Community Views Editor's Notebook Is There No Limit To Our Tolerance? Being Jewish Means Having To Say, 'Sorry' RICHARD LOBENTHAL SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM ASSOCIATE EDITOR I've just returned from almost three weeks out of the country. Conse- quently, my read- ing has been a little exotic: Inter- national Herald- Tribune, the Indonesian Ob- server, and their sisters, as well as staples like the Wall Street Journal and Time magazine. Rabin was assassinated while I was gone, and it's ironic that violence was the subject of writ- givings about the way legal is- sues are dealt with by law en- forcement officials." "As public trust in law en- forcement officials erodes," it went on, "people tend to settle matters their own way..." Shades of the Los Angeles riot and the Rodney King decision; shades of the anxieties over what violence would follow an O.J. Simpson conviction. Shades of threats of riots around the Malice Green issue. Just the day before, with a Paris dateline, the Internation- al Herald Tribune reported on a colloquium on relations be- tween Jews and Muslims, Trade Center bombing, of Ok- lahoma City, of the latest Ok- lahoma attempted bombings, of....Jakarta, Paris, Israel, De- troit — there are no boundaries to the growing violence, incivil- ity, confrontation and intoler- ance. And terrorism -- religiously and politically moti- vated -- has shoved its way to the front pages of our concerns. Indeed, the New York Times of Nov. 12 records efforts of Michi- gan Militia members "taking over townships." Balkanization is the last com- ponent. "The Real Issue: Can Americans Hang Together?" wrote Gerald Seib, in "Capital Journal," appearing in the Oct. 25 Wall Street Jour- nal. "...The Death of Di- versity," wrote Charles Krauthammer, in the Nov. 13 Time magazine, ending with "America's destination is the Balk- ans..." Hate and prejudice; in- civility and distrust of law en- forcement; separ- ation and Balka- nization; terror- ism, violence, and murder. And the sources are as disparate b' as they are exotic: ,./,/ domestic and for- eign, political and re- ligious. Is there solace in realizing that •, the Indone- sians are - as crazy as we are; that Parisians, De- troiters, Oklahomans, and Is- raelis and everyone else should now live in fear? Now it's the re- which fo- alization. The realization that cused on ter- my point is made, and it appears rorism, and without a resolution. And the i L violence. "Re- task for us all, for our anxieties g ligious fanati- and our indignations, for our cism prompts courage and our cowardice, for more than 20 per- our indecisions and our resolve cent of international terrorist is to understand the universal- incidents and is largely re- ity of what we're experiencing, sponsible for the increasingly and the urgency of fashioning a violent and ruthless nature of resolve. terrorism," the article stated, As I read about the funding- quoting "experts." Political ter- the-government standoff, I had rorism wants "a lot of people the sense I was watching a sur- watching, not a lot of people real pantomime; fiddling, while dead," said Paul Wilkinson, one Rome was burning. "The world of the authoritie. "That idea is falling apart," I wanted to doesn't hold with religious fa- shout, "and you're posturing natics, who see unbelievers 'as about nonsense. The 1996 pres- expendable and somehow lack- idential election is closing the ing in the status of full human- government, while the 1995 ex- ity.' " Indeed, he said, "because tremists are murdering our lead- religiously inspired terrorism ers and our citizens." has no rationale other than an It's time for some real leader- expression of hatred, it is all the ship, and if it has to start with more difficult for a democratic the indignation of our citizens, :pen society tc; understand such let me say, I'm indignant. ❑ threats and respond appropri- - ings in these assort- ments of media, even without mentioning the horrendous murder. And so there was something eerie about reading about vi- olence in the abstract, while living the aftermath of vio- lence in the concrete. But it was overwhelming! .The Nov. 1 editorial in the In- donesian Observer, published in Jakarta, was titled "The New Threshold for Tolerance," and bemoaned that "many of us have been resorting to violence and mass destruction as a way of solving problems." Indeed, it went on, "Our high sense of tol- erance, which many foreigners have admired -- too