The current warmth in U.S.-Israel rela- Critics of the government agree. "My sense is that American Jews are tions, resulting from progress in the peace feeling more and more frustrated that their process, has been a boost for groups pro- legitimate concerns are not being ad- moting the pro-Israel agenda. But the fact that Congress is now dressed in a serious way by American Jew- ish leaders or by the Israeli government," hearing regularly from opposition forces said Morton Klein, president of the Zion- complicates the pro-Israel message and introduces an element of partisanship in ist Organization of America. Klein, who has been active on Capitol what was once a largely non-partisan pro- Hill in the past year, is a special target Israel effort. It is no accident that many of the new of the Israeli government's wrath. "It's just pro-Israel hard-liners in Congress are con- wrong to try to silence this debate." servative Republicans who have been ap- 14. Who are the big winners and losers among proached by opposition forces in the Jewish Jewish organizations in the wake of Oslo II? community. "We do see this additional opposition," In a political battle, everybody claims said Rep. Ben Cardin (D- Md.), an active victory. Groups like Americans for Peace Now and Project Nish- ma have gained credibility by keeping faith with the Rabin government at a time when many Jewish groups couldn't see past the images of the bad old days. But those same groups have lagged in efforts to educate the American public about the long-term necessity of the peace process, according to some Israeli officials; the new interim agreement, they say, will put the pro-peace process groups to the test as difficul- ties in implementation emerge. Broad-based pro-Israel groups like AIPAC have been under enormous pressure from the Israeli government to be more vigorous in generating support for the peace process. But the same deepening di- visions in the broader Jewish community will continue to make it difficult for AIPAC to stake out clear positions on key peace process issues. Without consensus in their own lead- ership ranks, AIPAC has to hedge. AIPAC's quick distribution of extensive educational ma- terials on Oslo II, therefore, represents a victory for the pro-peace process faction in the organization. Bill Clinton, Yassir Arafat and Hosni Mubarak after the ceremony. 15. Does the Oslo II agreement help or hurt opposition groups? Both. Last week's agreement may have further marginalized the groups adamant- ly opposed to the peace process. After all, their best efforts did not prevent an agree- ment they regard as suicidal. But they don't much care about their marginalization. Theirs is a crusade led by True Believers, to whom last week's agreement was just one more proof of a world gone crazy. So they will lose in the broader Ameri- can Jewish context — but win in terms of the growing fervor of their own troops. And if Yassir Arafat fulfills his promises in the next few months, the right's mar- ginalization will increase. If he reverts to his bloodthirsty rhetoric and obstructive ways, they will look like prophets. 16. Just how endangered is Jewish political muscle in Washington as the growing peace process debate spills out across Capitol Hill? Most Jewish leaders believe that pro- Israel power in the Capitol remains strong. supporter of the peace process. "And it does, to a certain degree, make it harder for the government of Israel to pursue its major focus. I don't know if it will have any impact on the policy of our country; I still believe that what the (Israeli) government desires will be respected by most members of Congress, who are very supportive of the peace process." Pro-peace process groups, he said, are aware that the implementation of Oslo II will be tricky. "This is going to be a difficult period," he said. "What peace process supporters have to do is out-work, out-hustle and out- lobby the opposition, and help restore a sense of where the broader consensus lies — which is support for the peace process, although with concerns. We're all whip- sawed between our hopes and our fears." 18. Doesn't the opposition also claim to repre- sent a "silent majority"? Of course. And they predict this quiet group will be galvanized to speak out by what they predict will be a disastrous, vi- olent implementation process. So in a sense, it will be Yassir Arafat's performance that determines the balance in the pro-Israel community. 19. How are Arab-Americans reacting to last week's interim agreement, and how will that affect their relationship with the Jewish com- munity? Much the same as Jewish groups: with 17. Will this interim agreement inspire peace cautious approval and a minority ex- process supporters to be more vocal? In the last pressing hard-and-fast opposition. "There's no elation, but there's wide- two years, we have heard the most from the spread support," said James Zogby, execu- opponents. Leaders of these groups voice an em- tive director of the Arab-American Institute and a peace process supporter. phatic "yes." "For many, this peace process repre- "For us, everything depends on imple- sents Israel's best hope for a secure future," mentation — as it does in the Jewish com- said NJCRAC's Larry Rubin. "It is not un- munity." The Oslo II agreement, he said, "pre- reasonable to say that this new agreement could galvanize the silent Jewish majority sents opponents with big targets and op- that supports what the Israeli government portunities." At the same time, he expressed awe at is doing. This is the time for us to create a better balance in a public debate that — the tenacity of the peace process, and at to this point — has been weighted in fa- the deepening relationships between Arab- American and Jewish activists. vor of the opposition." But the expected problems in imple- mentation, he said, mean that Arab-Amer- ican leaders — like their Jewish counterparts — will have to be much more aggressive in selling the peace process. "Those of us who want to see this work will have to remind people: the issue here isn't whether the glass is half-empty or half-full, but the fact that there is a glass at all." 20. As the peace process gets down to the toughest issues, how can Jews avoid a fratri- cidal war over Israel's policies? "The closer we get to peace, the sharper will be the differences between Jews," said Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League. Foxman recently resigned from his longtime shul in New Jersey — because of what he saw as the rabbi's venomous criticisms of the Israeli leadership. "It's incumbent on those who support the peace process to be little more passionate, more outspoken, in making leaders here understand that an over- whelming majority of Americans do sup- port what is happening." Jewish leaders, regardless of their po- sition on the peace process, must confront those who speak with a divisive harshness, he said. And much will depend on Rabin's "will- ingness to communicate where he's going, what risks he's willing to take, and where he has drawn the red lines," he said. Religious leaders have to be careful about portraying political positions on the negotiations as religious imperatives. And pro-peace process groups need to understand that the opposition is voic- ing concerns that do need to be addressed; dismissing their objections outright only increases the gulf between Jews. EJ 35