6. As the holiday draws to a close, take time to remember that Chanukah is a time of miracles. It's a good time, then, to con- sider the miracles in your own life. Are there everyday events that you take for granted that are really miracles? Do you think any of the following are miracles? If so, why do you think we so rarely celebrate these, yet each year we mark the fact that the oil lasted for eight days? * The human body * The way nature changes with the seasons * Birth * The fact that a penguin will, if necessary, sac- rifice its own life to save its child * Love * Human intellect * The taste of an orange * That despite constant persecution, pogroms and murderous crusades, the Jewish people contin- ue to exist * Chance encounters, such as when a sister sud- denly discovers the brother from whom she had been separated for more than 50 years * The way a caterpillar changes into a butterfly * That birds fly * That people survived the Holocaust * The way a child learns language Have you ever heard of Pin the Lights on the Menorah? G20 ther the Hebrew or English letters for the word "Chanukah." * In honor of the eight nights of Chanukah, make your own eight cat- egories of eight and see who can most quickly fill them up. (You will need a set of individual cards for each guest.) Your eight categories might be: green foods, Jewish symbols, movies from the 1940s, books, names of syna- gogues, countries, names in the Bible. Each person would try to quickly come up with eight things to fill each cate- gory. For example: All right, so you won't find it at any toy store in town. But you can create Chanukah games on your own, then invite friends over to play. Here are some more ideas to get you started. * If you've ever played Candyland, you know how much fun it is to meet up with the likes of Lord Licorice and Queen Frostine. Now, how about a Chanukah version called Latkeland? You can design your own board, cre- ating fun foods along the way. (How about Sufganiot Sally and Gefilte Fish NAMES IN THE BIBLE Moshe Freddy?) David * Pretend you're pirates on a hunt Rivkah for glorious gelt (also known as choco- Rachel late coins). Make masks and don Sarah boots, then go in search of the trea- Avraham sure (hidden by Mom or Dad). The Adam winner gets to eat his bounty. Ruth * Play "Name That Tune" with your favorite Chanukah (and other Jew- The first person to complete all ish) songs. * Design a "Twistef' board using ei- eight cards is the winner.