Entertainment • • g Fran Drescher: Prime-time hasn't seen a nice Jewish girl this nice or this Jewish since Rhoda Morgenstern moved to Manhattan. BY LISA KOGAN SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS Lisa Kogan: I hear you've written a book. Fran Drescher: Yes, It's an account of my experi- ences in show business called Enter Whining. I worked on it with my hus- band because we've expe- rienced most of this together. 4,-*4 Tell me about your hus- t _ LK band. to P".11.11 -.A. am FD: Peter is my best friend - we met when I was 15. (Waitress interrupts with a com- plimentary appetizer.) FD: Is this a delicious thing? There's custard underneath. It's like a lovely hors d'oeuvre from a fancy party. What was your question? LK: Adulation fascinates me. Fran Drescher and her husband, Peter Marc Jacobson, who was one of the executive producers of "The Nanny," were creators of the series. FD: Oh, yes. You know this didn't come to me fast, easily or through any connections. I really worked and peo- Lisa Kogan, formerly of Southfield, lives in New York and is a contributing editor to Elle magazine. ple recognize that; they're happy for me. I'm approached all the time. LK: You appear incredibly accessible. FD: Well, I'm a very straight-talking gal. Sometimes people who aren't used to hon- est confrontation get a little unnerved, but they also realize that they're getting the truth. It's a clean slice. LK: The character you play on "The Nan- ny" has that directness. She's really an earth mother — it's sort of unexpected. FD: We wanted to write her that way be- cause I'm a nurturer by nature. LK: Is that nurturing limited to friends in need, or does it extend to yourself? FD: It took years for me to learn to take care of myself. But we wanted to empha- size that caring quality in "The Nanny" because I'm always trying to show a char- acter's sensitivity. LK: How come? FD: My sister went through an episode where she had a terrible seizure and no- body knew what was wrong with her. It was extremely traumatic for my parents. So, not knowing how much they could No, No Nanny ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM ASSOCIATE EDITOR I n his classic film Annie Hall, Woody Allen struggles to find the perfect word to describe his affections for Diane Keaton. "Love" won't do it, because it's so much more than that, he says. Instead, he requires a complete- ly new creation, maybe something along the lines of "lu.rv." So, too, do I find myself grap- pling as I try to find words to de- scribe Fran Drescher's book Enter Whining. "Awful" is a possibility. 'Terri- ble" is another. But I think it would take something like "hor- rendous" to really capture the essence of this book — a humor- less, boring, poorly written and, at times, offensive autobiography of an actress whose biggest claim to fame is starring in a sitcom. She writes about how she got to Hollywood and early roles, but the biggest chunk of the book is dedicated to Drescher's career as "'The Nanny." Along the way there is plenty to read about her dog, Chester (whom she refers to as "my son" and whose bathroom habits she describes in graphic de- tail), her mother (whom she often mocks) and many attempts at hu- mor. Call me stodgy, but there are certain subjects — like dying chil- dren and the Holocaust — I don't regard suitable material for com- edy. Does anyone think this is fun- ny?