits? ADL has said time and again that a one-time drop or increase in numbers in the annual audit tell the reader absolutely noth- ing. Too many variables; no ob- vious trend; it could be anything. Besides, we say, the number of swastikas that are painted on bridge abutments hardly as- sesses the dimension of anti- Semitism in America; and ADL never said that it did. Audits re- flect the number of incidents re- ported, not the throwaway lines that aren't called in nor the change in quality of interactions nor little things we overhear nor the feelings we develop from all this. No, anti-Semitism in Ameri- ca, the "comfort quotient of Jews," the security of democra- cy and minorities within it — all those issues — are not the purview of surveys or magazine articles. If Pat Buchanan Makes Jews nervous, it's not because he's ac- cused of painting a swastika; if anti-Israel or anti-immigrant sentiments are on the upswing, it's not because of neo-Nazis; if the religious right seeks to im- pose a theocracy in America, it's not because they support. the KKK; if the college campus has now become the place most in- hospitable to Jews, it's not be- cause it has been taken over by Aryan Nations. The nuances of anti-Semitism are not the stuff of magazines, and neither are they what you learn from incidents. Incidents are only the supporting data. But the debate is an oppor- Richard Lobenthal is the director of the Anti- Defamation League in Michigan. tunity for Jews to assess the state of anti-Semitism. Howev- er outrageous and outraging a swastika graffiti is, the message is one of terrorism that makes Jews feel nervous. That swastika is a symbol used by people who benefit from harassing Jews, and that's one of the larger questions: Who are they? How do they benefit? Why do they need to? Are they con- tinuing either by daubing swastikas or finding other plat- forms? Are they disadvantaging Jews other than by making Jews nervous? Why do Jews keep responding with nervous- ness? These are the questions we need to ask. In the meantime, the varia- tions in numbers — increase in this and decrease in that — are all fine-tuning. It's interesting and informative, but in the end, it only tells us why we feel what we feel. And nothing more. Ex- cept that those niggling little numbers reflect actual phone calls from actual people; in- stances, experiences and dis- crimination and prejudice actually undergone and felt by real Jews. To beat up on defense agen- cies falls somewhere between opportunism and demagoguery. Defense agencies respond to the needs of the community, and any agency that goes to a con- stituency annually for support has an annual test of its mean- ingfulness. It's clear that we Jews feel the need for defense agencies. We fund community relations councils across the country, the ADL, the AJCommittee and all the other national agencies, to the tune of millions of dollars. That tells us more about our feelings, about our status, than all the magazine articles in the world. I