PHOTOS BY JU LIE ED GAR and in 1910, began raising money to establish an Orthodox congregation. A building was erected in 1921. In its early days and up until about 15 years ago, the synagogue had a full-time rabbi. Women worshipped in the balcony, although seats were reserved on the main floor for old- er members and those who could not climb stairs. Membership at Beth Tephilath Moses peaked after World War II at about 100 fam- ilies, Mrs. Hauptman said. Demographer Patricia Becker of APB As- sociates, which has surveyed metro Detroit's Jewish population for the Jewish Federation, believes the current Jewish population in Ma- comb County is in the hundreds. However, a formal count has not been taken, she said. In the mid-1970s, the city bought the prop- erty where the original synagogue stood, razed the building and replaced it with a senior- cit- izens highrise. With proceeds from the sale, congregants built the new synagogue a few blocks away in 1977. They set aside a few pews in the new sanctuary for the Orthodox mem- bers who still wanted separate seating. The rectangular building on South Avenue is modest — only a marble plaque by the door and a brass menorah on the building's facade mark its identity. But once inside, Beth Tephilath Moses' old splendor shows itself in the relics from the orig- inal synagogue, including stained-glass pan- els that now hang along a wall of windows facing a courtyard. The sanctuary, although relatively new, is bathed in an antique golden light that seems to emanate from without and within. And the place is alive with the chatter of members who consider the syna- gogue a refuge from the clatter of the outside world and a cornerstone of their social lives. "This is more than a religious entity. This is really a center to keep family things going," said architect Barry Merenoff, who moved to Macomb County 20 years ago with his wife, Judy. Congregants like to remind visitors that membership at Beth Tephilath Moses is not only less expensive than at a typical synagogue — it also in- cludes a plot at the synagogue's cemetery. "They want to keep us to- gether," Ms. Victor joked. Ms. Coker, who married Mr. Decker when they both lived in San Francisco, decided to join Beth Tephilath Moses af- ter wandering over one day last year to buy candles, a menorah, and other religious items her husband wanted for Chanukah. Above: Congregants (back row, from left) She recalls being greeted Sue Victor, Jeff Heinfling, Pam Bartolone, with an unexpected warmth Lane Decker and Jeanne Coker, with (front and acceptance — as a black, row) Samuel Bartolone and Aaron Decker. Ms. Coker was unused to easy acceptance by a white commu- nity. She returned a few hours Left: Today's synagogue: A modest later, "beaming." building on a quiet street. "I felt welcome," Ms. Coker said. The following Friday, she and Lane attended services. "Nobody makes cracks about Below: Jennifer Heinfling leads my faith, my color. And I like it services in yarmulke and tallit. because it's so small," she said. "They're a very warm congre- gation; they have no qualms about my not being Jewish." Mr. Decker, a technical co- ordinator at Lionel Trains in Chesterfield Township, liked the informality of the first ser- vice — "people davening at their own speed and arguing, like we were in my living room." "There is a feeling when you walk into our synagogue of family, an extended family," Mrs. Hauptman added. "When I go to Flori- da, I always miss the synagogue. We have people who do so much for the synagogue on their own, without thanks or remuneration. That's the way our synagogue's been run for years." Judge Schwartz, the congregation's presi- dent, attributed the synagogue's longevity to the "cohesiveness" other members describe. "Tell me, which synagogues have a minyan every day except for the winter? My brother makes phone calls and we have a minyan," he said. "I tell the congregants that if we don't have a minyan, we may as well sell the build- ing to the city to use as a recreation center." But Beth Tephilath Moses is up against some mighty odds. Given its history, includ- ing the demise of the springs that nurtured the Jewish community and the general west- ward migration of the local Jewish popula- tion, its survival is nothing short of "amazing," Dr. Bolkosky said. "One would have assumed that by the late '50s and '60s, the whole com- munity would have dispersed. The hotels died, but the Jewish population stayed there. If this were in Europe, there'd be social historians climbing all over the place trying to figure out how they maintained this life." ❑