P A R IS I A N E X P R ES S Y OURSELF W I T H S 0 M E THING S P EC I AL FR OM P A R I S I AN E X P R E S S 0 C r 0 3 In z Glove collection, reg. 20.00-47.00, sale 15.00-35.25. Hillary Paige tights, reg. 9.00, sale 6.75. Hillary Paige cotton dickies, reg. 8•00, sale 6.00. Hillary Paige cotton socks, reg. 3.75, sale 2.81. say° /0 on cures for the common cold. 0 4 IA 0 r. 0 3 S In z In x On these hot items you're sure to be sold: cotton dickies, leather gloves, S the cashmink muffler you know she loves, 0 stocking-stuffier socks and tights, all she needs for chilly nights! In r th 0 3 rn 2 0 S In .s., .A.N • r 2 0 3 2 V. Fraas cashmink") mufflers, reg. 14.00, sale 10.50. S