•••, 6;: . " .%1 M WMIM MM Ak'MWRAINIWOUWINEW . Enigma Of Life: Dilemmas And Wonders Animal Experimentation In Medical Research GEOFF RIKLIN SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS A Above: Dr. Fred Rosner speaks to a gathering of observant Jewish medical professionals. Left: Dr. Fred Rosner: Every patient has a right to know his diagnosis. Experts gather in Troy to discuss issues of Jewish medical ethics. PHYLLIS ANN MEER SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS man approached a child on an archery field. He was amazed to see that every ar- row had hit the bull's-eye. "How did you do it, my child?" asked the man. "It was easy," answered the child. "First I shot the arrows. Then, I drew the bull's-eye," he said. "Today," said Rabbi Avraham Ja- cobovitz, • director of Machon L'Torah in Oak Park, "people cre- ate a philosophy of convenience. They do whatever they want so of- ten that it becomes acceptable to society." He cited a case in California in which a man was charged for ex- hibiting pornography in a maga- zine. The attorney delayed the case for eight years. By the time the case went to trial, the evidence was no longer considered pornography, and the case was dismissed. A "The example illustrates that it is very difficult to determine moral- ity without parameters. The result is chaos," Rabbi Jacobovitz said. Rabbi Jacobovitz addressed over 100 physicians, health-care work- ers, spouses and guests at the first Jewish medical ethics conference to be held in the Midwest. The ob- jective was to clarify "the parame- ters of medical ethics from the Divine Source, the Torah," said Rabbi Jacobovitz. "Judaism comes with its own owners manual for right and wrong. It has proven to be solid, unchanging and logical throughout time." The conference, held March 1 to 3 at the DoubleTree Guest Suites in Troy, was sponsored by Machon L'Torah and Henry Ford Hospital and co-sponsored by the Hospice of Southeastern Michigan. The idea for the conference was developed during one of Rabbi Ja- cobovitz's study sessions at Ford Hospital. Dr. Mark Blumenkehl, a gastroenterologist, expressed the need to have a conference in the area on Jewish medical ethics where physicians could sit down and discuss issues vital to their practice. The scope of the confer- ence encompassed issues of con- ception and infertility, rationing health care, abortion in Jewish law, near-death experiences, euthana- sia, organ transplant, the meaning of life and Jewish tradition. Faculty at the conference in- cluded Dr. Richard Grazi, director of the division of reproductive en- docrinology and infertility at Mai- monides Medical Center in Brooklyn, N.Y.; Rabbi Shmuel Irons, dean of the Kollel Institute of Greater Detroit; Dr. Fred Ros- ENIGMA page 60 s part of Machon L'Torah's conference on Jewish medical ethics, Rabbi Shra- ga Rothbart of the Kollel Institute of Greater Detroit and a senior lecturer for Ohr Somayach, addressed the issue of an- imal experimentation in medical research, Rabbi Rothbart said the Torah gives rights to animals as well as to humans, and the fact that both gro-ups have rights creates the dilem- ma of conflicting needs. The power human be- ings have over animals creates the potential for abuse, and an abusive act damages our quest for spiritual growth. Rabbi Rothbart states that the Torah, specif- ically Genesis, gives an enormous power over animals. But, God did not give Adam the right to kill animals; people did not have the right until God granted it to Noah, who gained it through his sacrifice and achievement. The right to kill animals is limited, Rabbi Rothbart said An animal must be killed to minimize suffering. Furthermore, animals must rest on the Sabbath and saddles must be removed from horses. Before a man can eat, he must feed his animals. The Torah and the Talmud recognize that animals have some capacity for emotion. A parent animal and its offspring -cannot both be slaughtered on the same day. The famous Jewish scholar, Moses Maimonides, said even animals can feel anguish. The Torah states that an ox and a donkey may not plow a field together because an ox chews its cud constantly and the donkey will feellealous because it will think that the ox got more food. It is widely known that in ritual slaughter, the act must be performed all at once and with a very sharp, undamaged blade in order to re- duce suffering. Rabbi Rothbart suggested that mercy is in- nate, but it is a weak impulse that competes with strong, sinful temptations. Cruelty to an- imals and cruelty to people are linked. People who enjoy harming others tend also to enjoy injuring animals. The Torah and Talmud forbid the useless destruction of a useful thing. Any act of de- struction or any killing must have a coherent rationale. Because animals are God's crea- tures and have certain rights, one must have a sensible purpose in mind before killing them. One talmudic dilemma deals with the prac- tice of crippling the horse of a king upon his death in order to signify that no one may use the horse of the ruler. Some talmudists would say that this reason is sufficient to justify an act; but to others, it seems like wanton cru- elty. After all, there are many ways to com- memorate the passing of a king. Reviewing all these examples, Rabbi Roth- bart concludes that medical research on ani- mals is consistent with Jewish law as long as the research is necessary and as long as it avoids inflicting useless pain and suffering. He acknowledged, however, that some Jew- ish scholars reject this point of view, arguing that even seemingly important medical re- search does not justify harming God's crea- tures. ❑ CD 0) CT) C—, 53