Largo retaining a reputation as tasting roasted pineapple salsa. being mainly a deck-and-bar at- It may not be in the Caribbean, traction ... In April of 1994, the but West Palm Beach is also rep- deck was enlarged three times its resented with the Worth Avenue original size, from 1,000 square bar-b-q ribs, full slab $16.95; half feet to 3,000 square feet ... Only slab $12.95. Key Largo has the largest se- lunch on the deck but from a spe- lection of premium rum in Michi- cial grill menu with 10 items. The large Key Largo interior gan ... A bevy of island specialty restaurant, with its floral table- cocktails with and without rum, cloths and green linen napkins, are big choices. It's a seven-day-a-week oper- now serves about 1,200 dinners ation .. Monday-Saturday lunch, on a Saturday night and around 11 to 4; and dinner 4 to 11 ... 4,000 dinners a week. One of the enjoyable features Sunday lunch is 11 to 3 and din- Your Hosts: Rick Rogow & Tommy Peristeris is the trio of special soups for folks ner 3 to 9 ... The popular Sunday lunch is a sitdown affair on its Welcome to the best Greek food this side of Greektown to sample ($4.95) ... Ample tast- ings of Key Largo conch chowder, deck, with 25 items including 12 featuring the finest lamb chops among other excellent Greek favorites. Cuban black bean and a chef's entrees. The popularity of Key Largo special ... The conch chowder has been continuous ... The is- bisque is an authentic Bahami- land ambiance was always there an recipe of conch, scallops, sher ry and spices ... The Cuban black along with theme good times ... bean is an authentic blend of aro- The only thing that sometimes Let Us CATER Your Next Affair. matic island spices, black turtle might have been lacking was con- Now Accepting Reservations beans and spiced southern sistency in dining ... Pat and Bob JOIN US FOR LUNCH sausage ... Other interesting have swept this away and in its For AU Private Occasions OR DINNER homemade soups include apple place are now presenting the onion, corn chowder, pumpkin, missing link for all-around en- Thursday F riciay . 98 pp. . m m. to I I a2 to clear wild mushroom, smoked joyment. CONGRATS ... to Len Mil salmon, etc. ... Separate spoons are given for tasting of the trio stein ... on his 70th birthday ... celebrated at Too Chez ... And to soup special ... a nice touch. Pat and Bob run about six fish Len and Gert Milstein ... on their items nightly ... A big seller is the 49th anniversary. NOT EVEN the former beau- swordfish ribs (Pat is the only one tiful Raleigh House did it ... And 737.8600 6199 Orchard Lake Rd. (N. of Maple) West Bloomfield the favorite catering spot of so many had relocated to much larg- er space from Wyoming to Tele- graph. Having about 25 parties al- ready booked before turning of the first stone is quite something. TICKETS This is what Big Daddy's "The Tradition Continues" with them, $15.95) that looks like Parthenon can look forward to DRINKS a 21/2 to 2 pound slab of BBQ ribs 1920 when soon opening its banquet SINCE ... Over 100 pounds of pasta is hall that'll hold from 300 to 400 gone through weekly, with items POPCORN + like wild mushroom pasta people. Locale will be on Drake, just Fine Cuisine In Relaxed, (sauteed shiitake, oyster, porta- south of Walnut Lake Road, for- bella and enoki mushrooms in a mer site of Dimitri's Wildflower, Contemporary Setting brandy cream sauce, tossed with Panda and Ming Dynasty, places 682-1900 linguine, $12.95). that never made it as restaurants General Manager Tony Authentic Italian Specialties • Extensive Wine List FOR TIMES ... For that matter, neither did Amann has been at Key Largo Seafood • Comfortable Lounge Tender, Delicious Steaks • Fresh & FILMS three others before Big Daddy's six years, starting as dining room Parthenon ... and look at it now. manager, then assistant manag- MICHIGAN Taste Fest is to- WHERE OLD er before hopping up to be the day through July 4 in Detroit's full-fledged g.m. in 1994 ... He FRIENDS MEET New Center area on West Grand also used to be with Chuck Muer Blvd, with about 35 restaurants as dining room manager at competing for Best of Fest hon- Southfield Charley's and East- ors. side Charley's. NEWEST restaurant opening Only 2 1 /2 Miles East Of The Tony has seen a big change ... is that of Royal Kubo, with Philip- with about 700 pounds of chick- pine-American cuisine, on Green- Sommerset Collection en sold each week, including the fi ld south of 10 Mile, Oak Park favorites of banana stuffed chick- en breast with Jamaican rum ... It's the former Jakk's Lounge "The Simone Vitale sauce and island rice ($11.95); and opened June 1, seating 110 Band is an assurance and Jamaican jerked chicken, ... Favorite dish of the Philip- of a great evening." marinated breast chargrilled pines, pansit (rice noodles Your 1)atilly Raskin, Jewish News and served with cornmeal cakes sauteed with chicken, shrimp and garden vegetables, also and vegetables) is served, but big $11.95. attraction is that 12-ounce T-bone If you've never seen potatoes steak, $4.99 Monday-Friday, 4 to l Kubo purple throughout, you'll discov- 7 ... The seven-day Roya M er the California-grown spuds at is owned by Doming aranan. War111 FUNNY GENT Jackie Mason Key Largo ... Also Idaho mashed potatoes blended with virgin olive comes to Pine Knob Music The- oil, herbs, spices, cream and but- atre, for a one-night stint, July United Way 25, 7:30 p.m., presented by The ter. in Miller Lite Ice's Jewish News With bar-b-q chicken comes a very different and interesting- Concert Series. 11 OUR OUTSIDE DINING - PATIO IS NOW OPEN rt. LIVE JAZZ featuring Kevin Crosby and David Ball Open 7 Days • Carry-Out Available Key Largo doesn't neglect the food. 2 2 1 =$9.50 `MURIEL' S WEDDIN G ' in Lnited Way Contribution Has Made Lots Of Homeless People Feel All Over. LARGO'S A 6 8 0 - 0 06 6