The Picture Man him, and while he waited for the coun- try to "come to its senses" he was free to develop a filing system for his pictures that later became the lifeblood of his archive. "By training, I seemed destined to plan the archive like a library, offering quality pictures assembled according to a logical system," Dr. Bettmann wrote in his autobiography, Bettmann: The Picture Man. This distinguished my budding enterprise from that of my col- leagues." Each image Dr. Bettmann collected was carefully copied, mounted on index cards and categorized by subject mat- ter, time period and other applications. Dr. Bettmann also developed a tough standard for picture selection. Accept- able images had to meet three criteria: "well-designed, easily 'read' and every inch informative," he said. Such scrutiny would serve him well in the United States where editors want- ed pictures that immediately told a sto- ry or reinforced ideas, he said. The frantic pace of modern life left people with little patience to decipher compli- cated designs. "I threw away most of the pictures I received," Dr. Bettmann said. "Some- one once said of me, 'When pictures go across his desk, they tremble.' " Even in the hands of Mr. Gates, the archive, now shortened to "Bettmann," maintains the same lofty principles. This consistent top quality prompted its in- ternational reputation as. "the Tiffany of pictures," Dr. Bettmann said. "We still stay by the same high stan- dards Otto created," said Daniel Pierce, Bettmann director of collection devel- opment. "His stamp is so indelibly put on the Archive." In the early 1930s, the Bettmanns' American relatives pressured them to flee Germany. But the family, who heard rumors of the sleazy, Indian-in- fested, culturally impaired way of life overseas, were afraid to emigrate. "We were kind of naive and ethical. We didn't want to escape," Dr. Bettmann said. "Nobody would have heard of me if I had stayed. I would just be a number in a concentration camp." In 1935, Dr. Bettmann's first at- tempts to sell his pictures were thwart- ed and his bank account was seized by the government. Thoroughly disillu- sioned with Germany, he finally packed his images and left. His parents and brother followed a few years later. "When I came down the gangplank in New York I felt a certain fresh air that I have loved ever since," he said. "When the immigration official asked what I did, I explained to him that I was an art historian. He New York's said, 'I'm glad you came oer East here. We need people like ?Ade, 1910.