;Th \/= Community Views Editor's Notebook Are Jews Still `The Outsiders'? Why Is This Program Different From Others? MARK BERNSTEIN SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS PHIL JACOBS EDITOR Is the long-held im- age of Jews as per- secuted outsiders obsolete? Philip Weiss an- swers this question in the affirmative in an essay titled "Let- ting Go" that ap- peared in the Jan. 29th issue ofNew York magazine. In his essay, Mr. Weiss argues that the Jewish community exagger- ates its position as a minority in American culture. His message flows from both a perception that Jews are prevalent in the Estab- lishment and a belief that anti- Semitism is at "historic lows." This essay has sparked a debate in the Jewish community regarding our status in American culture. In justifying his answer, Mr. Weiss displays an embarrass- ing attempt to justify his abandonment of the Jew- ish community and its traditions and, more im- portantly, a remarkable ignorance of reality. It is difficult to identify what is more disturb- ing about his essay — the contradictory reasoning or the in- correct and dangerous message. Mr. Weiss contends that "(the) formerly nar- row power elite is much more broadly distributed and, like it or not, Jews are one of the groups that com- pose it." This may be true. How- ever, Mr. Weiss twice recognizes in his essay that entry and accep- tance into American culture re- quired him to step out of the "isolation" that Jewishness pro- duced. In his words, "I wasn't will- ing to pay the price in my own isolation." Implicit in this statement are Mark Bernstein is chair of the University of Michigan Governing Board. two assumptions. First, that Jews are, in fact, isolated. If we are, as Mr. Weiss contends, no longer out- siders, then why do we experience the isolation that he himself rec- ognizes? Second, and more im- portantly, is the assumption that the isolation from mainstream American culture for which Jews pay a price is not self-imposed. The staggering list of Jewish achieve- ment and contribution to Ameri- can culture is not a result of the efforts of the gentile gate-keepers of the American elite to include us in their culture, but rather a prod- uct of our refusal to be excluded from their world. To the extent that we have gained entry into the American elite, we have done so on their terms, not ours. These assumptions, and their validity, expose the inconsistency in Mr. Weiss' argument. Jews can- not be both isolated and insiders at the same time. If we must shed our Jewish identity in order to end our isolation and join the Estab- lishment, then we still live in a world where our Jewishness makes us outsiders. I agree with Mr. Weiss that the Jewish position in American soci- ety has advanced. However, to ar- gue, as he does, that Jews have "fully entered into the elite" and that we "manufacture and cher- ish our feeling of exclusion" is an exaggeration. So long as there are businesses that won't hire us, neighborhoods that won't welcome us and schools that won't accom- modate us, significant barriers ex- ist in our path toward full entry and acceptance into mainstream American culture. Of greatest relevance to my life as a student on a college campus is Mr. Weiss' contention that the ADL statistics on anti-Semitism are "inflated by campus incidents reflecting tensions between blacks and Jews. Tensions are certainly real, but included as incidents of harassment are speeches con- taining anti-Semitic comments from the likes of Leonard Jeffries and Khalid Muhammad, occa- sions on which college news- papers have printed ads that deny the existence of the Holocaust, even a student's saying in class that Zion- ism is racism. Unpleas- ant speech, yes — but I would argue that it doesn't constitute ha- rassment." Doesn't constitute harassment? Does a brick thrown through our Hillel's window constitute ha- rassment? Does anti-Se- mitic graffiti on our Hillel constitute harassment? "While the long-held im- age of Jews as persecuted out- siders is less accurate than in previous generations, our com- munity will remain isolated un- til the gentile world accepts our traditions and culture on our terms, not theirs. Any one of us is free to step out of his "isolation," but that still requires shedding a piece of our Jewish identity in the process. For this reason, I answer this important question in the negative. ❑ Comment Taking A Few Risks To Give Meaning To Life RABBI EFRY SPECTRE SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS affa Road was very quiet in the evening Air. The traffic seemed lighter than I have seen it on Jerusalem's busy commercial street. A breeze urged the few pedestrians mak- ing their way home to pull their coats a little tighter. Jaffa Road was very quiet