Community Views Editor's Notebook A Sense Of Unity, A Sense of Community The Value Of Community RABBI HERBERT A. YOSKOWITZ SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM ASSOCIATE EDITOR think only of myself without con- sideration of others and without consideration of the society of which I am a part, I am more like the lower animal — "a what" — and not a "who," that is a human being living in the image of God. We are blessed with individual- ism today but our sages admon- ish us, "Do not separate yourself from the community." .— Al chazak U'llitchazek. This chant encourages one's tifrosh min hatzibur. When a per- fellow congregants to be strong son puts on the tefillin of the and move toward the study of the hand, according to one commen- next of the Five Books of Moses tary, that arm should be stretched and to do so together as a com- out so as to symbolically draw to munity. Chanting of the verse to- him the community of the Jew- gether as a community is ish people. We have succeeded at important and is reflective of individualism, but we must not what I want to emphasize in this allow that victory to obscure our need for community. column. At the end of the last century, As we enter a new year, inad- vertently we seize upon the real- there was a rejection of commu- ity of the transient nature of time. nity and accentuation upon indi- Life is short; life is fleeting. The vidualism, too. The last quarter study of the Torah when com- of the 19th century included fail- pleted appears to have been done ures in four major areas: nation- over a short period of time. So, too, with our lives, which upon re- flection appear to be brief. Thus the psalmist prays with us and for us: "Teach us to number our days that we may get us a heart of wisdom." How to strengthen a sense of community among us is a part of the wisdom which we seek. Too often, we applaud individ- uality. Even in the pages of The Detroit Jewish News, we have heralded individual responses of Jewish expressions without tak- ing into account whether or not al unity, social justice, economic that individual expression en- prosperity and public morality. hances or detracts from a sense According to Carl Schorske, these failures resulted in a rejection of of community. It is true that we have suc- the values of the parental gener- ceeded at individuality and at pri- ation by the generation assum- vatism — a turning away from ing power. New political and cultural the wider social and public world and turning toward one's own premises replaced those of their fathers and mothers. Often their personal life. People are taking part in the politics became identical with life of a. community with less fre- those of the nationalist right-wing quency. People are espousing the parties. There were Jews, for ex- view that "man is responsible ample, among young students in only to himself" People are look- Vienna whose rejection of ing out for themselves often at the parental values resulted in what expense of looking out for the Mr. Schorske calls "the death of history." community. It is interesting to note, that We appear to be losing a sense of community. We are hailing in- in his book Fin-de-Siecle Vienna, dividualism and in doing so we Mr. Schorske does not distin- ignore the Jewish philosopher guish between Jews and non- Franz Rosenzweig who wrote in Jews in their reactions to the a letter to Use Hahn, "None of us challenges of their society. Jews has solid ground under his feet; had become absorbed in them- each of us is only held up by the selves just as non-Jews had. neighborly hands, grasping him They became increasingly dis- by the scruff, with the result that tant from community and in- we are each held up by the next creasingly attached to their own man, and often indeed most of the whims and desires. Are we facing the same chal- time, hold each other up mutual- lenge at the end of this century y" Centuries earlier, the sage Hil- as many of our ancestors lel said more boldly, "If I am for faced at the end of the 19th cen- myself, what am I?" That is, if I tury? Are we succeeding as in- dividuals at the expense of Herbert A. Yoskowitz is rabbi of community? synagogue, In when we complete chanting one of the Five Books of Moses, the congre- gation rises and chants aloud, "Let us be strong and strengthen each other" — Chazak /– - Congregation Beth. Achim. One of my first acts as rabbi in 1996,will be to officiate at a wed- ding. One of the most poignant acts at a wedding ceremony is the final one when a glass or light bulb wrapped in a cloth is broken by the groom. Why end the dig- nity and solemnity of the occasion by the breaking of a glass? Why not end the ceremony with an amen following the priestly bene- diction? Some explanations about this custom of breaking the glass in- clude its origin as a superstition to drive away the evil spirits or to remind the people present of the Talmud teaching Barachot, that even at the happiest of oc- casions, we must remember that sadness is as much a part of our life as is joy. Even as we cele- brate the marriage of a man and a woman, we remember the de- struction of the two Temples as well as other painful episodes in Jewish history. I would like to suggest anoth- er reason for the breaking of the glass. To a husband and a wife under the chuppah who are accepting the covenant that brings them together in mar- riage, the