Temple Israel invites the community to two very special programs The Schmier Chapel Chamber Concert Sunday, The Jonathan Miller Memorial Concert takes pleasure in presenting December 10, 1995, 7:30 p.m. GIORA FEIDMAN ri nAnp. r r A n L. World Renowned Klezmer Extraordinaire Sunday, December 17, 1995, 3:30 p.m. 114, m164 A TRIBUTE TO JERUSALEM: CELEBRATING 3,000 YEARS featuring CANTOR MEREDITH STONE Temple Emanu-el, Westchester, NY CANTOR HAROLD ORBACH Temple Israel, West Bloomfield, MI co-sponsored by Temple Treasures ALTERNATIVE page 60 Don't miss this chance to see the world's greatest living Klezmer perform his magic! co-sponsored by Sisterhood Temple Israel 5725 Walnut Lake Road, West Bloomfield for complimentary tickets, call (810) 661-5700 "fie Winter of 1930 was one of Detroit's coldest. My Grandmother was determined to keep her family ware those that insist on mutual re- spect between Jews and non- Jews. "I want a Judaism that celebrates the joy of an Arab just as it celebrates the joy of Jew," Rabbi Hartman said. Yitzhak Frankenthal, head of the religious peace movements Oz V'Shalom (Strength and Peace) and Netivot Shalom (Paths of Peace), agrees that fun- damental Orthodoxy placed the sanctity of the Land of Israel over every other value. "They turned Judea, Samaria and Gaza into their salvation, and became idol- ators of land," he says. Mr. Frankenthal notes that dozens of Israeli rabbis identify with the religious peace move- ment, and insists that many rel- atively apolitical Orthodox Jews are now ready to turn away from the fiery brand of Orthodoxy that has been in the forefront of Israeli religion. But these "second looks" at Is- raeli Orthodoxy, have been made before. In the early 1980s, when the "Jewish Terror Under- ground," made up of religious West Bank settlers, murdered Palestinians in vigilante actions; and after Dr. Baruch Goldstein, a religious settler in Kiryat Arba, slaughtered 29 Palestinians in Hebron's Cave of the Patriarchs almos two years ago. After these shattering events, Orthodox doves leveled the same criticisms they are making today. While they offer a compelling view of Judaism, they do not of- fer the action that national Or- thodoxy offers — settling in new communities, facing danger, tak- ing to the streets in wild demon- strations. And alternative Orthodoxy does not have the en- trenched network of schools and yeshivas to educate youth that national Orthodoxy boasts. The moderate voices of Ortho- doxy were a minority before the Rabin assassination, and, for all their optimism and the niche they could fill, there is no reason to believe they will be a much big- ger minority in the post-assas- sination era El Ian:ten:re 65 years ago, they heated with coal which wasn't terribly expensive—unless you had no money. So it was with Bessie Kahn's family in 1930. Recently arrived from Russia, she heard about an organization that helped immigrants get a start. 100 years later, we haven't stopped. • 189o- T HFLA • EBREW FREE LOAN ASSOCIATION 1995 DETROIT II. 21550 W 12 Mile, Southfield, MI 48076 • 810-356-5 99 9 62 For 100 Years, We Haven't Stopped Giving People A Start. Publicity Deadlines The normal deadline for local news and publicity items is noon Thursday, eight days pri- or to issue date. The deadline for birth announcements is 10 a.m. Monday, four days prior to issue date; out-of-town obit- uaries, 10 a.m. Tuesday, three days prior to issue date. All material must be type- written, double-spaced, on 8 1 /2 x 11 paper and include the name and daytime telephone 'number of sender. H