Community Views Editor's Notebook Estrangements Damage Community Harmony In Thanks We Usher In The High Holidays BERL FALBAUM SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS ALAN HITSKY ASSOCIATE EDITOR When I received the invitation from Jim McFarlin, host of an African- American talk show on WCHB Radio, to join him for an hour to dis- cuss why the ap- parent estrange- ment between African-American and Jewish communities seems to be growing, I welcomed the op- portunity. The invitation came as a result of a number of columns I had written on the subject for the Michigan Chronicle during the last year. /- Believing that it is important to promote candid and forthright dialogues on an issue which is so needlessly divisive, I hoped that the conversation might engender some common ground with lis- teners. In the introduction, Jim ex- pressed dismay that two peoples who have suffered so much for so long should be at odds when, in- deed, their histories suggest that they should be enjoying a strong alliance. I agreed, adding that Jews and African-Americans were allies in the '50s and '60s, fighting painful, valiant and historic battles dur- ing the civil-rights era. Somehow the common bond was broken, leading to each view- ing the other with suspicion. Jim asked if I knew the cause for the divisiveness and I re- sponded that I wished I did. Be- cause if the cause could be identified, both sides, if they ap- proached the issue with good will, Bed Falbaum is a public relations specialist and a freelance writer. could attack the problem to solve callers would have reacted if I ar- the dilemma. ticulated libelous stereotypes of Only minutes after Jim and I blacks on the air. shared our concerns and regret Jim offered that he had heard at what has happened, the more than his share of stereo- switchboard lit up. types about blacks, many of them It was obvious that we had on his show. touched a nerve, and I hoped that The hour revealed how much the callers would join us in seek- work we have to do to reach some ing unity and suggest ways we common ground of understand- might repair the damaged rela- ing. tionship. If the callers were a microcosm I was terribly saddened by of how Jews are perceived in what I heard. parts of the black community and Caller after caller cited "Jew- other sectors of society — and I ish control of Hollywood ... the believe they are such a microcosm media ... the diamond trade ... — then much work needs to be business ... " done, and quickly. Within the hour, I heard al- All of which makes it essential most every stereotype of alleged that we begin constructive dia- "Jewish power" and misconduct logues to begin anew to foster a that has been articulated through climate of trust and mutual re- the years, hundreds of years in spect. all parts of the world. But that can only be done if The statements are not only both sides commit themselves wrong but implied an excuse for to the principle which requires anti-Semitism, whether it occurs each to pledge itself to condemn in the black community or else- bigotry, racism and anti-Semi- where. tism whenever and wherever Callers implied anti-Semitism they occur. That, according to exists but that Jews are to blame Jim, needs to be the "founda- for it because of their penchant tion." for "control" and "exploitation." If either side refuses to com- Indeed, it was sad. mit to that principle before we even sit down at the table, then all the dialogues and coalitions on black-Jewish relations will prove useless (as they have). The proof of their failure is the very estrangement we're trying to re- pair. The principle must be adopted I responded that the stereo- to obliterate "victimization" as types expressed were exactly that Jim characterized it. — stereotypes — but I felt I was If we could win such a com- engaging in a futile exercise in be- mitment on each side, what a be- ing forced to respond to fictitious ginning to a new era of goodwill and hurtful allegations. that would be for African-Amer- I am sure that some Jews hold icans and Jews. disparaging views of blacks and Let us hope and pray that it I could only imagine how the happens and soon. ❑ An electronic dialogue turns into vitriol. I always thought that school-board trustee was the most thankless job in the world. Countless com- plaints from par- ents, students, teachers and ad- ministrators, jug- gling multimillion-dollar budgets, and all for virtually no reward. Of course, there is the satis- faction of giving back to the community and trying to leave the world a better place. And for 50 weeks out of the year, school-board trustees get my sympathy vote. But not during these two weeks. During the Ten Days of Repentance, my vote goes to your synagogue usher, your fel- low congregant who volun- teered (was coerced?) to give up part of his or her time at ser- vices to help you find your seat, keep movement in the sanctu- ary orderly, and hopefully qui- et. It is not an easy job. Crying children, babysitter or teacher in tow, want to find their par- ents in the overcrowded sanc- tuary. Synagogue balabatim (big shots) give orders to the lowly usher. Or garbled in- structions filter through the over-taxed public address sys- tem from On High (the bimah). And, of course, the main rea- son the ushers are there in the first place: the three-day-a-year big shots. Now I'm not far removed from the three-day designation myself. None of those holier- than-thou speeches from this pulpit. After all, for me, and I believe for many Jews, the High Holidays are much more than sitting in prayer. The social as- pect also is important as people regain touch with one another, possibly not having been in communication since the last High Holiday season. We are a community, and that's what a congregation is about. It's why Reform and Con- servative Jews pass 10 temples and synagogues to reach their shul. It's why Orthodox Jews live in certain neighborhoods, so they can walk to the syna- gogue where they feel comfort- able. Yes, the socializing is impor- tant, and expected. It's just not appropriate while the rabbi is delivering his High Holiday ser- mon (the one he's been prepar- ing for a month). Or during the Amidah. Or at other times when our full focus should be on the prayers, the Torah, God or the introspection we are sup- posed to be undergoing during this critical time. Unfortunately, as a congre- gation we are not always unit- ed as to just when those quiet, introspective times should be. Sometimes our personal agen- da may not be on the same page as the rabbi, the cantor, the gab- bai, the rows of people crowded together in front of us, or the happy, noisy throng taking a break in the foyer. Enter the lowly usher, the volunteer who has relinquished some of the sanctity of the High Holidays to be the bridge to your congregation. It is he or she who must deal with the noisy, pushy throng at the door, the lady who forgot her ticket ("Don't you know who I am?"), the man who got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning, the self-ap- pointed big shots who tie up a whole row of empty seats for the kinder. The ushers smile, sort out the chaos, find the right person to handle major problems, and plaster on a smile so that they can be the official syna- gogue greeter to the assembled multitudes. It is not an easy job. I've been a High Holiday ush- er off-and-on for the last 25 years. I'd much rather take my turn on Shabbat than face the faceless masses on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. I usually volunteer for a few con- secutive years before I suffer burnout and need to take a break. Facing the faceless multitude. This year is an off-year for me. With two sons coming home from college, I'd rather sit in the back of the shul with my family than give up 60-90 minutes at each service to be an usher. But I'm sure I'll be back "on duty" next year. You see, I've got this guilt complex. I look around during services and see congregants volunteering to help their synagogue during the holiest days of the year. They are taking time away from their families to help out the whole family. Isn't that what congre- gations are supposed to be about? I hope people remember this when they look for their seat, or their ticket, or their tallit, or the bathroom. If you'll just meet him halfway, that person with the usher's badge will warmly welcome you into your congre- gation. ❑