broken glass symbol- izes broken edges in their lives and broken edges. in the com- munity. A community, like all cre- ations of man, is flawed. A cou- ple must serve a community even though they are flawed and even though the community is flawed. When we become dis- couraged with either the flaws in our best-loved friend to whom we are married or by the com- munity of which we are a part, we need the other to say, "Let us be strong and strengthen each other as we continue in our re- lationship with each other and with our relationship with the community." There is danger in every suc- cess. As we begin the last four years of the 20th century, we ought to be happy with the suc- cess of our individualism. We must be aware ., too, that such victory should not become a de- feat. We should enjoy our indi- viduality while simultaneously becoming deeply involved with our community. ❑ My father is from Detroit — he grew up on Bue- na Vista Street in the old Jewish neighborhood — but I hadn't been here for any ex- tended period of time until about seven years ago. I came from Kansas City for a job interview. The cab driver, who took me from the airport to the offices of The Jewish News, was exactly what I needed to confirm all my anxieties about Detroit. "Before you even think of mov- ing here, honey, you've got to get protection. You go to the store and you get one of those wrist- bands — you know, the kind with the spikes on them." He smiled. "I bet you don't need those in Kansas City, now do you?" "No, indeed," I said. "We cer- tainly do not." Despite his warning, and the reactions of my friends when I told them I was thinking of com- ing to Detroit (some fell on the ground, clutching their stomachs in pain from the laughter; the eyes of others bulged to Mexico and back), I took the job, and I have never regretted my deci- sion. There is much that I love about metro Detroit (though I have never acquired a taste for Vernors). Topping that list is the Jewish community. I spent a number of my teen and young adult years in a small town in Missouri. It was home to about 150 Jews, maybe 10 of whom knew anything about Ju- daism. There was no synagogue, just a Hillel building where we all gathered, usually grudging- ly, for High Holiday services or an occasional guest speaker. And if we made it there on Shabbat we had to go quickly through ser- vices, because our so-called rab- bi was always in a hurry to make it to the football games of our lo- cal university. When our family built a sukkah, it was one of two or three in town. We had to drive two hours to St. Louis to get kosher meat. It was only after I left that I realized how truly awful life there had been. I considered the three sons, all bright and hand- some, of one of our more promi- nent and involved Jewish families. None ever dated Jews when I was there; I'm sure all are intermarried by now. And the daughter (I'll call her Helen) of the most Jewishly educated family in town wed a man about 30 years her senior, not Jewish, and had a daughter she named alifon Lucky. Helen moved to Califor- nia and now works in a vineyard. She has nothing to do with Ju- daism. From time to time I hear com- ments such as, "It's good for us to live here in Podunk, where we're the only Jewish family in 900,000 miles, because it forces us to examine our lives as Jews." These people are idiots. Life in a town where few Jews reside and Jewish life is virtual- ly nonexistent is not challenging and exciting. It is stagnating and desperate. I think of a man I knew grow- ing up, one of that handful of few Jews in my hometown. He owned a store that sold nuts and chocolates. I would stop in and buy peanuts and chat with him. He was in his 30s, dark and thin- ning hair, always pleasant. One day he was discovered in the back of the store, where he had hung himself. The note he left behind said only, "I am lone- ly." I don't know that living in a large Jewish population would have prevented Helen's inter- marriage or saved the store own- er, but I know there would have been more options, more possi- bilities, and any number of rab- bis who would have run, in an instant, to offer help. I say this because since com- ing to Detroit I have seen the power of community, the way Jews are bound together de- spite the inarguable differences that separate us religiously, po- litically and socially. Usually this connection lies dormant, but it tends to manifest itself in times of great agony or great joy. I know that if I need help I could call any synagogue or tem- ple in town and nobody will ask, "First, are you Reform, Conser- vative or Orthodox?' I know that if I am hungry I can get food, and no one says, "But what is your position on the Middle East peace process? Pm not going to help out anyone who doesn't back the Rabin plan!" I'm not trying to say that this connection will bring us all to- gether or isn't it wonderful that we're all Jews and how happy we should be about it. Please. I would rather watch 50 straight hours of "Melrose Place" than be- come maudlin. But having lived for so long without a Jewish community, I do not take it for granted now. It is often divided, often angry, and so diverse I can't begin to figure it out. But it is there, and Jew- ish life in Detroit is, at least, nev- er lonely. By the way, I never got around to buying that wristband with the spikes. Anybody have an extra set? ❑