soon as it turned out -- has ceased to be our major cultural trait." While the focus was on various inci- dents of mass violence not un- like what we've experienced at Tiger Stadium, what British soc- cer fans have seen, etc., the ed- itorial wondered if there wasn't a connection to "people's mis- Richard of the Anti Defamation League - I don't know if you've been pay- ing attention, but in recent years an unusual ail- ment seems to have taken hold of many in our community. It's called "apologi- tis." Those afflicted with the dis- ease feel the need to repeated- ly apologize — generally with great histrionics (weeping is not unheard of) and with much fan- fare (so all the gentiles will know just how sorry we are)— when any Jew anywhere does anything wrong. I first realized "apologitis" was making headway into the Jewish community at the time of the intifada, the Arab upris- ing. That's when Jews (most of them Americans) started mak- ing the most dramatic state- ments about how awful Israel is. "We can't believe Jews would act like this!" they would say, beating their breasts and issu- ing all kinds of public state- ments. It was a moment in the spot- light for a lot of Hollywood types, too — those guys who never actually do anything Jew- ish but can't wait to identify as Jews if it adds extra poignancy to their apology. You know those, "As a Jew, I am ashamed..." pronouncements. "Apologitis" got off the ground with the intifada, but its oppor- tunities to spread since then have been so very rich. There was Jonathan Pollard, and Baruch Goldstein, and now Yi- gal Amin Now I'm not saying that Israel's government and in- dividual Jews haven't made mistakes. Of course they have, and some (like those mentioned above) have been truly horren- dous, and I am sorry. But I've never felt compelled to join in the "Forgive us! Please, please forgive us!" choir on such occasions, any more than I've felt the need to sob, "I'm ashamed!" when the Unit- ed States errs, which of course it does. Fm proud to be an American, and I don't like the notion of say- ing I'm ashamed to be one sim- ply because our government does something wrong. The U.S. government is made up of hu- man beings, and human beings make mistakes. I'm especially uncomfortable when all these Jewish melo- dramatics are accompanied by the statement, "After what we suffered in the Holocaust, we should know better." I don't understand why I'm • • 1 1 P humane world simply because I'm Jewish and Jews died in the Holocaust. In fact, when I hear about groups who have suffered, I nev- er think, "Hmm, they have been wronged, so now they have to make things right." Is there anyone here who actually be- lieves American Indians have a greater responsibility than everybody else to be at the fore- front of fighting for the welfare of all Americans? Jews have much to learn from blacks and Arabs on this subject of public apologies. Be- cause, unlike Jews, these two groups understand that the ac- tions of an individual do not re- flect the character of an entire nation or people. When was the last time you saw Hosni Mubarak lie pros- trate, begging the Jewish com- munity's forgiveness for what one Arab terrorist has done? (Contrast this with how the Jewish community acted dur- ing the Baruch Goldstein inci- dent.) It would be proper if, in such a case, Mr. Mubarak is- sued an apology (though how of- ten do you see Arab leaders do even that?). But unless the ter- rorist was paid with Egyptian government money and trained on Egyptian land and directed by Egyptian leaders to kill, why should I hold Hosni Mubarak accountable for this specific deed? Is he responsible for the wrongdoings of all Arabs sim- ply because he is an Arab? Have you seen Hosni Mubarak begging for forgiveness? I've got news for all of you af- fected with "apologitis." Maybe you are too dumb to get it, but the vast majority of gentiles (the ones to whom you are really di- recting your weeping and wail- ing) are not. They know that Jews are simply human beings like everyone else, and that sometimes Jews kill and spy and steal, but that doesn't mean the whole Jewish community either does the same or supports them. Being Jewish does not mean never having to say "I'm sorry." There are times we must make clear our deep disapproval of acts committed by certain mem- bers of the Jewish community. But being Jewish also does not require falling all over our- selves in a never-ending refrain of "We're ashamed!" the mo- ronni-n_ rt