and very clean. Oh, yes, the plas- Rabbi Spectre of Adat Shalom Synagogue attended the two-day Solidarity Mission to Israel sponsored by the National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council. tic sheets were covering the chaos where windows and store fronts had stood a week before; architectural symmetry was disturbed where a stone pillar was gone or a pediment or frieze had been blown away. There were some RISKS page 20 It's not my habit to talk about a television pro- gram. If any- thing, I try to stay away from the TV as much as possible. But I had the opportunity to preview a tape sent to me by photojournalist Edward Serot- ta, whose photographic study of the Jews of Sarajevo ap- peared in The Jewish News last summer. On Tuesday evening, the night before the first seder, goodness knows many of us will be busy cleaning or mak- ing another journey to the gro- cery store. We who work ourselves and our children sil- ly picking up that last piece of dust need to take a half-hour off late in the evening to see this tape. For this, I want you to let the children stay up late. Listen, they'll be up anyway through part of the night during the seders. On Tuesday, April 2, Ted Koppel's "Nightline" pro- gram will feature a journey Mr. Serotta took to locate the rarely seen, 700-year-old Sarajevo Haggadah. When I saw the tape the first time, I was alone. When the tape ended, I realized I was crying. It took me a while to control myself, and I really needed someone to talk to. Mr. Serotta not only located and saw the Haggadah, he showed all of us why this thing we call Judaism, this religion and way of life that we try to dilute, as- similate and sometimes make go away, is bigger and more beautiful than we realize. Consider this Haggadah. It was commissioned by a wealthy Spanish family some 700 years ago. Its color images remain vibrant and beautiful. Its retelling of the Exodus is done in beautifully blocked He- brew print on leather pages. On one page, a child, maybe hundreds of years ago, proba- bly got in trouble for drawing letters. There's a wine stain on another page. The Haggadah left Spain during the anti-Jewish riots that purged the country of many of its Jews. It spent some time in Italy before crossing the Adriatic into Bosnia. It was once owned by a Bosnian fam- ily named Kohen. Many Kohen family members were execut- ed by the Nazis. A museum curator during World War II lied to the face of a German officer who asked for the Haggadah. He said that one of the officer's men had tak- en it. The Haggadah sat in a desk drawer right where the German officer stood. The mu- seum curator took the Hag- gadah and passed it on to a Muslim shepherd. Under Communist rule, the Haggadah disappeared again. It reappeared four years ago when the Bosnian prime min- ister showed it off to the inter- national press corps. He showed it because the Hag- gadah is now considered one of the world's rarest and most valuable books, with a worth of $10 million. But what Mr. Serotta's mov- ing newscast shows is that this Haggadah is so precious, sell- ing it to anyone but a Sarajevan would break the heart of this war-torn city. Interviews with Serbs, Croats, Muslims and Jews show that the Haggadah represents the spirit and the hope of everyone in this city. His piece also shows how im- portant and vital the Jewish community is to Sarajevo. It chronicles how Jews, because they remained neutral during the war, were able to get around in specially marked ve- hicles and not face sniper fire. It shows how Jewish clinics are open to everyone, and how medicine is distributed free of charge to those that need it, and how Muslims and Serbs meet peacefully together under the safe harbor of the Jewish community center. If we ever want to show our children a real, breathing liv- ing example of how Jews are the "light onto the world," then Mr. Serotta's "Nightline" ac- count is required viewing. Many of were introduced to Sarajevo in terms of modern thinking during the 1988 Win- ter Olympics. We were unfor- tunately reacquainted through news film of the Balkan war. "Nightline" calls the show "Searching for Hope." What Mr. Serotta has done is more than locate the Haggadah. He's managed to show all of us that in a place where freedom has been seemingly repressed, the people who offer the "hope" not only do so in the form of a leather-bound book, but live the life and share the example of what Judaism can and should be. In all likelihood, the Saraje- vo Haggadah won't be used at anyone's table come seder night. Even though locked away at a secret location, its message makes every night "different from all other nights," not only to the Jews, but to the Serbs and to the Muslims in the city of Saraje- vo. ❑ co 0) 0) 0) CC 19