To date, national medical sta- tistics are not based on informa- tion about patients' religious backgrounds. It is therefore dif- ficult to track whether Jewish women are more or less prone to the disease. In recent months, however, re- searchers with the National In- stitutes of Health have detected a gene mutation that might pre- dispose Jewish females of Ashke- nazic (Eastern and Central • • • ••••- •-• Dr. William Peter European) descent to breast and ovarian cancers. Their findings were published in the Sept. 28 is- sue of the medical journal Nature Genetics. In metro Detroit, an estimat- ed 400 females are carriers of this mutated gene, which could sig- nificantly increase their chances of developing cancer before age 50. Scientists discovered the mu- tation, called 185delAG, on a gene known as BRCA1 (Breast Cancer 1). Normally, women run a 12 percent chance of develop- ing breast cancer at some point during their lives. But women Being a smaller other noted specialists-including those who've h ospital definitely has its pioneered the field of high-risk pregnancy. vantages It allows us to spend From our educational programs to . i t w h r f rom the moment you our Complete Care Nursety with a full time discover you're pregnant to the day you and neonatologist, our goal is to make your your new baby leave for home. pregnancy as trouble-free as possible.:, more tune you, However, in many respects, small is the - Which means the only thing you need to concentrate on is choos- last thing you'd call us. Because as part o f Huron Volley Hospital 1601 E. Commerce' Rd. Commerce Twp . The Detroit Medical Center, affiliated with Commerce Rd. ing the perfect name. To meet with Huron Valley physician, Wayne State Universi ty call Dr. Anne Greb we offer the experience You'll see how easy it is with alterations to BRCA1 face an 85 to 90 percent likelihood. Of these high-risk women, half will have breast or ovarian cancer be- fore age, 50, according to NIH data. Scientists with NIH have ex- amined the BRCA1 gene in 858 blood samples from Jewish peo- ple living in the United States, Canada and Israel. Of eight sam- ples testing positive for the not only of our own ob- to get the right care, stetricians, but of many right here. , CANCER GENE page 54 Wayne State University (810) 360-3450.