How Do You BUY PEACE OF MIND? Up to three home cooked meals a day, A fun-filled activity program, Companionship with new friends, A 24 hour emergency response system, A dedicated, caring staff. Rich Man, Poor Man Israel's booming trickle-up economy is widug the gap between the haves and the have-nots. LARRY DERFNER ISRAEL CORRESPONDENT CALL TODAY (810) 669-5330 NOVI VILLAGE RETIREMENT COMMUNITY "The Peace of Mind You and Your Family Deserve!" y most measures, the Is- raeli economy continues to rocket along. Inflation is running at an annual rate of 8 to 9 percent, the lowest in more than a quarter-century. Un- employment stands just above 7 percent, down from more than 11 percent at the end of 1992. There is a nationwide construction boom going on, people are buying yuppie jeeps for $50,000 (with about 60 percent of the cost go- ing to taxes), roller blades for up to $500 and Haagen-Dazs for nearly $7 a pint. Yet all this wealth and pros- perity is not trickling down; it is trickling up. The Bureau of Sta- tistics reported in July that the gap between rich and poor in- B business is on the left end of the national political spectrum, main- ly because peace with the Arabs is good for business. But when it comes to econom- ics, Israeli business is solidly con- servative, and the Labor Party has shifted accordingly. A few re- maining economic liberals are trying to raise Israel's minimum wage law, but Mr. Rabin, Mr. Shochat and their business allies are utterly unsympathetic. The law requires employers to pay workers at least $590 a month, or 45 percent of the av- erage wage. Yet according to Is- rael's National Insurance Institute (the equivalent of the U.S. Social. Security Administra- tion), some 20 percent of em- creased substantially in 1994. The average income of the rich- est tenth of the population was 11.6 times higher than that of the poorest tenth; in 1993 the multi- plier had been 9.4. Israel is be- lieved to have the second widest income disparity of any country in the industrialized world, after the United States. Managers' salaries went up last year by 15 percent, scientists and academics by 8.3 percent. But at the bottom end of the work scale, unskilled laborers saw their income diminish by 7 percent. The Labor Party, which once stood for economic equality, is do- ing little to reverse this trend. In fact, Prime Minister Yitzhak Ra- bin and Finance Minister Avra- ham Shochat are fighting back attempts at progressive change in the economy. The party leadership no longer identifies with the Histadrut na- tional union, but rather with the chiefs of the business sector. Un- like in most countries, Israeli big ployees earn less than the legal minimum. Enforcement of the law is virtually nonexistent. "Israelis in menial jobs are will- ing to work for just about any salary, in large part because they are in competition with so many foreign workers and Palestinians who take those jobs for very low wages," said Labor Knesset mem- ber Rafi Elul, chairman of the Knesset's Social Caucus. The hard- est-hit Israeli's are new immi- grants and Israeli Arabs, he noted. At a recent party discussion of the issue, Mr. Rabin invited his friend Dan Propper, head of the giant food company, Osem, and president of the Israel Industri- alists Association, to argue against raising the legal mini- mum from 45 percent to 50 per- cent of the average wage, as the Social Caucus demands. Mr. Propper gave-the classic businessman's warning against higher wages, saying they would force many companies to fire masses of workers, or even to fold. Please send for a FREE brochure or Call today for a complimentary lunch and tour. NOVI VILLAGE 45182 West Rd., Novi, MI 48377 NAME ADDRESS CITY ST. ZIP PHONE ( ,Ifiarnyetv the aeusivtance tg- tothkgizacidetthze toy/tie/lei: rytt At Springhouse, we provide Assisted Living Services in a residential community — respecting the dignity and independence of older adults. Our residents receive the help they need with the activities of daily living, allowing them to maintain as active a life style as possible. If you, or someone you love, are looking for a warm, caring environment where a helping hand is always nearby, we can help. c9ringhouse _ASSISTED LIVING 54 26111 Telegraph Road • Southfield • (810) 358-0088. Where Caring Has A Special Meaning