Our Home Is Your. Home PHOTOS BY GLENN TRIEST The Talmud teaches, in Berkhot 17a, that "the highest form of wisdom is lovingkindness." Late last month, 300 volunteers from Tem- ple Israel demonstrated lovingkindness by wel- coming into their congregation 26 homeless men, women and children. The weeklong project, chaired by Pam Haron and Frank Russ, washeld at the temple for the fifth year in a row. It provides food and shelter, as well as a way for the homeless to connect with local social-service agencies. The shelter program is sponsored by the Temple Israel Social Action Committee, which is headed by Susie Leemas- ter and Karen Rouff. 1-1 Top Left: Ellis Martinelli with his mother, Klara Peterson. Above: After dinner, Robert Swiger sat down with his Bible. Left: Volunteers Ida Nathan and Howard Heicklen pack lunches. LO o) 0) co C.D 109