igtg. EXERCISE WAREHOUSE FEVER page 49 Trotter Treadmill Specialists "I just think they're, safer. I don't like the rectal thermome- ter, I'm afraid you could puncture a bowel." With "noses" resembling a re- versed funnel, the ear ther- mometers measure fevers within seconds. Health experts advise waiting until children are about 4 or 5 to use them, plac- ing the end directly into tile ear canal. "Most mothers have a hard time with a rectal thermometer," said Elaine Hastings, an emer- gency room nurse. "But the ear thermometer is just as tricky. You have to be careful that it ac- tually touches the skin. Other- wise, they get the temperature of the air." Jan Patton prefers the digital version to the ear thermometer. "It's a very expensive ther- mometer, and I don't see any dif- ference in putting something in your ear or your mouth," she SAVE $500.00 SAVE $500.00 Model 510 Model 525 • 3 Year Warranty on Parts & Labor • Free Set Up & Delivery • Leasing Terms Available for 24, 36 or 48 months We Buy and Sell Quality Pre-owned Equipment • • • • — Current Items Available — Schwinn Airdynnes • Soloflex LifeCycles • Stairclimbers Stairmaster 4000 PT • Stationary Bikes Olympic and Std. Weights 20778 Orchard Lake Road (Just North of 8 Mile Road) (In The Orchard Lake Trade Center) said. "It's purely an economical issue with me." Her 6-year-old son Nick pro- vides an added incentive. "He holds (the digital) in his mouth," she said. "He likes the fact that it beeps." But some parents still rely on more tactile and familiar meth- ods for gauging a child's temper- ature. Mother of four Marcia O'Con- nor relies on her hands and her observations when deciding whether it's time to take the kids to the doctor. When they were smaller and feverish, they usu- ally started crying or pulled on their ears if they were infected. But Ms. O'Connor opted for a high-tech touch when a friend asked for the tympanic ther- mometer for a shower gift. "That was something (the mother) really wanted," she sighed. "It was as much as a stroller." 0 810-476-2213 And You Think Fasting Is Repenting?! BOAZ DVIR SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS 3 CRAZY DAYS Friday, Feb. 9 10-6 T gathered at a Jerusalem yeshiva to throw rocks, pour hot wax, hit and strangle each other. The reason for their rather un- civilized behavior was just as bizarre as the action itself — which could have been fatal had they not used self-restraint. They were repenting for some of the more offensive sins of the Jewish people, according to Yediot Saturday, Feb. 10 Sunday, Feb. 11 10-6 12-4 ALL FALL and WINTER SHOES and BOOTS The Boardwalk • W. Bloomfield • 737-9059 w U) © UJ $3.00 _ . Can your ba sitter do what PAT C=Dcan do? Sel- lcbcbt no • roHblerrl! OFF is is :a 2- 41•12.41•10ft 1110...- H- O 0 Mon. - 'Thurs. 8 AM - 10 PM • Fri. 8 AM -1 AM Sat. 9 AM - 1 AM • Sun. 12 - 8PM _ _ +NM. _ _ 7305 Orchard Lake Rd N. of 14 Mile West Bloomfield • 737-5437 _ • ■■••■ 1010row0ftwob liiiii ■ -• .' _ 7.1 These sins included: partici- pating in acid parties, visiting churches (even if doing so as tourists), attending Conservative or Reform services, having sexu- al relations with non-Jews and joining Satanic cults, Yediot Aharonot reports. Ironically, the name of the yeshiva where the kabbalists held this violent ritual is Shalom. `The Myth Of The Sabra' No reservations necessary for children 2 /2-12 years; reserva- tions necessary for children 2 months- 2 Vi years. LLJ 50 0 limit one per family; expires 3-15-96) Since 1984 3610 W. Maple at Lahser Bloomfield 540-5702 111••■•11•1 00 Co cti - ,c)s-i _ _ Esc. }» -colbl-brir ► ! minimum on all ...upon.; Beach, told Maariv, "I find no dif- ferences between Israelis and other people. The myth of the sabra, who is supposed to be prickly outside and sweet inside, is just a myth. There is no uniqueness to the Israeli except that he is honest in a blunt way, sometimes shows courage, can cooperate [with fellow Jews] in times of trouble and has the abil- ity to initiate things." Aharonot. $ 449° OR LESS Cr) wenty kabbalists recently © Maariv, Israel's second largest daily newspaper, has been run- ning a series of one-question in- terviews with well-known people on the topic of what makes Is- raelis Israeli. Former Foreign Minister Abba Eban, who spoke Saturday night at Temple Emanu-El in Palm Mr. Eban, How About Steak With Sabra? Tea Packs is the No. 1 act in Israel today. But what makes it unique, ac- cording to Maariv, is its original style. Unlike other popular Israeli singers and bands, who either im- itate Western or Middle Eastern acts, Tea Packs has created its own groove. Sure, it emulates much of what has been done be- fore — from all around the world — but at least it's got trailblaz- ing elements in rhythm, sound, lyrics and arrangements, ac- cording to Maariv. Mixing Middle Eastern and Western musical elements is not new in Israel — groups like Eth- REPENTING page 52