In Honor of the Triumph that is Chanukah and the Values that the Holiday Represents Jewish Federation Apartments in Co-Sponsorship with The Jewish News and Morrison Restaurants, Inc., are Proud to Announce A CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR... The Third Annual Installation into the OVER SENIOR 1111 ADULT JEWISH kodf HALL OF FAME "Eight over Eighty" will each year recognize Metro Detroit Seniors eighty years or older whose ongoing contributions are making a difference in the Jewish and/or community at large. Celebration will take place on Sunday, May 19, 1996 Criteria for Nominees Candidates should fulfill one or more of the following criteria based upon the story of Chanukah... + Working to maintain and strengthen Jewish identity + Dedicating oneself to a belief or cause + Facing challenges and taking risks to promote a cause + Making a difference by leading a "few" in victory over "many" A plaque honoring the "Eight over Eighty" winners is showcased in a permanent area at a Jewish Federation Apartment site PLEASE SENT) A NomiN eTioN Fotim To: Phone: Name Address Send or fax to: "Eight over Eighty" I icchitniiii Federation Apartments, 1997) Outsidticling Awdr(1 by the North American Association of Jewish Homes and Housing for the Aging (3700 West Maple Road. West liloor)lield. MI 48:322 • Fax: 810-661-4630 Completed Nomination Forms are due before January 31, 1996 For more itilorr»ittiott cottlitc - 1.1oyce Bichler ill 810-661-5220 LC) C, rn Morrison Restaurants, Inc. 011F1 Since 196 7 Itt coope ratioit with Blue Cross 13111e Shield ol Micitigmt The Jewish News CC '-U CC) LIJ UJ 75