50 Years Ago the first Tupperware® was introduced and... Jimmies sealed up the outdoor furniture business! Don't get caught with stale deck furniture this July 4th weekend! Visit us now and freshen up with savings from 25% to 50% off all outdoor furniture! For more than 50 years we've been offering CASUAL & OUTDOOR FURNITURE RUST7CS Southeast Michigan the largest selection of outdoor furniture and accessories at excellent prices. Completely Casual for Over 50 Years! NOVI - Between Beck & Wixom Rd. 810 - 348 - 0090 - 48700 Grand River • LIVONIA - Just West of Middlebelt 313 - 522 - 9200 29500 W. 6 Mile Rd. • BIRMINGHAM - Across from 555 Building 810-644-1919 - 690 S. Woodward • Please'Call for Store Hours